Community Member
Only good set for casters is Legendary Flamecleansed Fury set. Though you need stay Fire savant for it.
I really don't understand the argument about overloading an end chest with loot options. I understand it can be a little bit frustrating if you e. g. look for one item of of ten possibilities, but it's far more frustrating not having any possibility at all for loot usable for your class. I'm puzzled how it was possible to not have room for a light armor caster gear in any of the 17 quests in Sharn if there is an average of 6 possible items in each quest. That is 102 possible items. Do we have that many?
I think that important updates like expansions where players have to spend significant real money to purchase should offer something for EVERY possible class. Not necessarily every build, but at least every class. This is particularly important for expansion because the new loot often make the existing loot a bit obsolete. Usually the expansion will increase the power level enough for players having to swap out a lot of their existing gear.
To have enough options for armor is very important since you need the new armor to face up to the increased difficulty of the expansion quests. A rule of thumb would be to have one melee and one caster option for all armor types: docent, outfit, light, medium and heavy. That is 10 possible armors. Everything more than that is just bonus. This way every class should find an armor they can use. For druids you make sure the armor they might use is of a type they can wear like the dragonscale armor in Sharn.
In Sharn I've been surprised finding several different outfits and heavy armor looking almost the same so then it's strange there was no room for a caster light armor.
You even have other ways of adding missing loot options in Sharn. E. g. you could allocate the extra loot needed to certain optional chests. E. g. you could let a caster light armor drop from the Wash and Dry optional chest in A Sharn Welcome. That means you get in the missing item without having to increase the number of choices in the end chest. Maybe there are other optional chests more suitable for named loot than this example, but you get the point.
Last edited by Peter_Stauffenberg; 05-29-2019 at 05:23 AM.
With all due respect, throwing a light armor DC caster set in the next update is unlikely to rectify this deficiency. It is unlikely that such a set would be as good as the Sharn sets, and this possible new set in the future may not work well with the other Sharn pieces. From the player perspective, this is very frustrating because many players identified this deficiency during the testing phases of Sharn but our suggestions on this issue were ignored.
Wearing cloth armor in the new raid may lead to a very quick death. Also, wearing medium armor is not a good solution because DC Warlocks do not spend points in the tree that offers medium armor, and if one takes the feat, you still have arcane spell failure -- and btw the Sapphire augment that reduces ASF has been bugged for years, and does not work some of the time. Oh well.
Just adding to this thread ( saw it after posting something about it on gameplay & mechanics). Let us not forget about Sorc EKs and medium armor. Medium avaliable right now are: Artificer and WIzard EK(arcsteel), some wk and fvs (Flamecleansed Fury) , full melee ( part of the family).
Last edited by DaviMOC; 05-29-2019 at 09:03 AM.
Apropos of nothing, I'm just throwing out a thought...
Wouldn't it be nice if PMs had an option to partially reduce their Positive Energy immunity so they could benefit from regular healing at a reduced rate, like Warforged can...?
I dont see where PMs that can Harm and Death Aura themselves and also get Heals from party mates/hirelings would be particularly game breaking or out of line with other self-heal builds with similar amounts of investment...but I think not being able to party-heal is basically a dealbreaker for any kind of raiding or reaper grouping...
That's kind of what I think they should do with PMs: reduce your healing amplification by 100% while in an undead form, but allow you to benefit from healing amplification items and enhancements. It would take some work, but you could boost your healing amplification enough to where positive healing is at least somewhat effective on you.
Primary Home: Argonnessen
Archarias, Guild Leader of Britches & Hosen
"Elder brains are a lot like bouncy castles. They just sit there, but if you jump up and down on them, things get interesting real quick." ~FlimsyFirewood
My sorc was rolling 154 MRR pre-Sharn. There is about 0 chance in hell im dropping 70+ MRR.
Side note on the sorc trees; couldn’t agree more. My sorc spends 41 AP into VKF, the trees are that bad.
Or just let heals heal your party members, no matter what their form. I mean really, the power to heal comes from a divine source. I refuse to believe that your god, when you ask for aid for your friend, says "na, he's in an undead form, no idea what to do with that, no help for you", but that same god can heal your friend if you ask it to make him suffer horribly via a harm spell.
Oh, and while you're at it, stop it with the whole:
me: "hey, almighty deity, please heal your humble servent"
me diety: "I'm sorry, you have an undead targeted, how about I take these spellpoints from you, do little nothing to the thing you're fighting, and btw, don't talk to me for 8 more seconds, I'm busy".
No one uses heal spells as an offensive weapon against undead. No one takes lay on hands as an ability so they can use it offensively against undead. Stop applying it to undead targets differently than you apply it to every other mob in the game.
I think it's more like "nah that's a rock bro why do you want me to waste my divine awesomeness on it?" And like fire heals Iron Golems, but your deity wouldn't throw fire at one if you asked for healing? How about a Cure Moderate Wounds targeted at one? Would that be an AoE fire effect that damages party members?
Zombies/Toasters/Elementals etc all gain a bunch of perks, at the cost of some conveniences. It's game balance as well as being reasonable. Gives you the option of choosing to be more easily healable as a fleshy or more effective at casting as an undead, instead of full benefits of both (as well as your Undead Auras etc).
What? I feel like you missed the basics of RPG games in general. You know that elemental wheel that got very complex in pokemon?( nearly as complex as DDO =p). That what happens here and most rpg games. The healing is the Positive type one that undeads are weak against. Gods arent worried if the "healed target" is a follower, a living being a rock or a undead. He will just trow some positve energy as the caster requested. The issue is not in the god side but the undead weakness. The poison of one can be the remedy of others . Also if deities carried about the target not the healer, being an undead is a defiance to most deities even those not related to life, healing and undead hunting. Thats one of reasons every cleric got turn undead. Few deities favors undead and those are usually enemies of the rest.(FR wise).
If your healing spells does nothing to your allied undead target is actually the effect of "no friendly fire" rules we got on DDO. It should kill him .
Also, the natural healing process is actually an destruction process for the undead. It needs to achieve death and than life to start healing by common ways. Its totally the oposite.
Last edited by DaviMOC; 05-29-2019 at 04:09 PM.
Lynnabel, if you're still looking at this thread, why is the druid set only heavy armor? Caster druids kinda got the shaft hard on that one. Can't a medium armor be added to that set?
A little snark, no vitriol.
(with credit to HungarianRhapsody)
Graceana (currently a caster bard)
My alts are put out to pasture
The Casual Obsession
I'm getting tired of all the power being tied up in sets or raid gear from raids that are unplayable on normal for most of the population. The set problem is made worse by most of the newish sets being tied to armor. Sets got us all out here in the same gear...
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I know its too late now but i think the armors should have just been customizable, let people loot the type they wanted then add a set bonus and the heal amp type of their choosing.
That could have cut away alot of the identical ones and then have that space used for some different items.