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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Allow searching the quest panel by entering a quest level

    I have suggested this before a couple of years ago, maybe time to follow it up again...

    So, when you press P to bring up the quest panel, it allows you to search by quest names. It also has some nifty hidden text searches such as "Vault" which will bring up all the quests in the "Vault of Night" quest series, so there are obviously several text fields being searched given specific search criteria...

    So why, oh why can't I enter a quest level such as "21" and find all quests that are level 21 only? Doing this should limit the quest list to the Kings Forest chain plus a couple of others that are "(Epic 21)"

    When I am leveling a character I like to run all quests of a specific level at level and I am constantly having to manually scroll this window to view quests at a specific level. The fact that the list goes into a random order again when you zone as well is also a PITA.

    Any chance these issues could be sorted?
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  2. #2
    Static Guy Xgemina's Avatar
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    You can sort the adventure compendium (shortcut - P) by level if that's what you're asking for. Just have to hit the Level column header. Hitting it more than once will switch it from ascending to descending. Hitting the other column headers will sort it by that column.
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  3. #3
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    I have suggested this before a couple of years ago, maybe time to follow it up again...

    So, when you press P to bring up the quest panel, it allows you to search by quest names. It also has some nifty hidden text searches such as "Vault" which will bring up all the quests in the "Vault of Night" quest series, so there are obviously several text fields being searched given specific search criteria...

    So why, oh why can't I enter a quest level such as "21" and find all quests that are level 21 only? Doing this should limit the quest list to the Kings Forest chain plus a couple of others that are "(Epic 21)"

    When I am leveling a character I like to run all quests of a specific level at level and I am constantly having to manually scroll this window to view quests at a specific level. The fact that the list goes into a random order again when you zone as well is also a PITA.

    Any chance these issues could be sorted?
    we already can sort by level and that's just as good as searching by level. But I do wish that quests that had h roif and epic versions would list themselves twice.

    Having a C/N/H/E/R completed check box in that panel would also be a really nice quality of life improevmemt
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  4. #4
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgemina View Post
    You can sort the adventure compendium (shortcut - P) by level if that's what you're asking for. Just have to hit the Level column header. Hitting it more than once will switch it from ascending to descending. Hitting the other column headers will sort it by that column.
    Its flawed. Instead of listing all quests by their level, the Epic versions of quests are lumped with the heroic ones followed by (epic level) so they dont sort into the list.


    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post

    the current Adventure Compendium is a PITA. trying to find the quest within the level range
    Epics are listed under heroics (if they have heroic and epic versions)

    Things I would like to see updated and improved...

    When I enter a quest or am running a chain allow my LFM to automatically update the quest based on the quest I am in. (enter quest. create/update LFM ~ y/n ~).

    List all quests separated by level even if it means duplicating the heroic and epic versions.
    add Filters for name and level range, trying to find epic quests in the heroic level range is asinine.

    Organize story arcs in order.. Something like
    Level 21 ES1-Flag1 Impossible Demands
    Level 21 ES1-Flag2 Unquiet Graves
    Level 21 ES1-Flag3 The Lost Trhead
    Level 21 ES1-End Arc Battle for Eveningstar

    add an auto-share option when players first join my LFM., saves having to look it up and manually share. especially when in progress.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgemina View Post
    You can sort the adventure compendium (shortcut - P) by level if that's what you're asking for. Just have to hit the Level column header. Hitting it more than once will switch it from ascending to descending. Hitting the other column headers will sort it by that column.
    I didn't word it very well in my initial post, but I always sort the Adventure panel by level. I really want the functionality to list only level x quests, why can't I put "12" in the search box and only have level 12 quests listed?

    Some quests which are both heroic and epic would list for their heroic and epic versions as required.
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