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  1. #181
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodnose13 View Post

    unyealding sentinels stances could be changed in a way each of them works, for each of them to reflect 3 different scenarios, as i see it it could be like this:
    +1 definitely a point for the Devs to review

    Unbreakable Stance only provides DR 10/epic with an option for +1d6 alignment weapon damage = terribly outdated and never used by my toons.

    Often the Vigor of Battle +50 hp is the best choice, but changes to Stand Against the Tide will be nice to see (although the whole hate immunity issue comes up fairly often and hate numbers in this ED are terribly outdate as well).
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 07-08-2019 at 10:38 PM.

  2. #182
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    +1 definitely a point for the Devs to review

    Unbreakable Stance only provides DR 10/epic with an option for +1d6 alignment weapon damage = terribly outdated and never used by my toons.

    Often the Vigor of Battle +50 hp is the best choice, but changes to Stand Against the Tide will be nice to see (although the whole hate immunity issue comes up fairly often and hate numbers in this ED are terribly outdate as well).
    see i have one more issue about stand against the tide and its the fact that it requires not moving to retain stacks, so every monster with kobold ai, makes it useless, every monster that can knock you around, makes it useless, everyquest mechanic where monster moves around or you are required to reposition every few seconds.... makes it useless. so yea ill take that extra hp bonus any time, and that dr and prr bonus from unbreakable, 10 dr when getting hit for more than 1k is laughable, as for prr, 20 extra prr when you are over 300 counts barely as 1% so wont be noticable either, 50 hp wins still. so i do hope devs will look at that idea and maybe do something about those stances.

    btw, i dont understand the point of making those tiered abilities like renewal or divine energy resistance, where they have 3 tiers just for sake of progression, where we pay extra points not to upgrade it, but to remove penalty (its how i see it), those abilities and their kind rarely gain anything by adding more stacks and you pay extra points just to recieve full bonus, sentinel still has space in the tree so those points could go into something new.
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  3. #183
    Community Member Palna's Avatar
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    I haven't read the whole thread, and I'm not savvy enough on the theorycrafting front to answer this myself, but will Divine Crusader actually be competitive with Legendary Dreadnaught after this pass? I hope there will be enough in there for melee DPS to be if not as good, at least in the ballpark with LD after this pass..

  4. #184
    2016 DDO Players Council
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    Will any other updates happen to EA?

    If you're considering other changes but at a later time, please delay ALL changes until you're ready to complete the comprehensive pass.
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  5. #185
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karatemack View Post
    Will any other updates happen to EA?

    If you're considering other changes but at a later time, please delay ALL changes until you're ready to complete the comprehensive pass.
    We've got a few small changes to EA, mostly bugfixes/minor adjustments. We'll have a list up when U43 starts hitting Lamannia.

    We do not have plans to delay this pass.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  6. #186
    Community Member Wolfspite's Avatar
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    Default Suggestions for EA mainly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    We had a few primary goals in the Epic Destiny pass, compounded by a very slim time-frame of 3 weeks for principal changes.

    • First and foremost, try to put each Destiny in a place where it's worth using for at least some builds.
    • Fix bugs and remove things that hinder fun or usability
      • You'll notice that every Epic Moment that required you to do weird things to charge it up no longer requires that.
    • Improve the ability for people to play in Destinies that match their Archetype (ranged characters in Shiradi, etc) without significantly hindering the current ability for people to play in Destinies that don't (casters in Shiradi, etc)

    Exalted Angel

    This is a good tree, for those who can make use of the skills in it. We analyzed it and didn't see much that we thought merited major change, though we might try to loop back for some bugfixes before release. We did make a change to one skill for game balance reasons.
    • Reborn in Light no longer charges with Endless Ardor and Righteous Fervor; instead, it is once per Rest (keeps 10min cooldown).
    The premise for this ED pass as described above is to make them more useful, easier to use and last but not least, and probably the most important, make them match their archtype for which they were intended.

    While EA may be a good tree atm, after the proposed pass that cannot be said.

    If we are trying to match archtype, then the arcane and divine trees need to equalize on DC and Spellpower, otherwise you will just get a yoyo effect each time you do a pass as DC casters and damage casters will bounce between the two spheres.

    I personally don't see why an arcane caster should have a higher DC than a divine caster based on epic destinies, equally why should a sorcerer do more damage than an FvS based on ED's? Quite simply they shouldn't, the differences should be based on class not ED.

    So if magister stays with the proposed DC changes, then EA should get the same or adjust each as necessary. This makes it easier for arcanes to be magisters and divines to be EA's if they wish.

    The Sorcerer / FvS scenario is more difficult as there isn't a dedicated divine damage ED like Draconic. An option could be to add some spell damage crit bonuses to EA and or the Divine Crusader trees themselves at higher levels so they can't be twisted. (lvl 4 plus).

    More specifically with EA:

    Astral Vibrance is pointless. Seriously who uses it? Swap this in position with Angelic Prescence and put another +3 Transcendental Magic at position 3 in the core to equalize Magister.

    Change the benefits of activating Ascendance to some of the benefits provided by Reborn in Light, eg:

    "You are healed to full. For 2 minutes (or until you leave Angelic form), you are immune to light damage, gain 50% Incorporeality, and gain +100 Light and Healing Power. The cooldowns of Light and Positive Energy spells are reduced to 1/5th normal, all spells cost 50% spell points. All of your physical attacks gain On Hit 100 Light damage and On Critical destroy evil undead or evil outsiders under 1000 hit points."

    Avenging Light should be swapped to a defensive ability similar to Unearthly Reactions with +10 jump added per ED point spent. We all know clerics can't jump!

    Disassociate Endless Faith.

    Pretty much the only places the Judgement line is useful is the Wizard King and TTT, but 5 ED points is just too expensive which while its fun to see undead explode one after another like the barrels in Siegebreaker, it's just not worth it.

    Soundburst needs its DC sorting out.

    Be at Peace. While I appreciate it's designed to be an emergency life saver, if you see the danger coming there are plenty of other ways to get rid of aggro that don't cost 2 ED points. (This could be changed to the Master of Domain slot)

    A new Tier 4 slot called Master of Domain which adds +3 DC to the spell school of the chosen domain.

    Sunbolt, imo this should be changed to a Sunburst SLA.

    Reborn in Light has all its epic moments' benefits removed and transfer some of them to Ascendance. Reborn will only do what it says and rez you at full health and full spell points once per rest. The cooldown needs to be removed along with the cooldown on jibbers and any other ability to rez yourself once per rest.

    Re Rez cooldowns. Seriously devs, do you not realise that by putting cooldowns on rez items and abilities that are "Use once per rest"; you are just turning the community into coffee addicts and or alcoholics? The limiting factor is do you have a shrine available? I'm not going to spend points in the DDO store on a cake when I can rez and then use a spare shrine to reactivate my once per rest rez item. So, by putting a 10 minute cooldown on an item, you just force me to get get another/more drink(s).

    Also, just in case some of you are wondering, I do not play a cleric on live.
    Last edited by Wolfspite; 07-15-2019 at 08:54 AM.

    Wolfspyryt Wolfspite Angelyka Xug Foxyglove Geronymo - Officer of aliclan

  7. #187
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Any chance the devs could create or point out settings in advanced graphics that would reduce special effects that are overly bright (ei: body of sun, ascendance, sunburst, ect…)?

  8. #188
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    We've got a few small changes to EA, mostly bugfixes/minor adjustments. We'll have a list up when U43 starts hitting Lamannia.

    We do not have plans to delay this pass.
    Would it be possible to get an improved SLA in T6 as opposed to Sun Bolt, that way people can chose between getting Divine Wrath or another strong SLA, maybe a fireball-like spell but instead of fire its light based.

    Also, the DCs for all SLAs don't take advantage of item bonuses, my Nightmother's Sceptre does nothing to help with spell's DC.

    Finally I generally tend to stay away from Avenging Light (T1 SLA) and the Nimbus of Light SLA because its such an inaccurate spell. Is it possible to improve accuracy similar to how accurate searing light is? Also, it would really help if the caster level was a bit higher.
    Last edited by Keylon; 08-01-2019 at 12:17 PM.
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  9. #189
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    • NEW: T4: Draw them Out: Melee Attack: +3[w]. This attack adds 300 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)
    • NEW: T6: Celestial Mandate: Melee Attack: +5[w]. This attack adds 2000 Hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. 6 second cooldown. (1 Rank, 1AP)

    Two things. (sorry I missed Lamania) I assume these are single target only?

    Second: my DPS fighter is no where near top tier. Given the range of players I've played with over the years, I consider him pretty much average for DPS, maybe a bit above average. Without sneak attack, I've had crits hit for 14,000-ish damage. That's a single hit. An extra 2,000 hate once every 6 seconds is not going to be able to keep aggro on non-intimidate-able enemies from me, let alone actual top DPS characters. The only chance it has is in high skull reaper, but I've read many posts by devs stating that the game is not being balanced around reaper.

  10. #190
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Are you still taking feed back from this thread?
    If so can the point costs on the Unyielding Sentinel tree get a review? Theres a lot of points that have to be taken just to have a basic tank harness from the tree that doesn't allow for much variety for tanks out of this tree.

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