100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.
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Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Hey, I'm not sure if this needs a new thread or what to do about it, but here goes...
When I am at max xp on a sentient weapon with a jewel slotted or a minor artifact and I try to feed it, there is a message and I can't do so. That's great and I'm sure works for everyone.
However, the other night I rolled up some sentient xp (1000xp) and not knowing I was at the cap for my artifact (3000xp), I decided to feed it. I lost all of the xp and I didn't even get a confirmation popup. Now my artifact says it has 4000/3000 xp, so unless the cap is ever increased on minor artifacts, I'm screwed...
Is there anything anyone can do about this?
Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)
If it hasn't been mentioned already Lunar Crescent is made of adamantine but does not list it bypassing adamantine in the description will go and do actual testing now. Tested on the worker constructs and it does not bypass their dr.
Last edited by Kielbasa; 05-31-2019 at 02:54 AM.
Pop up text in No Refunds states TwiNight defeated. Capital N should be lowercase?
You can get stuck in same quest:
(Standard): You are at: r1 lx1544 ly48 i2049 cInside ox-20.84 oy-87.44 oz-223.91 h77.3
(Standard): Q:0x70030E6C
Last edited by Mindos; 05-31-2019 at 05:23 AM.
Found a typo in No Refunds.
Qaspiel's name, at the entrance, has an extra underscore at the end (on Heroic - haven't checked Epic)
Inquisitor tree:
No holds barred: when activated the icon in the status bar is the endless fusillade icon rather than the no holds barred icon
Improved Uncanny Dodge: 1) this fires off a casting animation before it activates - please remove this so it functions like normal uncanny dodge and activates instantly 2) when activated the icon in the status bar is the normal improved uncanny dodge icon rather than the unique inquisitor art version of the improved uncanny dodge icon
Warforged and dual shooter - interacting with almost anything e.g. green bag in inventory, the mailbox, causes both crossbows to vanish from my hands until I fire a bolt or swap weapons
Sharn Item: the blast from the rune arm "the dumpster fire" cannot break open doors. Not sure if WAI but I feel that its flaming projectiles should
Docent of the celestial avenger, and docent of the celestial sage are both raid items but have a blue border rather than an orange border (ok, not U42 related I know )
There is a stuck spot in the cogs wilderness:
Standard): You are at: r1 lx1517 ly802 i219 ox100.33 oy55.12 oz149.27 h223.6
(Standard): Q:0x70030E8E
I'd like to add lag in THTH once you get 2+ reds on the map. It's really tough swallow that the determining factor between completing a raid and not (see DOJ a few years ago) is whether lag is present. Our observation is that as soon as multiple reds spawn (and they do by design in phase 3) that the raid has a hard time functioning. As people start to scale up in difficulty this will be come more prevalent as it is much tougher to beat down the reds before the next wave spawns which leaves you in a endless cycle of trash management with no time to actually beat down the titan unless you kite/tank the reds. We had 4 runs in a row basically freeze at this same point over the weekend while the reds were doing something that clearly is crashing game/raid performance. I have to say in our LH run it was pretty upsetting having the titan at 8%-10% with everything in control and DPS bringing him down to have the game freeze with lag for 45 seconds till everyone died (conveniently about the same amount of time it would have likely taken to beat him down). At this point lag goes away but once we get everyone up for the recovery the reds lag out the raid again...seems like there is something behind the scenes that should change here...lag should not be the deciding factor between success and failure and clearly there is a pattern in this raid.
ZERGWhynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys
I have an artifact with 3 piece Ottos set, granting the +200 spell points, my main hand sentient stick adds +1 Ottos filigree to get the +2 spell DCs together with the artifact. When I swap to any scroll, so my mainhand swaps, I lose the +200 spell points, even tho the artifact still makes me eligible for it.
(Standard): You are at: r1 lx1569 ly1882 i65 ox38.20 oy42.18 oz634.44 h319.2
Flame of the Favored (T5) triggers Lantern Ring and damages allies. I have not tried with resonation but I assume that might too.