As my username states, I'm a fan of the Seattle Mariners. I'm looking for a different pastime, as they stink so got back into ddo after a long break.
I started on this server late and it's hard to find shroud groups. I've run EN devil's assault about till my eyes have bled; want to just buy the remaining mats needed. I'm wanting to do my first TR on the server and would like to start over on life 2 with a greensteel conc opp item.
Here's what I still need:
Base items:
1 Bitterscrub fungus
1 Glistening pebble
1 Lam. Lily Petal
1 Locust Husk
4 low energy cells
3 small sulfurous stones (apparently I'm never going to pull these?)
1 medium devil scale
1 medium glowing arrowhead
1 large devil scale
2 large glowing arrowheads
1 large infernal chain
2 large sulfurous stones
5 high energy cells
I'd also like to buy a +1 cha tome, as I have upgrade tomes that can't be utilized until I find a +1
I have no idea what GS mats are worth nowadays as it's been years since I've played much. Considering all I have on the server is one first lifer at level 23, I don't have a ton to offer (basically platinum, crafting essences, or some of the other shroud items that aren't listed), but I'll do my best to meet your asking prices.
Please message me, or you could send in-game mail to "Glucose" with offers. In the meantime, I'll probably still be running DA and possibly do some running around in the vale so my needs might change slightly, if I'm lucky.