Before some changes get written in stone, make your voices heard.
My two-cents:Hello! This is an early look at the Epic Destiny Pass currently slated for Update 43. (The second Sharn raid is coming before this, so there's still a bit of time before this reaches Lamannia). A few notes about this pass, before we get to details:
We had a few primary goals in the Epic Destiny pass, compounded by a very slim time-frame of 3 weeks for principal changes.
- First and foremost, try to put each Destiny in a place where it's worth using for at least some builds.
- Fix bugs and remove things that hinder fun or usability
- You'll notice that every Epic Moment that required you to do weird things to charge it up no longer requires that.
- Improve the ability for people to play in Destinies that match their Archetype (ranged characters in Shiradi, etc) without significantly hindering the current ability for people to play in Destinies that don't (casters in Shiradi, etc)
Like we said above, the timeframe was slim. We didn't hit everything we would have liked to, and there are still abilities within individual Destinies that still probably aren't worth taking. We're listening for feedback here, but our ability to act on it is similarly time-restricted; we're unlikely to further revamp whole trees or add completely new skills at this time, but we may be able to make number tweaks and fix outstanding bugs.
That said, this is the thread for Martial Sphere Destinies, so let's dive in. Be sure to check out the other Sphere threads when you're done, as well as the topic on new Epic Past Lives coming with these changes.
Grandmaster of Flowers
This tree needed a lot of love. It was only OK for Monks, and really not-great for everyone else. There's now a fair bit of twist fodder in here, and fewer things require strict centering. Top-tier actives became massively more powerful with the changes, so they were scaled back somewhat to reflect being able to use them much more often.
- Inner Focus and Wholeness of Spirit now allow for movement during use
- Wholeness of Spirit has its cooldown reduced to 2 minutes
- Ki actives (the left column) now scale with the higher of Melee or Ranged Power
- Ki actives get Stunning bonuses added to their DC calculations
- Ki actives can now be used under Antimagic, as they are not spells
- Ki actives are no longer linked in a line
- Lily Petal and Orchid Blossom now care about levels 26-30 in terms of scaling with character level (was previously capping at 25)
- Lily Petal now grants 5 Ki instead of costing Ki
- A Scattering of Petals no longer grants Dodge, and instead grants +100 PRR and MRR for 12 seconds.
- A Scattering of Petals also reduces enemy Fortification by 200% for 12 seconds, and affected creatures lose immunity to Sneak Attack for that duration.
- A Scattering of Petals now has a detect the same size as Drifting Lotus (i.e. twice as large).
- A Scattering of Petals now has a 90 second cooldown.
- A Dance of Flowers is now 0.25[w]/0.5[w]/1[w], but no longer requires you to be Centered.
- Running with the Wind now adds 2/4/6% Doublestrike to everyone (no more stance requirement)
- Hail of Blows now adds +3 melee damage in addition to its doublestrike
- Walking with Waves no longer requires Ocean stance for its Dodge bonus
- Standing with Stone no longer requires Mountain Stance for its PRR.
- Dancing with Flame no longer requires Sun Stance for its (w) bonus.
- Everything is Nothing moves to a 3 minute cooldown, no longer requires charging.
- Everything is Nothing now has a smaller detect (double the size of Drifting Lotus, but still smaller than its existing version), and hits a maximum of 4 enemies. This is for both balance and performance reasons, as it significantly taxes the game on use & will now be used more frequently.
- NEW: T2: The Flower's Thorn: +3[w] attack. 6 second cooldown. Does not require Centering. Has cool petal FX. (1 Rank, 1AP)
- NEW: T5: Devastating Critical (+1 Critical Multiplier on a 19-20) (1 Rank, 1AP)
Make your voices heard. Don't let this one pass you, especially if you have had enough of the monk "nerf" love.I try my best to live by the above three rules of speaking to others. Heck, just this week I have been making an exerted effort to instill this to both my preteen and teen aged children. The hardest part in explaining this to them is where the line is drawn between speaking out and speaking up. Sometime you have to make a stand for yourself and others when a wrong is taking place and the "Is this good" rule has to be tweaked, and sometimes, sadly, even ignored.
I have over the years tried to only post when I felt I had something positive to add, and I think my creation date and number of posts speak for themselves.
I have been playing the monk class, especially a light monk, since way before they were cool and rolling a 20 on a Void Strike was the only thing cool to look forward to in a fight. People wouldn't group a monk unless the lfm had been up for over 5 minutes an no other class was asking to join. Monks were only allowed in raids for their earth-positive-earth (1 minute stun immunity) and water-positive-water (1 minute mana usage buff). Dark monks? Played only for flavor or if you hated yourself that much.
I really think that the Devs forget what the monk class and old school players have gone through just to be reasonably functional. How much effort and creativity has been put into making this borked1 class not just fun, but useful. Every time monks start to pull even in a play style, the "squeaky-wheel" side of the player base on the forums that thinks that monks should only be for splashing and not a fully functional and meaningful pure class start their chattering.
Monk stunning becomes meaningful, nerfed.
Monk Quivering Palm becomes meaningful, nerfed into a "use until it works" skill because that is what monks do, "spray and pray" their punches.2
Monks almost being on par as a tank, nerfed.
Monk DPS approaches something useful, nerfed.3
And Now?!
Monk ED "tree needed a lot of love. It was only OK for Monks, and really not-great for everyone else." Translation: Anything a monk can have to boost DPS, everyone can now have and oh by the way, this gives us an excuse to nerf them too.
Monk EIN, maybe the only reason to take the tree, nerfed. Reason? "...for both balance and performance reasons, as it significantly taxes the game on use & will now be used more frequently." I would love to see the proof that it caused a significant tax on the game, really, show me the proof. If anything it was used at points where the game would start lagging before use due to mob population and upon use would relieve said lag issue. So, calling BS on this.
This in no way "helps" monks and is yet more proof that if the player base of monks does not stand up for itself and be louder than the squeaky-wheel, anti-monk, chattering class that we will get nerfed back into uselessness by the Devs.
@Steelstar, you can do better! May be start out by asking yourself why even many monks don't use the ED designed for them. Figure out how to make the ED useful to others while also helping the monk class. Put EIN on a timer, but drop the other purposed changes to this iconic monk skill, period.
I was just about to drop another large amount of money on the game. That will now be postponed as your changes will now affect if that happens.
I have in the past tried to speak with sound reasoning and measured tone. Let me be clear, this time I will be speaking with my wallet and feet. Continue to nerf monks at the risk of losing one more long time customer.
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1 bork /bôrk/ - verb - past tense: borked; past participle: borked - [to] obstruct (someone...) through systematic defamation or vilification.
2 If it is not clear that this is said in festering amounts of irony, this is to make it clear it was.
3 Changes made, if I am to believe my sources, because one monk was over performing. One! And the facts that this monk was using bugs to stack items and have an extra feat was completely ignored. Now, even after that farce you purpose to take even more [W] DPS from monks and as an extra slap in the face give the same amount to any DPS class that wants it?!