Originally Posted by
Fury of the wild
I support your desire to turn this into a destiny for ranged characters. That said legendary dreadnought gives 82 ranged power. This destiny gives 24. You need to significantly increase the amount of range power this destiny provides to make it more appealing.
i suggest the following changes:
remove spirit mechanic.
Add in +1 evocation and transmutation DC in each core. This allows druids to remain competitive DC spell casters without having to go to magistrate or exalted angle. Since its limited to evocation and transmutation its unlikely to draw non-druid casters to this destiny.
Add in PETS gain: +20 PRR/MRR/fort/MP, +100 HP, +5 will/reflex/fort. For each core, yes they need it.
Maintain +10 melee power, 50 spell points, +1 CL for each core.
Keep strength of spirit at 30 USP.
Change primal travel as you see fit, but please fix it first.
Mighty among spirits: I like the addition of MRR, also PRR?
Eternal Renewal: Add devotion and lore to this healing. Otherwise it will not scale.
Walk with the spirit: change this to a stacking passive (+10 incorporeal, hide, move silently).
Ephemeral Evolution: make it PRR + MRR
Cocoon: leave it!
Insidious Spores: up the damage, lower the cooldown, and make it a single teared ability.
Friends of Nature: meh whatever.
wisdom/str: add dex so rangers can use to.
Seeking Balance: make it a single tear, bring it up to +6 reflex to make it in line with the other save abilities.
Supple as Spring: I would re-design. or at least have it include max dodge to. My suggestion is to have it increase CL + MCL of winter/summer.
Favored Enemy: its fine
Natural Shielding: its fine, but make it a single rank. You could double its effects and add MRR, and fort, and everything else and pets would still be use-impaired.
Balanced Attacks: its great! leave it!
Summer Smoke: have it scale, or have it linked to season effects.
Tsunami: allow evocation bonuses to be applied.
The Oncoming Storm: this is a terrible ability, i would change it to be 50% chance of working.
Paired Parry / Symetric Strikes: only change would be 5% ac not 5 ac.
Autumn Harvest: change to 100% or 20% but with spell power effecting it.
Stormrage: increase DC, allow spell power to scale it up.
Summon Dryad Elder: woot, the only semi-useful summon in the game, leave it as is.
Chill of Winter: make it a single tear ability.
Spirit Boon: fine as is.
Nature's Fury / Natural Evasion: its fine!
Avatar of Nature Epic Moment: make this an on/off toggle. Seriously. There are so many drawbacks to this ability (no casting, no clickies, no cleave effects, no activated attacks, and its SLOOOOOOW) that if someone can make use of it then they should.
These are my suggestions. I feel that they will help make a druid be able to meet all the possible rolls they must fulfill without making them excessively strong. Most of the changes are all minor, involving small tweaks to numbers. A few (summer smoke, autumn harvest, supple as spring) i suggest re-designing to help caster druids with seasonal effects.
Thank you for reading.