Wishlist, hmmm... high on the list among the more reasonable ones...
Sortable inventory, inc. all of pack, bank and TR cache. By name, value, ML, type (ala AH), chronology (First In or Last In), and (while we're at it) weight (for burdened characters/etc). Altho' a "total rework" may be out over the horizon somewhere, this would go a long way to appeasing the masses until then.
(An "
account inventory" screen would be awesome, but pro'ly not as "reasonable".
Viewable Build History - what Classes/Feats/Skills were taken each level. Important for anyone who wants to use a +# HoW, or who wakes up to the game and starts wondering about their build, and their next one. "
Fred" can help w/ Feats and (less, by inference) w/ Class order, but that is often incomplete and inadequate.
o Simpler, direct
gem exchange for Crystal Cove. This only comes around rarely, but when it does, oy, what a pain. 20 minutes to exchange the biggest gems down to the less big gems down to the medium gems to the smaller gems to the littlest gems, and HOPING you don't make a mistake in either math or gem choice along the way? Please! No crafting should be that complicated.
and I'll throw this in as an afterthought, b/c it's important to me...
o Special Event Reward Traders stick around for 1 week after event ends. Don't know how "reasonable" this is, but I know it can be done (it happens w/ some events) - it just needs to happen w/ all of them, imo. Grinding for the tokens/coins/whatever and then missing the vendor is just a slap in the face. Give every player 1 week to calmly consider what they have, and what they can get w/ that - please.