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  1. #1
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Default EiN alternatives

    Complaints about the EiN changes seem fair as a weak Wail seems like a rather poor replacement for the current EiN ability. There have been calls to increase the limit to 6 or 8 but that still seems like far less than Everything. As an alternative to a Wail like ability I was wondering if anyone had thoughts about an alternative effect to Wail that would seem more like Everything is Nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It is always worth pitching ideas. Out of scope would be something like "a second copy of the ability that 20 monks get" or "this ability makes you coffee" but yeah, go for it
    I would like an ability that gives a monk the time to change the momentum of battle so some kind of CC effect that gets all mobs within range seems important. It would also be nice if the ability was unique and not something that 5 other classes can accomplish IMHO. I don't think it has to remove the mobs but for me it should remove the threat of those mobs for a while (the nothing). What would accomplish this that would be a reasonable power level for a T6 ability?

    - Reduce all mob speed to 0 for some time (no pathing, no lag!),
    - Reduce a mobs Con stat to 0 for X seconds (everyone gets helpless dmg),
    - Reduce incoming dmg to 0 for X seconds,
    - ...

    Is there something other than a Wail that will still make both monks and devs happy?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Monks were initially fabled for their legendary ability to get out of tight spots alive where nobody else could.

    If possible, I'd like EiN to be a self buff.

    "For a few short seconds, generate no hate, reset all hate, and take no damage."

    That sounds Epic. Only lasts a short Moment. Epic Moment.
    Enough time to dash out of there with somebody's stone. Enough to run to that door and open it. Enough time to ignore everything else because it suddenly stopped mattering to you, even if momentarily.

  3. #3
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    I can summarize several alternative suggestions made in this thread and the Martial Sphere thread so far:

    1. Rewrite the script so EiN stays the same affecting all mobs in its range (with the range reduced as you plan and the stunning dc impacting it) so that it does not impact the server.

    2. Utilize similar scripts of mass death spells that don't impact server lag and re-tag this version EiN with the EiN graphic display (this maybe a short term answer til a new script is written).

    3. Reduce the number of those impacted to 6, 8 or more (1 per epic level up to 10 so it scales?). Many have felt these numbers were more reasonable than 4 currently planned.

    4. Someone suggested that it could be more of a chain-lightning effect to the mobs, one at a time versus all at once if that would help cure the lag affect.

    5. If the number is going to be limited to 4 mobs that it selects in the area those that can actually be impacted (not orange or red named or those immune to the death effect) would be more acceptable there is not a further reduction to the number impacted.

    6. Make the 4 mobs include orange named and even those death blocked (after all this isn't really death -- it's like they've never been born (ow!)

    7. Have EiN include some powerful buff to the monk or de-buff to the mobs besides the current parallelization (or increase the parallelization to 12 seconds from 6)

    Comments on the how these ideas register with you -- those you like, dislike, can't implement, etc.


    (Note- sorry posted this also in the other primary monk thread before I saw this one)

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default Conundrum solved!

    Move EiN to Fatesinger epic destiny, make DC charisma based.
    Move Turn the Tide to Grandmaster of Flowers.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    Monks were initially fabled for their legendary ability to get out of tight spots alive where nobody else could.

    If possible, I'd like EiN to be a self buff.

    "For a few short seconds, generate no hate, reset all hate, and take no damage."

    That sounds Epic. Only lasts a short Moment. Epic Moment.
    Enough time to dash out of there with somebody's stone. Enough to run to that door and open it. Enough time to ignore everything else because it suddenly stopped mattering to you, even if momentarily.
    oh i like no love this idea kinda like a greater sanctuary spell
    This would be a change to ein that i could get behind
    Main:- Clerivast - 3rd life - 30 Cleric, Alt:- Aobhiel - 3rd life - 30, 12 Monk , 6 Ranger, 2 Fighter
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    Member of Imperial Assassins of Argo.

  6. #6
    Community Member Drecas's Avatar
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    Make EiN a charge attack, anything caught in it has to make a DC 10 + character level + WIS mod + stunning modifier or be made nothing.

  7. #7
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Default testing color rgb please ignore

    Please ignore; figuring out coloring text. Now I see it is much simpler than putting in RGB :P
    Last edited by Paisheng; 06-09-2019 at 05:27 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Shall's Avatar
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    Maybe add a defensive buff applied after the initial effect, like some stacking amount of DR, spell resistance, and energy absorption for elemental, force, light, and any other damage time I'm forgetting with some flavor text about erasing spells and attacks as they hit you. Maybe a ludicrous number of spell absorption charges too.

    Or maybe an offensive buff after the aoe effect that gives every attack you make for a while have void strike's erase the target on vorpal proc (maybe have the buff also increase the range for that proc when using the actual void strike ability so as to not devalue the henshin mystic tree only real draw). Maybe also make attacks pierce all DR too and give a decent debuff to the target's mrr and prr with flavor text about erasing its defenses so the buff wouldn't be something too random or ineffective on bosses.
    Last edited by Shall; 06-09-2019 at 10:40 PM.

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