You are at: r1 lx1525 ly789 i13 ox101.05 oy102.00 oz124.42 h220.8
You are at: r1 lx1525 ly789 i13 ox101.05 oy102.00 oz124.42 h220.8
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Cannith crafting: when crafting, boxes are not auto filled (or fillable at all) with ingredients from shared bank collections. This worked before U42.
No refunds:
when jumping around the ceiling beams in the big circular main hall somewhere close to the wall side behind which the informant Glasting Bonwit is I triggered a DM message about Glasting sitting somewhere in a corner. this made me run in circles looking for secret doors or something i overlooked for half an hour - rather than just going down and putting in the crests asap.
this is partially due to me being tired still sipping morning coffee, but I feel that you get a DM msg about the NPC in a place where he is not is confusing. Had that not happened I'd have progressed through the 4 crest door much much sooner rather than snoop around ...
To be thorough - the ones in the basement are for an optional. If you can stop the golems from smashing them all, you get the bonus. There's always a guaranteed one with Victor that wont be destroyed, though.
Maybe the wording can be changed somewhat? I forget what it is right now exactly but maybe the optional can be like "(optional) Recover all the Functional Prototypes that are in the basement" to imply there are others NOT in the basement, so people dont get stuck down there looking for one assuming thats where they all are.
I dunno, that's still not perfect, but you get the idea
Last edited by droid327; 05-17-2019 at 10:06 AM.
Found a stuck spot and did /loc:
You are at: r1 lx1521 ly813 i96 ox29.65 oy118.35 oz92.20 h90.0
(Standard): Q:0x70030E8E
What we had happen was:
Progress quest until it's time to fight on the stage.
Text comes up and says something to the effect of, "Hurry, rest now while you have the chance." (this is a HEAVY paraphrase)
Two ghostly shrines come up, and as they appear, so do a pack of hyenas. Partner took care of hyenas, I took a little nap.
Another round or two of fighting.
Some floaty text. Not sure what it said, I was run-healing for all I was worth, but I think it said something about resting again.
Make it to the final stage fight.
Win and loot/xp drops!
Then two more ghostly shrines popped up. I think those shrines were supposed to pop up before the quest ended, but it didn't work that way for us.
I did keep thinking the singer/dancer should have long since ran away by the time the fight was over though. I also thing she needs a piano up there on stage with her. Maybe she can steal one from Stahd's place?
See 1:24:40 Mark. I guess this isn't a bug perse but devs you may want to look at the mushroom room in "Thralls of the Fungus Lord" quest. Performance tanked for me immediately upon entering the mushroom room, and it all went away immediately upon exiting the room. Unless it was some fluke circumstance of the entire server lagging or something, seems like things aren't playing nice in that room. I will say though I've only run it one time so maybe others can confirm if they encountered the same problems.
Last edited by axel15810; 05-17-2019 at 11:33 AM.
My DDO youtube channel:
+21 Stat rather than +5 quality int
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
to add to that stuff on golems, another caveat encountered in the very first run was dropping down the basementshaft with 3green crystal lever, then fighting some mobs down there, then the doors leading out of the room you drop into autoclosed for some reason, then a forgewraith and 2 golems got stuck in it.
door never opend up again.
we re-entered as it was just elite loot/explore run, THEN found the door at the bottom at the ramps below NPCs position openable. as we progressed from that side, finally that door opened too.
I cant fully replicate our steps, but basically, in hindsight, if you drop down the shaft before fully killing the waves above you seem to be stuck down there ? maybe it was just cause a mob bugged the door, or maybe it was a combination of not having completed the waves above and going down there and then the door buggin with a mob, idk, in any case we somehow broke it to a point where we couldnt progress w/o ddoor or recal ...
moonguard (the buckler) has a damage dice of [1d6].
Not 5[1d6]
Not 5[1d6+2]
Not 5[2d10] (as the ravenloft ones are)
Also some bucklers allow dex for attack/dmg to.
Eather way damage dice of buckler was overlooked when it was made.
Cogs teleport locations do not give a message saying you discovered the area/region. In gianthold, we get a message saying something like "you discovered the storm heart region" or whatever. We need this for the cogs also.
Also Crackshot Negotiator: Ranged Power and Ranged Power Rare both do not give ranged power or dont stack with some other one (tried both on a minor artifact)
House of Pain: Lady of the Plague chest still spawns daggers (from doing the 3 extra optional's for completing the puzzle!)
Same Old Song: Not sure if this is WAI, but if you wait a moment before using the shrine on stage (to buff party members before resting, for example), the shrine will disappear before you complete your rest and you get nothing.
Community Member
Two copies of the same bug, two quests.
In Scavenger Hunt, you can kill the final boss before its objective shows up. This prevents completion (but you can still open the end chest)
In another quest where there's a Fire Reaver boss whose name I forgot (sorry), the reaver becomes active before its minions do, and if you kill it then, you don't get its objective completed. As it's not an optional, this prevents quest completion as well.