Consider rebalancing some costs in Draconic, and removing some pre-reqs. Energy Burst costs 9 DP to get and, frankly, is not at all optional. Getting Breath ups that 12. Not much spread to explore some of the more flavorful options in the tree. There are 35 DP worth of other abilities (not counting stat boosts, which up it to 47). Dropping Energy Sheathe/Go Out With a Bang/Energy Burst to 1 rank each for 2 DP would help a little, but overall this tree is 50% on rails for everybody right now which I see as a problem. Putting design work into other abilities is almost a waste of time because of it.

Worst offender in tree: Barrier of Scales. 3 DP (6 DP if you include its pre-req) for 120 points of stoneskin on a 2 minute CD. It's beyond awful. Its benefit is on par with warlock Brilliance, except the latter is free every 2 seconds. New bard temp hp aura is in this ballpark too, free every 10 seconds. Far worse than Shining Through. This should be 1 rank for 1 DP and either have its cooldown reduced to 10 seconds at most, or (because that would be an annoying clickfest) either make your "scales" heal themselves every 10 seconds like an aura, or have its magnitude greatly increased and remain a clicky.