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  1. #1
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default nUber level 152 guild - Ghallanda server

    I have a guild on Ghallanda that is several years old but hasn't been actively recruiting.
    I am opening it up to recruiting.

    The thought is there are other players out there that play the end game at a Uber level without the elitist attitude. I enjoy playing the game and comparing notes on how to play better but dislike the elitist attitude of some of the top guilds on the server.

    That said, I am not looking for casual players, I want a place for experienced players to meet and play and train players that have potential without the disparaging and unwelcoming comments that some of the Uber guilds have.

    Ever try to recruit with a uber guild? it's an demeaning experience from start to finish and even the slightest mistake or weakness is exploited for maximum ridicule.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not looking to build a family guild. I play many hours and try to learn the game to allow me to play with some of the best. I just think that "best" and "tolerant" are not opposing virtues. You will need a thick skin

    Hence the name:
    Uber = playing the end game well.
    Noob = accepting attitude to players with aptitude.


    nUber homepage
    Last edited by FURYous; 08-20-2019 at 10:09 AM.
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  2. #2
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by FURYous View Post
    I have a guild on Ghallanda that is several years old but hasn't been actively recruiting.
    I am opening it up to recruiting.

    The thought is there are other players out there that play the end game at a Uber level without the elitist attitude. I enjoy playing the game and comparing notes on how to play better but hate the elitist attitude of some of the top guilds on the server.

    It's a game and being good at a game doesn't make you a better or smarter person then people with less play time or less aptitude playing games.

    That said, I am not looking for casual players, I want a place for experienced players to meet and play and train new players that have potential without the disparaging and unwelcoming comments that some of the Uber guilds have.
    Not looking for casual players, but want experienced players to teach new players? :P sounds like you want someone to teach you bro :P

  3. #3
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    Not looking for casual players, but want experienced players to teach new players? :P sounds like you want someone to teach you bro :P
    Let's see;
    • a total of 275 past lives including 1 complete completionest (racial, class and epic) and 2 epic and class completionest toons, 1 just plain old completionest and I am working on my 2nd complete completionest.
    • I have been playing since the day the game was released, over 13 years (look at the left where is shows my start date).
    • Was an officer in Captain's Crew for more years than I can remember (once one of the top guilds on the server)
    • Been a member of some of the server's top guilds for over 13 years.
    • Leveled a guild up to level 153 solo, including 2 levels in the last two days.
    • Completed every quest and raid in the game at least 20 times (except the new raid released less than a week ago) Yes that includes the new quests (I already have two artifacts after getting skunked 8 times)

    Look below at my signature to see list of toons.
    • Violence 30Clr Heroic/Epic/Racial Completionist 94 past lives (one of the top 1% DC clerics on the server)
    • Furyous 30Art Heroic/Epic Completionist 61 past lives (one of the top 10% of Arties on the server)
    • Vexate 30Wiz Heroic/Epic Completionist 49 past lives (one of the top 10% DC wizards on the server)
    • Vehemence 30Rog Completionist 35 past lives
    • Ferocity 30Pal 13 past lives (Raid Tank)
    • Infuryated 30War 6 past lives
    • Choler 30 Brd 5 past lives
    • Hiddin 20Mnk 2 past lives
    • Retributive 20Dru 2 past lives
    • Enmity 30 Clr
    • Exasperate 30 Sor
    • Vehement 10Pal 3Mnk 1Rog

    Yes, please teach me oh wise one.
    Last edited by FURYous; 05-21-2019 at 08:55 AM.
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  4. 05-25-2019, 05:27 PM

  5. 05-28-2019, 10:39 AM

  6. 06-01-2019, 06:21 PM

  7. #4
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I'm the leader of Avalon on Ghallanda so not looking to join a guild, but the OP's criteria makes sense to me. He wants an environment that is respectful of all player levels but also wants players that are trying to get better, making some commitment to work on in game achievements. Perhaps there's a more perfect way to explain that but seems like the kind of guilds we need more of. Good luck!
    Please consider the environment before printing this post

  8. #5
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    I'm the leader of Avalon on Ghallanda so not looking to join a guild, but the OP's criteria makes sense to me. He wants an environment that is respectful of all player levels but also wants players that are trying to get better, making some commitment to work on in game achievements. Perhaps there's a more perfect way to explain that but seems like the kind of guilds we need more of. Good luck!
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

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