Hi again everyone! Sorry for the delay in this, and sorry if the guide has been confusing to people! I try to be clear, but I'm a bit new at walkthroughs. I'll maybe look into getting some screenshots next time I run through the adventure; Greg was telling me that I should try some of those to make it all easier to understand. Anyways, I hope it's fun to read, even if you're having trouble doing the quest!
Okay, so I'm posting the first part of this quest walkthrough now. Let me know if you have any questions and I can see if I can answer them! 
Clan Leechmaw Treatment Plant
So to get to Clan Leechmaw, you've just got to go into the Waterworks and, in the room with the guard, down into the water. There's a tunnel leading west down there, I think they added it for this quest. It's a really long tunnel, but as far as I can tell, there's never any encounters or traps. Just a lot of old signs. Oh, there is some GM voiceover text!
"The air reeks of chemicals and refuse, the unwanted leftovers from a port city dripping magic from every orifice—and all down into the Waterworks."
And when you get into the main room, with four sewer entrances in the floor (you can only take the one with the big leech painted on the floor next to it), some more text:
"Warnings scratched out in the kobold tongue join faded signs painted by the city, dire consequences promised by both for the unwary trespasser."
Whoops! Guess it's not safe. Time to turn back. It's a weird quest, but I guess rules are rules, haha.
Anyways, kidding aside, you can go down whenever. Reminder that you're gonna want access to good stealth/speed-boosting buffs! This quest can butcher you if you're not careful. And don't wear any Guard armor items that deal damage automatically.
One more piece of advice before you go in: Keep an eye on the tracker in the quest box. You can kill 30 kobolds before it’s a problem, and if you kill more than 1 of the Kobold Elders, you lose a ton of XP. There are 3 Elders (technically, but we'll get to that) and two of them can pop up wherever basically.
Room #1: Entrance and Hallway
So as soon as you enter, make sure you watch your step, cuz there’s a nasty sawblade trap right by the entrance. Just stay away from the dark tiles. WAY away. I thought I could get close to the dark tiles to disarm the trap, but TBH, I wouldn’t bother. The panel is really hard to get to without getting hit and the trap has a stupid hair trigger. IDK how even the kobolds are supposed to get past it, haha, but who else would put such a nasty trap right at the exit for the Treatment Plant?
Once you’re past the sawblades, run through the hallway up ahead and honestly, unless you have good paralysis/sleep magic, just kill the 2 kobold guards there—it’s super hard to keep them alive, since you have to get the door open. If you wait to kill them, though, they do give some fun dialogue where they argue about whether an owlbear could beat a normal bear. There's a lot of NPC dialogue in this quest, and it's honestly kind of fun, sometimes. Maybe a bit distracting, though.
The first elder, Grackle the Storyteller, very rarely generates in this hallway. He's basically dressed like a silly bard, super colorful with a big floppy hat, and he's got a bunch of scrolls and books strapped to his back. He basically just buffs and heals the kobolds he’s with and sometimes tries to hit you with enchantment spells. he sucks in a fight on his own so he’s not a threat, but try to avoid him or incap if possible. He's honestly the easiest elder to deal with, as long as you can take out whoever he's with. If he's alone, you can just tank him for a while if you want to see all his quips and jokes.