I might've been a little harsh about Cleric Inqui, I might bump them up from "actively bad" to "neutral" now that we've seen everything in practice.
The reason I put it that low originally was that Cleric is WIS based, which means Falconry instead of Harper, and that's even more AP spent. Only 16 flex points left, which means you cant get Amel in WP, which would be the major thing that might make it redeeming - Vuln Smite is OK, though. And everything with Clr Inquis is always in comparison to FvS, which can get native WIS to dmg with xbows and save the AP.
Cleric really isnt adding anything TO Inqui playstyle, though, there's no real synergy - except maybe if you're in Destruction domain for the fort breaking. That was my big concern with it and why I originally had it ranked so low.