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  1. #21
    Community Member Epicstorms's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Requiring teamwork and specific roles etc etc is good and all, but it would be nice to have a difficulty setting that is PUG friendly. That means accepting people that apply at all (DDO is not that well populated), and not wait hours for a tank or a 2nd healer, e.g. The days that you could decline a healer because it has not X HP are simply over imo, we have to deal with the people that are left and that's usually far less than optimal in PUGs.

    It would be great to have normal as difficulty where you can simply fill the raid with pretty much anyone that applies, and complete with minor difficulty. This would then also be a nice environment to test strategies, where you can test different things instead of having to worry about wiping if you don't all focus on that 1 strategy in mind.

    Then you can scale hard/elite/reaper accordingly for more challenge.

    You can currently complete R1 Baba or Strahd in a pug much much easier then a normal THTH run. I understand it's a new raid, but still ... There seems to be a huge difference :P

    Like I said before, in the current state I'm just avoiding PUGs in general.

  2. #22
    Community Member Ughh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Thth

    i found this raid incredibly fun. I took a few times to learn mechanics, but after that NP. I think once everyone has better gear a.k.a sharn gear many more will enjoy the raid. going to try it on hard next

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