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  1. #21
    Community Member thunir's Avatar
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    Default Exalted Angel, I have never understood Endless Faith

    Endless Faith

    10% SP pool increase. I don't think it is particularly fair to any Divine that actually wants this, its a 9AP commitment while any other Bluebar its a tier 1 twist which to me is a relativity small investment.

    A tier 1 twist, vs more than a third of my AP pool. It doesn't seem fair/ balanced.

    Why is there a prereq for healing power and radiant power?

  2. #22
    Community Member lain5246's Avatar
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    NEW: T4: The Book of War: (Multiselector): Pick one of the following to gain as a Favored Weapon: Longsword, Longbow, Morningstar, Greatsword (1 Rank, 1AP)
    ok I see what you are trying to do, I only ask what about bastard swords as atm they are exclusive to forgotten relm deity but are a favorite of s&b also why long bow and not short bow instead, offering something different to the table. looks good over all and I like the overall proposed changes. keep up the good work.

  3. #23


    Unyielding Sentinel + 3 - 5 AC, PRR and MRR per core?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Instead of a hard nerf to reborn in light
    I don't see any nerf, seems as pure buff for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Should Reborn be twice per rest? Three times per rest?
    Just one already better than current state, but, of course, more - better! 8)

    Quote Originally Posted by Strambotica View Post
    Plz DONT. if you want a 1 per rest thing... we have jibbers.
    YOU have. I don't, and for me it's good change.

    See, currently i need charge ability. It's mana costly ( not great, but... ) and simple if you have many peoples to target with Mass Med Cure, but not so simple if you solo. Worst part, after charge is gained but you don't die - you must not use shrine to save your charge or repeat all charge process again after rest! Why this unnecessary complicates, if we just can have one free resurrect per rest?! 8)

  5. #25
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default My one suggestion here........

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post

    Divine Crusader:
    This is also a Pretty Good tree in its current form, but lacks a little scaling and punch. In adding punch, we wanted to give some solid bonuses for Divine characters in here; you can get access to some alternative Favored Weapons, and then really make them shine if you've got a lot of Divine levels. We think Warpriests and War Souls will shine in here, along with Paladins once KOTC gets revamped later this year.

    • Castigation's damage now works on bosses as listed
    • Castigation now grants its listed Melee Power
    • No Regret now grants its listed Melee Power
    • Strike Down's tooltip now correctly says it deals Light damage
    • Strike Down's Light damage now scales with 200% Melee Power
    • Confront Any Foe now adds +3[w]
    • Confront Any Foe's Light damage now scales with 300% Melee Power
    • Smite the Wicked's Light damage is now 100 against Evil creatures and 100 against Undead creatures. Evil Undead creatures take both.
    • Smite the Wicked's Light damage now scales with 200% Melee Power.
    • Smite the Wicked now destroys Undead and Evil Outsiders under 1500 HP on a Vorpal.
    • Stand and be Judged now has a DC of 10+Wisdom Modifier+Character Level+Stunning Bonuses (We also made it faster & more reliable to cast a few Updates ago)
    • Celestial Bombardment now only has 1 rank, that does what the old Rank 3 did.
    • Celestial Bombardment now costs 20SP.
    • Celestial Bombardment now takes the Enlarge, Maximize, Empower, Intensify, Embolden, and Quicken Metamagics.
    • Celestial Bombardment is now significantly quicker to cast.
    • Moved Celestial Champion one spot left, to the middle of T5, it just feels better there.
    • Celestial Champion's Doublestrike and Doubleshot are now Sacred-typed.
    • NEW: T4: The Book of War: (Multiselector): Pick one of the following to gain as a Favored Weapon: Longsword, Longbow, Morningstar, Greatsword (1 Rank, 1AP)
    • NEW: T6: The Book of War: Wrath of the Divine: While wielding a Favored Weapon in your Main Hand, you gain +1 to Hit and Damage for every 2 Religious Lore Feats you have with all equipped weapons and shields. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    Grant religious lore feats to non divine players while in Divine Crusader, don't pile them on too heavily though!

    It kind of makes sense to do this, I mean how would someone be a divine crusader if they had absolutely no religious lore Knowledge to begin with?

    Plus, then the new goggles would be even more useful in builds!

    Yes, these goggles!

    Further more, please

    Please add Bastard Swords to the favored weapons options......... Bastard swords are falling further and further from the love they deserve being an iconic knight's weapon IRL and all.

    One more thing, please allow warforged to be equally healed by the consecration effect!
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 06-03-2019 at 07:15 PM.

  6. #26
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    I don't see any nerf, seems as pure buff for me.

    Bring yourself back from the dead as many times as you need (old)
    Bring yourself back from the dead once per rest (new)

    And you think that's a "pure buff"?

    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
    And that is beautiful

  7. #27
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    Is Hate tanking going to be address in a different patch?

    Currently, there are way more benefits to shield block intim turtle tanking than hate tanking.

    Shield blocks provide 60% (large shield) elemental absorption with the PLs.
    Shield block makes the tank immune to most special attack.
    Shield block reduce incoming physical damage

    Increasing the hate threat in US will help with people playing hate tanks, but this doesn't solve the problem intimidate turtle tank is far more survivable than hate tanking.

    The change to hate generation will not change how people play a tank.

    There should be some kind of hp% boost when not using a shield. Maybe some type of immunity to special attack when not using a shield. Perhaps % of damage reduction when not using a shield in US.

    The tree can use some kind of attack bonus to the cores. Even if someone is playing a hate tank, they are not going to do much when they graze.

    Renewal should be adjusted so there isn't a 2 to 3 second window at the initial cast that does nothing.

    Each ED should have 3 different ability to choose from - like Divine Crusader.
    Last edited by IBCrabin; 06-03-2019 at 09:37 PM.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    If you're a Dagger Vol priest, then you're probably heavily invested in the dagger tree and wouldn't want any of those other weapons.
    I could see someone wanting to swap to, say, Oathblade in Epic, take KT. But then I guess that has Keen anyway so the IC is irrelevant

    Maybe a Drow FvS with Vulkoor and Shortswords. Meh, who knows. Cant just design the trees for the meta though, right?

  9. #29
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    Thumbs up yeah plz remove the ridiculous restriction for stat bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    I have 3 general issues that I think would change epic destinies for the better:

    (1) expand the +1 stat bonuses to all 6 stats.
    This enables toon that the destines are not build for to still use that destiny to some effect. It will make leveling off destinies slightly less painful. In addition it increases the different character builds available to take advantage of a destiny like this. Since destinies are designed to be used by many different builds this will only increase the diversity available.

    (2) reduce the cost of +1 stats bonuses to 1 AP.
    When Epic destinies where reduces most stats maxed out at ~60-70. Today the max is well over 130 for some stats. Thus the value of increasing stats has reduced, with the exception of characters who are defined by abilities on the d20 scale (like DC's). In addition since you are re-vamping and improving the existing destinies this will increase the number of action points stat hungry characters have to spend into the new toys and make for a more enjoyable experience.

    (3) Add in base-line amounts of melee and ranged power to all destinies.
    Being a physical damage toon in a destiny that has no melee or ranged power is really a painful process. Allowing at least some melee/ranged power into off destinies will make the leveling experience more enjoyable and might lead to interesting build options.

    I will give destiny specific feedback in later posts.
    I totally agree with the first advisement
    When it comes to epic destiny ,it's meant to be universal for all builds.
    I choose freely from epic feat stat without restriction.
    I even get all skill +1 at epic lv no matter the class
    Why should I be restricted from the destiny I'm using..
    It's pretty high cost already at 2ap each ,which dumps half of 24ap.
    So make it more flexible.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    [*]Celestial Champion's Doublestrike and Doubleshot are now Sacred-typed.
    Please revert, as typing it as Sacred makes Zeal -- a Paladin signature spell -- worthless.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Can you adjust the DC on Sounburst SLA to benefit from Evoc bonuses? IIRC that's the main thing that made the SLA pretty much junk in Epic levels when you'd actually be using it.
    Please and thank you.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    [*]NEW: T4: Draw them Out: Melee Attack: +3[w]. This attack adds 300 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    [*]NEW: T6: Celestial Mandate: Melee Attack: +5[w]. This attack adds 2000 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    Love the idea of providing tools to grab mobs that cannot be intimidated. However, tanks lack +Accuracy items necessary to land these attacks consistently. Adding +5% hit per core would go a long way to solve that problem.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Exalted Angel
    This is a good tree, for those who can make use of the skills in it. We analyzed it and didn't see much that we thought merited major change, though we might try to loop back for some bugfixes before release. We did make a change to one skill for game balance reasons.
    • Reborn in Light no longer charges with Endless Ardor and Righteous Fervor; instead, it is once per Rest (keeps 10min cooldown).

    Some parts of EA are fine but others definitely are not. In particular the light damage aspect and the Judgement line are too weak.
    Please consider the following changes:

    Astral Vibrance: In its current state it is too weak, too sitautional (have to be in range AND be below 50% hp) and too costly to ever use on its own.
    Remove the requirements to be below 50% hp for both damage and healing, double the damage and cap the sp cost at 30sp every 2 seconds.

    Avenging Light: While cheap to cast the damage is just too low. Double the damage.

    Endless Faith: Remove the prereqs. Needing 9 ap spent to get this to tier 3 is simply too much - while those not in EA can get it simply using a tier 1 twist.

    Soundburst: Fix the DC to be equal to that of the actual spell. Right now it is much lower.

    Judgement Line: Too weak and AP costly to be of real use. Lower cost to 1 ap for Judgement and Lay to Rest. Lower cooldown to 5 seconds on Lay to Rest. Double the damage. (This may still not be enough)

    Be at Peace: The "damage breaks the effect" makes this effect very situational which means I needs to be much cheaper. Dont reset counters. Lower cooldown to 1 min. Reduce cost to 1ap.

    Sun Bolt: Lower cost to 1 AP.

    Divine Wrath: The damage is too low for a tier 6 ability even considering the healing. Double the damage.

    Reborn in Light. With the once per rest change remove the 10 min cooldown.

    NEW: Tier 6: Sunburst SLA. Cooldown 12 sec, cost 25 sp. AP cost 1. This to make the tree fully usefull for a light damage caster.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  14. #34
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Unyielding Sentinel
    This Destiny was meant to do two things: Keep you alive and help you tank. It's decent at the first and not great at the second. Most of the changes here are meant to help you tank. The two new Actives aren't perfect; we had some bigger plans and ran into tech issues in doing what we wanted. Hoping they'll at least be helpful, and we can tweak numbers until they are.
    • NEW: T4: Draw them Out: Melee Attack: +3[w]. This attack adds 300 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    • NEW: T6: Celestial Mandate: Melee Attack: +5[w]. This attack adds 2000 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    Does the +hate scale with threatgen? Otherwise it feels pretty weak. Any tank 20+ I'd expect to have 70+ Intimidate, so each button-press is giving 14,000 Hate after bumping you to the top of the list. My first life tank has 136-141 (depending on buffs) and I expect +11 from Sharn, so ~150. That's 30,000 Hate every 5.4 seconds (thanks to Linguistics). In either case, 300 is nearly nothing (2.1% and 1%) and even 2,000 isn't a huge gain (15% and 6.7%).

    Could those numbers be tweaked a bit higher, or given some sort of scaling?

    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  15. #35
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post

    Divine Crusader:

    • Stand and be Judged now has a DC of 10+Wisdom Modifier+Character Level+Stunning Bonuses (We also made it faster & more reliable to cast a few Updates ago)
    • Celestial Bombardment now only has 1 rank, that does what the old Rank 3 did.
    • Celestial Bombardment now costs 20SP.
    • Celestial Bombardment now takes the Enlarge, Maximize, Empower, Intensify, Embolden, and Quicken Metamagics.
    • Celestial Bombardment is now significantly quicker to cast.
    • Celestial Champion's Doublestrike and Doubleshot are now Sacred-typed.
    Couple of issues.

    Stand and be Judged should have Charisma as an option as along with Strength is Paladins main stat as well as Charisma based Favored Souls.

    The same applies to Celestial Bombardment.

    Celestial Champion doublestrike being Sacred means it will not stack with Paladins Zeal spell or will be stack with this spell?

  16. #36
    Community Member QueenOfTheHook's Avatar
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    I'm with everyone else with the nerf to Reborn, can you please reduce the time penalty at least? Maybe cut it to 5 minutes if you feel like we must have some time restriction.

    Quote Originally Posted by IBCrabin View Post
    Is Hate tanking going to be address in a different patch?

    Currently, there are way more benefits to shield block intim turtle tanking than hate tanking.

    Shield blocks provide 60% (large shield) elemental absorption with the PLs.
    Shield block makes the tank immune to most special attack.
    Shield block reduce incoming physical damage

    Increasing the hate threat in US will help with people playing hate tanks, but this doesn't solve the problem intimidate turtle tank is far more survivable than hate tanking.

    The change to hate generation will not change how people play a tank.

    There should be some kind of hp% boost when not using a shield. Maybe some type of immunity to special attack when not using a shield. Perhaps % of damage reduction when not using a shield in US.

    The tree can use some kind of attack bonus to the cores. Even if someone is playing a hate tank, they are not going to do much when they graze.

    Renewal should be adjusted so there isn't a 2 to 3 second window at the initial cast that does nothing.

    Each ED should have 3 different ability to choose from - like Divine Crusader.
    Unless your skin is suddenly turning into a hunk of solid metal, you without a big shield in your face absolutely should take more damage than someone with a big hunk of metal between them and the enemy. If you want to dps hate tank, then you will take more damage. Those of us with a huge shield, often are doing next to no damage as a trade off for that survivability.

  17. #37
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    Would it be too much work to add bit of love for ranged characters to this sphere? Probably Divine Crusader. Maybe for one or two of the special melee attacks, add a ranged variant?

    More about Divine Crusader:
    * Does the aura affect all enemies now?
    * Couple abilities could cost less, starting with Smite the Wicked
    * I always thought one of the special attacks should grant Weaken Undead (

  18. #38
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    Default Unyielding Sentinel: Renewal

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    ...[*]Fix bugs and remove things that hinder fun or usability...
    Would you folks be willing to take a look at the T3 Unyielding Sentinel ability Renewal?

    Currently, Renewal lasts for 8 seconds but you will only receive 3 'ticks' of healing. After you use Renewal and the server recognizes (places the buff) that action, it can sometimes take nearly 2 seconds before you receive the first tick of healing.

    My suggestion would be to simply(?) add an initial heal upon a successful cast.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunir View Post
    Endless Faith

    10% SP pool increase. I don't think it is particularly fair to any Divine that actually wants this, its a 9AP commitment while any other Bluebar its a tier 1 twist which to me is a relativity small investment.

    A tier 1 twist, vs more than a third of my AP pool. It doesn't seem fair/ balanced.

    Why is there a prereq for healing power and radiant power?
    Yup, this.^ It is a proxy buff to all the other casters.

    As for Reborn, an alternative way could be similar to the temp hp boosts, that lower CON until rest. Reborn could lower All stats on raise, max hps, max spellpoints. Debuffs clearing on rest shrines.

    1st raise: no debuff
    2nd raise: some stats and -3.3% hp/sp
    3rd raise: some stats and -10% hp/sp
    4th..: -30%

  20. #40
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    Default Divine Crusader DCs

    Would it be possible to get either Wisdom or Charisma to DCs for Stand and be Judged and Celestial Bombardment rather than only WIS? Favoured Souls use Charisma, Paladins will have much more CHA than WIS on average, and it would be great for those classes to be able to fully benefit from their natural tree (for martial FvS at least). It would be in line with the INT/CHA DCs in something like draconic, and would also provide some nice secondary options for some bards/sorc EKs, without becoming the best options for those archetypes.
    Last edited by justsomeguy999; 06-04-2019 at 02:58 AM.

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