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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Create a Program Within The Game That Detects Lag

    Create a Program Within The Game That Detects Lag, why?

    So you can measure the lag and apply at least some sort of buffs to players suffering from lag, lag kills raid parties..........

    We are currently stuck in lag mode on Sarlona in White Plume Mountain, such a long long lag in the middle of fighting Snarla that I can confidently make this post!

  2. #2
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I think part of the technical hurdle is how unpredictable lag can be. If 3-5 players each run a well-populated quest and, for one reason or the other, get what should be a quadruple red dungeon alert and still live, that will massively effect any raid going on in that server.

    Perhaps there should be additional de-buffs added to red dungeon alert to prevent people from doing it? I wouldn't mind a system that punishes smaller groups (say groups of 1-2 players) more than larger groups (4+), or a system that punishes players playing a lower level quest than they are (say they're cleaning up favor) more than those playing at/near/above their own level.

    Some things that could prevent players from initiating an excessive red dungeon alert:

    ***Damage based on a % of total health that increases over time. The stacks don't leave until quest is done or you leave, but the damage stops if you're not in red dungeon alert anymore. This could lead to some folks getting repeatedly killed by the damage and being unable to finish a quest, however.

    **Shorter monster leashes. This has drawbacks to game-play balance, and could lead to even more lag-causing behavior. Alternatively, less monsters trying to chase enemies they can never catch would reduce lag. Perhaps this is an idea that would be best used on a monster-by-monster basis. Say if a monster is next to an area it -can't- pass that players can, their leash & attention span should be shorter?

    *Lower server priority. If there's a way to do this, it might be a good pick (if not being done already). If someone hits red DA maybe 2+ times during a quest/raid, their server priority should be placed at the bottom so they get the slowest connection. This will prevent people from doing it, and it may help reduce it's impact on other players.
    Last edited by Yokido; 06-17-2019 at 11:50 AM.

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