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  1. #1
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Default Remove Sharn Teleport From Airship

    Please remove the Sharn teleport option from the airship. It wasn't an option for Ravenloft, and it shouldn't be an option for Sharn. To be honest - and this is going to sound super shallow - the "Boarding Pass: Sharn" was the only reason I purchased the more expensive bundle this time around. Had I known it was going to be included onboard the airship, I would have purchased the base pack.

    And yeah, I get it - it fits with the lore and that's cool. Ravenloft was in another plane, while Sharn is heavily populated by airships. But the way that the Ultimate Bundle was advertised coupled with the Bottle of Mist's exclusivity and convenience made the Boarding Pass a compelling addition the Ultimate Bundle this time around. Adding the port option to the airship was a major bait-and-switch, diluting the benefits of the Ultimate Bundle and hurting the community's trust in future advertising. Will players be as inclined to purchase the top tier bundles of future expansions with this consideration in mind? I guess we can wait and see. I've already made up my mind.

    Edit: Getting a lot of comments from people who aren't reading the entire discussion - I don't blame them; this thread is getting a bit long to facilitate productivity as nobody wants to read a 5-page essay. I'll add this, as the title doesn't necessarily reflect my current outlook - even if it does still reflect my visceral reaction. A solution was proposed that the community seems to find amicable: Adding additional functionality to the Boarding Pass (Cordovan mentioned this, but wisely didn't name specifics) while also maintaining the ability to teleport from the airship. Cheers.

    Edit: Release Notes for Update 42 Patch 1 The Boarding Pass: Sharn now allows you to select one of the following four teleport locations: Clifftop Tower District, Sharn Docks, Alcorin's Forge, and the Drunken Dragon Tavern.
    Last edited by Clemeit; 05-20-2019 at 07:12 PM. Reason: Taking repsonses into consideration

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I agree that it's highly misleading to have the Boarding Pass as a lure for the higher priced packages. I, too, figured it would work like the Ravenloft Bottle, and thus considered it to be a really attractive convenience-item to have.

    But... I can also see why it was added to the Ship as a destination option. Ravenloft is on another plane, after all - while Sharn is still at least on Eberron (albeit, a long ways away from Xen'Drik). In that regard, it makes sense. But...

    Still feels like a bait-and-switch though. Which I'm not super happy about. Not sure about removing it from Airships - but I feel duped.
    Last edited by Memnir; 05-14-2019 at 10:33 PM.
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  3. #3
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    Going to get a ton of hate for this, so just lay it on me.

    Please remove the Sharn teleport option from the airship. It wasn't an option for Ravenloft, and it shouldn't be an option for Sharn. To be honest - and this is going to sound super shallow - the "Boarding Pass: Sharn" was the only reason I purchased the more expensive bundle this time around. Had I known it was going to be included on board the airship, I would have purchased the base pack.

    Hate-filled comments commence.
    Yikes Sharn is set in Eberron and there's sorta an airship theme going on.

    The Robots were the only reason to get the expensive bundle.

  4. #4
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    Going to get a ton of hate for this, so just lay it on me.

    Please remove the Sharn teleport option from the airship. It wasn't an option for Ravenloft, and it shouldn't be an option for Sharn. To be honest - and this is going to sound super shallow - the "Boarding Pass: Sharn" was the only reason I purchased the more expensive bundle this time around. Had I known it was going to be included on board the airship, I would have purchased the base pack.

    Hate-filled comments commence.
    Dont agree - the choice is thematically correct

  5. #5
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    So how about those folks who cannot afford the 100+ bucks? Going to tell them to suck eggs?

  6. #6
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    But... I can also see why it was added to the Ship as a destination option. Ravenloft is on another plane, after all - while Sharn is still at least on Eberron (albeit, a long ways away from Xen'Drik). In that regard, it makes sense. But...
    Still feels like a bait-and-switch though. Which I'm not super happy about. Not sure about removing it from Airships - but I feel duped.
    Yeah I agree, it's thematically correct. But I also feel like it was a bait-and-switch. I bought it for the quick teleport, and I know I'm not alone in that. They should have been more transparent if they were going to include the quick teleport in the guild airship.

    I'll be totally honest, I would not have purchased the higher tier pack if I knew that the quick teleport would be included in the airship anyways. And I have a sneaking suspicion that they knew this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    The Robots were the only reason to get the expensive bundle.
    I've tried the robots a while ago. Maybe they've been changed, but I couldn't get them to work properly. I don't like hireling as a rule anyway. I think most people don't either.

    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    So how about those folks who cannot afford the 100+ bucks? Going to tell them to suck eggs?
    The more expensive bundle for Ravenloft included a quick teleport - a feature not included on the airship. You can still use your legs to walk to Sharn as you could with Ravenloft. Higher paying customers get more from the game - that's not a novel concept.
    Last edited by Clemeit; 05-15-2019 at 01:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post

    The more expensive bundle for Ravenloft included a quick teleport - a feature not included on the airship. You can still use your legs to walk to Sharn as you could with Ravenloft. Higher paying customers get more from the game - that's not a novel concept.
    Does the ship option and the quick inventory option take you to the same place or different? I could see the airship taking you to an "entrance" kind of area to the city, while the higher paid ultimate bundle teleport takes you to the heart of it all, so to speak.

    I haven't been to Sharn yet, but that's the only way it makes sense to me as not being a bait and switch. But if the airship and the inventory item both take you to the same place, then, yeah. Bad taste in the mouth.

  8. #8
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Does the ship option and the quick inventory option take you to the same place or different? I could see the airship taking you to an "entrance" kind of area to the city, while the higher paid ultimate bundle teleport takes you to the heart of it all, so to speak.

    I haven't been to Sharn yet, but that's the only way it makes sense to me as not being a bait and switch. But if the airship and the inventory item both take you to the same place, then, yeah. Bad taste in the mouth.
    Both of them take you directly to the Clifftop Tower District - right to the heart of the public area. The difference between the two teleport locations is negligible. It's like 10 feet.

  9. #9
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    Both of them take you directly to the Clifftop Tower District - right to the heart of the public area. The difference between the two teleport locations is negligible. It's like 10 feet.

    So I paid for the Ultimate and I got:

    1. Transport that I get anyway from the ship
    2. Universal point that gets sold in store sometimes anyway.
    3. Weapon Aura: Forgewraith.

    So I paid $50 dollars more for Weapon Aura: Forgewraith. mic drop

  10. #10
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post

    So I paid for the Ultimate and I got:

    1. Transport that I get anyway from the ship
    2. Universal point that gets sold in store sometimes anyway.
    3. Weapon Aura: Forgewraith.

    So I paid $50 dollars more for Weapon Aura: Forgewraith. mic drop
    Yeah that's why I'm a bit sour over. I've been kicking myself for not purchasing the higher tier Ravenloft bundle since now I have to walk there - yes this is a minor gripe and I'm just lazy. Thought to myself, not again! I'm dropping some extra money to get the perk of being lazy. And then they just drop a port option in the ship. Oh well, they got me this time, but I won't make that mistake next expansion. I'd reckon others won't, either.

  11. #11
    Community Member Kynestra's Avatar
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    I missed out on the Ravenloft mists bottle too, and also am one who decided to get the ultimate bundle of Sharn due in large part to the teleport option. This really is quite irritating.
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  12. #12
    Community Member bls904c2's Avatar
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    i would not have minded if the airship entrance was a bit further walk like on docks area but to have it almost in sight of teleport in is truely a huge mistake.

    the boarding pass was spose to be a convenience to get around easier. this item is now considered an inconvenience because it takes up inventory. do you devs even understand your player base, or what a convenience item is?

  13. #13
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    I was going to buy the ultimate pack solely for the tome and the teleport item - lets face it, the rest of the "shinies" offered are just junk.

    Then I discovered the tome was for trees I dont use, but I was still going to buy Ultimate for the tele item.

    Then I read we can teleport from the ship

    £30 Basic pack for me then - happy days

    Sometimes its just worth waiting to see what pans out.

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  14. #14
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    I bought the base pack and I am happy that I can reach Sharn easily from the ship. I would be very disappointed, if this would change because SSG did bad advertising. Maybe some kind of compensation for you folks would be possible. It would have to be big though, cause 50 bucks ...
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  15. #15
    Community Member AsburyParker's Avatar
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    Point of clarification and curiosity; do you have to be on the guild airship to use the boarding pass?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsburyParker View Post
    Point of clarification and curiosity; do you have to be on the guild airship to use the boarding pass?
    Nicely indirect way of making the point I was going to.

    The transport from the ship requires you to be on the ship.

    You can use your Boarding Pass from anywhere, right? That's the advantage.
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  17. #17
    Community Member bls904c2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsburyParker View Post
    Point of clarification and curiosity; do you have to be on the guild airship to use the boarding pass?
    no you dont need to be on the ship but honestly it really doesn't matter. i log out and in on airship. i don't run 1 quest and farm in sharn like dailies. out of what the xp is like and the gear is like my sentient weapon likes food. i would be playing sharn like ravenloft i get my ship buffs and play 2-3 hours playing the chain. ravenloft i get my buffs then use the bottle of mist. im in tavern and im runing quests very convenant. this, this waste of inventory spot i no longer carried after first use and found out where teleport and airship portal is i just flat out distroyed the pass because it serves no purpose.

    you might say well how about if your in vale or eveningstar well i /death taxi get my buffs and get on my way. it is absolutely useless and has no place in the shortage of backpack space we have. it is a complete waste and my advice if you dont like cosmetics or the hires dont waste your cash.
    Last edited by bls904c2; 05-15-2019 at 06:37 AM.

  18. #18
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    Yeah so it kinda makes sense that airships fly to Sharn. That's kinda unfortunate because it makes Boarding Pass look particularly bad.

    So perhaps the Boarding Pass could be improved somehow?
    * Faster animation (like teleport or the d12 iirc)
    * multiple drop-off points (like teleport)
    * including teleporting to your guild airship (aka permanent personal guild airship beacon)
    * BtA (or make it not cost an inventory space by making it a special feat)

  19. #19
    Community Member Kenpai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post

    So I paid for the Ultimate and I got:

    1. Transport that I get anyway from the ship
    2. Universal point that gets sold in store sometimes anyway.
    3. Weapon Aura: Forgewraith.

    So I paid $50 dollars more for Weapon Aura: Forgewraith. mic drop
    4. Tiefling Scoundrel Iconic Hero
    5. 90 AS+5 Mirrors of Glamering
    6. High Society Cosmetics: outfit, hat, & cloak + Cosmetic Pet: Warforged Peacock
    7. Legendary Paperweig-- Shield Guardian

    The Universal tome is for each character and priced at 3500 DP, which is ~$35 per character. Scoundrel is 1400 DP, or about another $14 which means for just $1 you get a useless teleport, an Aura, 90 AS, 5 Mirrors and a bunch of cosmetics.
    If you play more than one character, the 2 Tomes alone more than make up the difference, and if you play (and would pay for tomes on) 4 characters, it would cost more to buy 4 tomes than it would to buy Ultimate pack and get all the rest of Sharn essentially for free.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Hi Welcome

  20. #20
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    Seems like you got what exactly what the label on the tin said you would.

    Asking for something to be taken away from other people because you didn't realise they would get something similar is really poor form.

    Enjoy your purchase and make sure you remember for next time.


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