The Halfling Huckleberry (Bard)
Race/Class: Halfling/Bard - Pure Bard level 20
Nuetral Good
36 point build
In-game name: Fizmite on Khyber
Why this build? I wanted to create a pure Halfling Bard (I like Halflings) that can deal very good DPS at least through reaper 5-7 and I have accomplished that. I did want to also build in some crowd control but after a few variations I realized I was sacrificing too much DPS. He is a support melee fighter for a group that can provide some good Bard buffs.
So, I built a Charisma based Halfling Swashbuckler Bard (46) with some significant Warchanter (34) built in, using a buckler in the offhand for a shield. See how I did it below and I'd appreciate any feedback about the build. Thanks in advance.
Build Features:
This build has turned into a great support offensive DPS melee build. He hits very frequently on his single target freeze to include an occasional red named opponent. I am happy with the melee DPS that he generates.
The bard in general is a fairly difficult class to generate a high defensive ability. However with displacement in his spell book it certainly helps a lot. I took extended metamagic which gives him a good 5 minute displacement and haste.
Healing or Self-healing:
To be honest I am still trying to improve here. At best I would rate him as an average self-healer and a poor group healer.
Spell Casting & Crowd Control:
Other than freezing, stunning and fascinate I am not really planning this Bard for major crowd control via enchantment spells.
Ability Score(s):
STR: 8
DEX: 17
CON: 16
INT: 8
WIS: 8
CHA: 18
All level points in Charisma.
This build has +8 tomes in all abilities.
01 Single Weapon Fighting
03 Precision
06 Weapon Finesse
09 Shield Mastery
12 Improved Single Weapon Fighting
15 Improved Critical: Piercing
18 Greater Single Weapon Fighting
21 Improved Shield Mastery
24 Overwhelming Critical
26 Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
27 Extend Spell
28 Adamantine
29 Dire Charge
30 Inspiration Melody: Excellence
30 Scion of Feywild
Comments: With the enhancement of "Low Blow" and Shield Mastery he has some very good knock down ability.
Maximize: UMD, Perform, Balance
Partial: Jump 16, Heal 16, Diplomacy 14, Haggle 15, Bluff 10, Listen 10, Tumble 1
Spell List:
1st: Master's Touch, Feather Fall, Detect Secret Doors, Grease, Remove Fear, Enchant Weapon
2nd: Cure Moderate Wounds, Blur, Invisibility, Rage, Soundburst
3rd: Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Haste, Good Hope, See Invisibility
4th: Cure Critical Wounds, Freedm of Movement, Dimension Door, Break Enhancement, Neautralize Poison
5th: Cure Light Wounds, Mass, Greater Heroism, Shadow Walk, Summon Monster V, Greater Dispel Magic
6th: Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Heroes Feast, Greater Shout
Swashbuckler: 46 total
Core: 6 total
Confidence 1 (1 dodge, reflex, and max dex bonus per core)
Swashbuckling 1 (1 doublestrike, 1 enhancement bonus to weapon, swashbuckling stance)
Uncanny dodge 1 (gain uncanny dodge feat, 1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage)
Panache 1 (1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage, 1 enhancement bonus to weapon)
Roll with the punches 1 (5 dodge cap, slippery mind, 1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage)
Evasive maneuvers 1 (2 dex, 2 cha, evasion, 1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage, 1 enhancement bonus to weapon)
Tier 1: 6 total
On Your Toes 3 (3 dodge)
Blow by Blow 1 (+3 critical threat range + 3d6 sonic damage, reduces threat by 300)
Tier 2: 5 total
Fast Movement 2 (run 1% faster per bard level = +30% movement speed)
En Pointe 3 (2 attacks w/+2[W] +12 critical threat range, -1 critical multiplier)
Tier 3: 11 total
Skirmisher 1 > Swashbuckling Style > Buckler 1 (10% dodge, can be used w/single weapon fighting)
Resonant Arms 6 (6d6 sonic damage on critical hits)
Smooth Flourishes 2 > Charisma (charisma to damage)
Charisma 2
Tier 4: 13 total
On the Mark 6 (+3 on attack to confirm criticals)
Swashbuckling style II - low blow 1 (shield bash knockdown with perform dc)
Battering Barrage 4 (damage w/weapons inflicts improved destruction)
Charisma 2
Tier 5: 5 total
Thread the Needle 2 (5 damage with precision)
Exploit weakness 2 (stacking +1 crit range on non-crit hits until crit hit)
Coup de grace 1 (perform + d20 instakill under certain conditions)
Warchanter: 33 total
Core: 5 total
Skaldic constitution 1 (1 con)
Weapon Training 1 (martial weapon proficiency, +10 max HP, +1 additional damage)
Ballad Melody: Song of Heroism 1 (+1 to damage, greater heroism)
Fighting Spirit 1 (+10 HP, +1 damage, uses charisma for temporary HP & x2 in epics)
Victory Song 1 (+20 HP, attack bonus equal to character level, Bardic aria doubled)
Tier 1: total 5
Enchant Weapon 2 (+1 to damage, spell like ability)
Rough and Ready 3 (+6 AC, +6 PRR)
Tier 2: total 6
Words of Encouragement 3 (+30 HP for 1 minute, +15 spellpower)
Iced Edges 3 (+1d6 cold damage w/attacks)
Tier 3: total 8
Ballad Melody: Ironskin 3 (DR 6/-, +6 bonus music to PRR)
Frozen Fury 3 (melee attack +3(w) damage, enemies make fortitude save (10 + charisma modifier + 1/2 bard level + stunning modifiers) or become frozen for seconds equal to bard levels)
Charisma 2 (+1 charisma)
Tier 4: total 9
Ballad Melody: Recklessness 3 (+6 music bonus to doublestrike & doubleshot, +9 universal spell power)
Northwind 6 (on a vorpal hit enemy is frozen briefly)
Spellsinger: 1 total
Core: 1 total
Spellsinger 1 (Bardic Inspirational +1 additional bard level)
Halfling: 1 total
Core: 1 total
Halfling Luck 1 (+1 to all saving throws)
Inquisitive: 1 total
Core: 1 total
Inquisitive 1 (+1 attack w/all wepaons, +1 diplomacy, +1 intimidate, +1 bluff)