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  1. #1
    Community Member rodrigomm88's Avatar
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    Lightbulb DDO Wish List 2019/2020 Update 43+Next

    Good Day,
    as some of my old posts, goes over a list of requests, many of the requests from the past appeared, I believe that one of the easiest ways to please the players is with Fan Service, Let's make a few requests and adjustments, I believe that most players would like m from seeing what I will demonstrate.

    [center] Class:
    Alchemist (Or Enhancements tree)
    Psion (Single Weapon Shortsword DPS, Another Hand CC, paralyze and hold mobs)

    Varianty Race:
    Lightfoot Halfling
    Duergar Dwarf (of Iconic)

    EPIC Destinies

    Another Sphere ( 3 New ED)
    Artificer ( Ex: Titan Forge)
    Warlock ( Ex: Pact Epic)
    For New Class ( Ex: Aquimist Power of Science or Mastermind Mentalist)

    New Weapon

    Flail and Chain Ball (Morningstar Type)

    The SSG did a good job in the Layers movement, it would be a lot of effort to put the swing movement.

    Spear (One-Handed or Two-Handed)

    Today there are only 4 weapons with the Spear design, (Chieftain's Spear - Dreampiercer - Rahl's Might - Sireth, Spear of the Sky)
    Which can easily be adjusted by SSG!

    Katar (Or New Daggers or New Light blade)


    The SSG did a good job in the Layers movement, it would be a lot of effort to put the Whip.

    Old Pack adjustment

    The Devils of Shavarath - Legendary Version revamp old itens


    Stone of Change - Revamp
    Sharn - Sentient Jewel
    Voices - Keith Baker - Creator of Eberron and Maze Arcana's: Satine Phoenix, Ruty Rutenberg, and Kyle Vogt


    It can only be used in Wilderness adventure area or Cities.

    Horses - Nightmares - Griffon etc.

    Please comment and help us get to the devs, thank you very much

  2. #2
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    I'm not keen on psions, I don't think we need another hybrid DPS class. It's high time DDO brought back the glory to the front-liners - Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins need to come back into focus, and we need more proper non-magical front-line classes in the game.

    I'm also not into most of your list (except maybe spears, if extended range is properly implemented), so here's mine:

    1. Update Drow: their racial tree is weak, and their penalty to build points is riduculous (considering Tieflings get none)
    2. Fix bows: oddly, they are the weakest form of ranged combat, and the sloow attack speed is an issue
    3. Revamp AA and DwS ranger trees: discussed at length on the forums
    4. More new Sharn / Eberron content
    5. Old epics revamp (quests and loot, end of S/S/S system)
    6. Legendary versions / updates to old raids: Titan, Reaver, Sands etc.
    7. Remove re-flagging for Stealer of Souls, update Dragontouched
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  3. #3
    Community Member Epicstorms's Avatar
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    I don't care much about most what you said.

    I just want QOL improvements.
    - Fix the TR process. It's so annoying.
    - Fix inventory management.
    Things like that.

  4. #4
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    1. Update Drow: their racial tree is weak, and their penalty to build points is riduculous (considering Tieflings get none)
    2. Fix bows: oddly, they are the weakest form of ranged combat, and the sloow attack speed is an issue
    3. Revamp AA and DwS ranger trees: discussed at length on the forums
    4. More new Sharn / Eberron content
    5. Old epics revamp (quests and loot, end of S/S/S system)
    6. Legendary versions / updates to old raids: Titan, Reaver, Sands etc.
    7. Remove re-flagging for Stealer of Souls, update Dragontouched
    That list is pretty good IMO. I would add/modify:
    • Combat Style rework specifically THF and Bow need attention but I would go further as evident by my sig.
    • I want quite a few new Universal Trees each focused on a different combat style THF (Marauder), TWF (Skirmisher), SWF (Duelist), W&S (Champion), Archery (Peerless Archer), Absorb Tank (Knight), Avoidance Tank (Gladiator), and Throwing (Master Thrower). I would expect them to have the power levels of Tempest, Ravager, and Inquisitive at least the DPS once.

  5. #5
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    MY wish list:

    • Update red/blue team system to work in raids
    • Sorting of any kind in the banks and TR cache
    • Guild ship buffs persist though TR (eliminate korthos walk of shame)
    • Colour-coded HP bars (i.e. purple for PM, redish-grey for WF)
    • Party-list icon to denote rez timer (ex. red 'X' over the skull that flashes on dead player)
    • Toggle feat to change focus of positive spells to yourself if you have any enemy selected
    • Social panel opens on WHO list first, so LFM panel is populated properly
    • Storage solution for item (ex. book that we store diagrams of named items in, and can go to an NPC to create)
    • Owlbear form for druids
    • Augment revamp
    • Augments/filigree to stack in the shared bank
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

    Bug report form link

  6. #6
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Default Flail!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  7. #7
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    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  8. #8
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Wishlist, hmmm... high on the list among the more reasonable ones...

    o Sortable inventory, inc. all of pack, bank and TR cache. By name, value, ML, type (ala AH), chronology (First In or Last In), and (while we're at it) weight (for burdened characters/etc). Altho' a "total rework" may be out over the horizon somewhere, this would go a long way to appeasing the masses until then.

    (An "account inventory" screen would be awesome, but pro'ly not as "reasonable". )

    o Viewable Build History - what Classes/Feats/Skills were taken each level. Important for anyone who wants to use a +# HoW, or who wakes up to the game and starts wondering about their build, and their next one. "Fred" can help w/ Feats and (less, by inference) w/ Class order, but that is often incomplete and inadequate.

    o Simpler, direct gem exchange for Crystal Cove. This only comes around rarely, but when it does, oy, what a pain. 20 minutes to exchange the biggest gems down to the less big gems down to the medium gems to the smaller gems to the littlest gems, and HOPING you don't make a mistake in either math or gem choice along the way? Please! No crafting should be that complicated.

    and I'll throw this in as an afterthought, b/c it's important to me...

    o Special Event Reward Traders stick around for 1 week after event ends. Don't know how "reasonable" this is, but I know it can be done (it happens w/ some events) - it just needs to happen w/ all of them, imo. Grinding for the tokens/coins/whatever and then missing the vendor is just a slap in the face. Give every player 1 week to calmly consider what they have, and what they can get w/ that - please.

  9. #9
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    1 - Familiars for wizards
    2 - Rework of palemaster tree (we need actually useful cores)
    3 - Black Tentacles for wizards and sorcerers (first of all, it was a wizard spell on pnp, so why do warlocks get it and wizards dont?)
    4 - Clone spell on necromancy list (because i want it )
    5 - Mana regen clickie with superior mnemonic (kind of a legendary ross maybe?)
    6 - A raid with rocs (i would love to see them throwing people down the mountain and out of the raid in a kind of tower of despair mechanic, and we would have to craft and use really heavy boots to avoid that)
    7 - Rework of the entire game UI
    8 - Actual in-game support like the old days (giving up a r10 to curse the sky because malicia decided to teleport to a wall was disappointing)
    9 - Change cursed blade of jack jibbers to not put players on death timer again and dont give another death penalty (this would make sense since you are actually a cursed wraith and not a living being)
    10 - Fix ladders
    Last edited by mauriciodg; 06-14-2019 at 02:54 PM.

  10. #10
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    my problem with legendary dragontouched armor is that all recent end game itemization requires sets that include armors. so either the armors could be made part of the recent sets, or they probably wouldnt be useful.

  11. #11
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    1) Half Orc Redesign. I just kinda hate how they look. (I suppose they could do PDK at the same time..)

    2) Healing Amp on Docents. I haven't been playing recently, haven't looked at Sharn yet, so this might already be a thing, but healing amp and healing in general still seems to be an issue with both WF and BF. Especially endgame raids.
    Given the power level of the new races, I don't think WF/BF would be OP if they could get decent healing amp on their armor.

    3) Totally personal one, but give me handwraps for casters. Same power level as the few endgame staves we have. I want my caster to look like he's not holding anything. Looks cool. (Aain unless they've changed something that lets you glam handwraps now)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    my problem with legendary dragontouched armor is that all recent end game itemization requires sets that include armors. so either the armors could be made part of the recent sets, or they probably wouldnt be useful.
    The heroic dragontouched armor let you make it part of existing sets at the time. I don't see how tagging a legendary version with slavers, ravenloft, sharn sets, or anything else there is would be that big of an issue.

    It would certainly solve the problem of hybrid builds getting shafted with what kind of armor they'd prefer to wear and which types of armor are included in the sets they want.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  13. #13
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    I've been wanting proper spears for a while too & not just ones that are quarterstaffs with different properties - the ideal approach IMO would be to make them main hand only but also able to accept something in the off hand, then have 2 sets of animations depending on whether they're being used 2handed or 1handed. A spear-specific universal tree at the same time would be even better
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  14. #14
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    Inventory and xp are two main gripes about this game. Around 4 million xp is just too much for a heroic life. Stop the madness and reduce this. I'll still give you my money SSG, I just don't want to give you money to reduce the heroic life grind.

    Inventory is worse. It needs to be much more user friendly. I don't even bother keeping it organized. I assume they don't touch inventory because they are unsure how to make money doing it. I can understand this unfortunately for me.

  15. #15
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    PHP Code:
    I would like to see a guild update 

  16. #16
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Potion bag
    Scroll case
    bag of holding
    Cosmetic wardrobe (Lotr has it)
    Sp regen items
    Banker in every area
    Auction in every area
    Mailbox in every area
    Ship portal in every area
    Legendary cruncher for ships
    Missing crunchers for ships (Example alchemical, slavers, toee, reavers, gianthold, hall)
    Un nerf monk
    Wizard/ sorcerer/ warlock familiars
    Fix piker hires
    Fix trap happy hires
    Plat Rogue hires for heroic
    Plat Ranger hires for heroic
    Plat Artificer hires
    Plat Druid hires
    Plat Warlock hires
    Plat Monk hires
    Allow rare scrolls to be bought at vendors
    Ship scrolls vendor
    Ship access to eveningstar
    BTC conversion to BTA across the board
    Fix raid timer issues, example catacombs, sands

  17. #17
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    This is not just for upcoming year but what I'd like to see overall.

    New Races
    -WF Scout

    New Universal Enhancement Tree

    New Weapons
    -Polearms, including spears, halberds, lance
    -Flails, including nunchuku

    New Monsters
    -more Dragons
    -more Dinosaurs

    Updated Monster Manual

    New quests and wildernesses
    -Visit Talenta Plains
    -More Sharn,
    -Add Argonesson, Zilargo, Droamm

    Forgotten Realms
    -Myth Drannor
    -The Dalelands

    Possible New Settings
    -Dark Sun

    Quality of Life Stuff
    -Improved Inventory Management, including bank space, wardrobe, stacking items, etc.
    -Familiars for Wizards & Sorcerers, include ravens, cats, snakes, pseudodragons, etc.
    -choose-able Pets for Rangers, give choice of wolf, lion, panther, etc. (at character Creation)
    -choose-able pet for Druids, same as Ranger
    -Summons that scale with caster level.
    -More spells and make existing spells viable - looking at you Cat's Grace, etc
    -More Sagas
    -mounts for larger wilderness areas, maybe some new quests

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    I'm not keen on psions, I don't think we need another hybrid DPS class. It's high time DDO brought back the glory to the front-liners - Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins need to come back into focus, and we need more proper non-magical front-line classes in the game.

    1. Update Drow: their racial tree is weak, and their penalty to build points is riduculous (considering Tieflings get none)
    2. Fix bows: oddly, they are the weakest form of ranged combat, and the sloow attack speed is an issue
    Yes!! Before adding another hybrid DPS class, I would love to see extant classes, races and play-styles that have been abandoned FIXED. I CAN NOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I'VE SEEN A BOW AT CAP! I also don't see them in heroics, save for first lifers who don't know any better.

    It would be nice to see more paladins alive as well.

    Yes, drow's penalty to build points is laughable at this point in the game. Maybe it made sense at one point. It no longer belongs in DDO.

  19. #19
    Community Member Hara's Avatar
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    Class Changes

    Fix Wizard trees
    Eldritch Knight is pretty much there, I just think it leans too much towards sword and board, it should be combat style agnostic.

    Palemaster needs a bit of work

    Archmage - this tree is just wrong it does not reflect the Archmage prestige class in anyway, an Archmage is NOT a school specialist. Take the concepts of the prestige class and have another go at creating a tree that reflects those concepts.

    School Trees - I know not all schools are well represented in the list of spells we have, divination I'm looking at you, but abilities could be created on the trees to reflect the concepts of the schools to make up for the lack of spells, and unlike D&D I'm not proposing locking out access to spells of opposing schools.

    Alchemist - yes its a wizard tree and not a class in its own right, perhaps shared with Artificer.

    Forcemage - specialist user of magic missile, force missiles, etc, add some buffs for Force spells and a few unique abilities, maybe the ability to operate levers and open simple doors from range?

    Summoner - would need to be introduced along with changes to the way summoning works, see summoning changes below. Could also be a cleric tree, iirc the Thaumaturgist prestige class is available for both arcane and divine.

    True/Dread Necromancer - this tree would be shared with cleric and force the player to keep their wizard and cleric levels within 2 of each other at all times, so by lvl20 the split would be Wiz11/Clr9 or Wiz10/Clr10 or Wiz9/Clr11. Failure to do so would result in the tree resetting and "locking out". Spells of the Necromancy school would use the characters Necromancer level for DCs, which would be the sum of Wiz and Clr. The only other way I can see of doing a True Necromancer would be a new class.

    Shadowmage - I keep killing these guys, any chance we can play one?

    Mage - A generalist tree, I wanted a tree that reflected the original wizard concepts of D&D or at least that was where my thought train started, it crashed somewhere along the line in my head. I have a low level wizard on my third account and when I looked at the trees I got frustrated at having to either specialise, swing a sword, or become undead, none of which resemble the original D&D wizard in my opinion.

    The Mage is the exact opposite of the school specialist, where the specialist sees differences between an evocation spell and a divination spell a Mage does not, there is just manipulation of the flows of mana to achieve a desired effect. Access to the Mage tree locks out the School trees, they are mutually exclusive. A Mage cannot select the Spell Focus feats, after all they are school specific, however a Mage would receive DC bonuses to all spells from its cores that place it as the best generalist, but a school specialist would always be better at casting spells from their chosen school. I realise this concept conflicts with Magister somewhat, but then I don't exactly like the Magister tree either, it spends too much time on school specifics

    I also wanted to promote the use of the Staff for wizards, in my opinion the staff is as important, if not more so, than the pointy hat! So I think that one of the branches of the Mage tree should involve the Magestaff, in fact I'm inclined to make the entire tree need the staff. A Magestaff could be created from any existing quarterstaff found in the game. A Mage can only have one Magestaff at anyone time, a lvl20+ Magestaff would gain sentience.

    Branch 1, each tier would need the previous.
    Tier 1 - Mana store, your Magestaff stores mana for your use, Base value plus an additional amount/tree core. Staff can only be recharged with the use of some kind of collectable and/or cannith essences.
    Tier 2 - Universal spell power, in addition to any that the staff already provided before becoming a Magestaff, 3 levels of investment.
    Tier 3 - Universal spell lore, as tier 2.
    Tier 4 - Universal spell penetration, as tier 2.
    Tier 5 - Universal spell critical chance, as tier 2.

    Branch 2, each tier would need the previous.
    Tier 2 - Spellstore I : store any one lvl1 spell, cast 1/2/3 times per rest, spell cast as if by Mage and is effected by metas.
    Tier 3 - Spellstore II : store any one spell up to lvl2, as Spellstore I.
    Tier 4 - Spellstore III : store any one spell up to lvl3, as Spellstore I. Must be able to cast the spell in order to store the spell.
    Tier 5 - Spellsore IV : store any one spell up to lvl4, as Spellstore I. Must be able to cast the spell in order to store the spell.

    That is as far as I have got so far, too powerful ? Needs a boost? What else should go in the tree ?
    I did think that perhaps I should call the final core Mystic Theurge : +4 Int, your concept of "just manipulation of the flows of mana to achieve a desired effect" has gone one step further, you no longer see a distinction between Arcane, Divine, or Psionic, you can now scribe all level 1 spell scrolls found in the game and use your Wizard level for casting purposes instead of the original class. But that would probably be a little OTT......

    New Classes

    I'm wary of adding too many classes because of Heroic Completionist, but I don't think that's a good enough reason not to add any, some new classes could certainly be added as Trees instead, *cough* Alchemist *cough*.

    Blackguard - trees of Dark Templar, Infernal Warrior, Death Knight, Brutal Avenger, this would have to go along with the long needed inclusion of EVIL alignments, I see no reason why players cannot be evil, this is a PvE game not PvP where sad people use alignment as an excuse to grief or kill low level characters. Many of the quests we currently run have dubious alignment outcomes as it stands. We also have Warlock which forms pacts with devils and the Great Old Ones, not exactly the kind of person to take home for tea.
    Witch - probably too close to Warlock but if it is done correctly then I do not see why it shouldn't feel very different.

    Race Changes
    Drow, their tree is **** and the ability point difference is just wrong
    Please note that there is NO mention of a new Elf race here, we have enough elves. Someone posted that the new racial variant was going to be another elf, I think they were joking, at least I hope so.

    Red Wizard, should have added this when MotU came out instead of an ELF following a HUMAN deity
    Dwarf Battlerager and or Defender

    Magic - New Spells

    Black Tentacles was a Wizard spell long before Warlock was a twinkle in D&Ds eye, give it back!
    Long Door
    Silence 1' radius/self
    Silence 15' radius
    New summoning spells called rituals, see below.

    Summoning mechanics changes

    Each summon now comes with its own action bar as with pets and hires.
    I doubt that the summoning spell is effected by Heighten, it should be, as the caster gets higher in level the level of the creature summoned by the summon spell should also increase.
    New ritual spells added in game, they add new creatures to the existing summon spells for all classes capable of summoning.
    The Summoner and True Necromancer get access to more advanced summoning rituals, in addition they would have the ability to summon multiple creatures either as separate summons or a Summon Monster Mass spell

    Please Please Please give me a reason to want to open that non-named chest, please give me back the hope that something nice would drop, at the moment pretty much everything that comes out of a non-named chest gets sold, named and cannith crafted items are just so much more powerful/useful. Perhaps add more named items that can drop anywhere such as the Mace of Smiting or Sunblade currently do, or random items that have effects on them found nowhere else. Isn't disruption supposed to be found on random weapons? all I see is vorpal, and heavy armour with spell lore on it? Why ?

    Well that's enough from me, I could add to the list but I doubt any of this will ever appear as the Devs are too busy designing Alchemist, so I'm off to loot some chests instead, bet I get a set of fullplate with fire lore on it.....

  20. #20
    Community Member Goalt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodrigomm88 View Post
    You don't need a mount. That's why teleporters exist.

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