We survived the fights. The end chest appeared. The quest refuses to complete. We wandered around every room looking for a stray mob and talked to every NPC: nada.
We survived the fights. The end chest appeared. The quest refuses to complete. We wandered around every room looking for a stray mob and talked to every NPC: nada.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
"Survive the attack" objective is not checked, but all the NPCs thank us for saving them.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Reran the quest and it completed. /shrug
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Asked thing happened to me in a group on Epic R3.
It was our first time in.
We killed the end boss p, got reward, but no completion.
All NPC were grateful, but not enough to let us get our xp/rxp.
On Ghallanda at approximately 5-6 cst.
Two of us submitted tickets (not realizing that the other was doing so).
After 10-15 minute wait, we exited and ran it again on r1 without issue.
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
They missed an opportunity to name it The Song Remains the Same. This is why the quest is bugged. Thank you for your time.
Last edited by CaptainPurge; 05-15-2019 at 02:16 AM.
Im almost positive if you was to step back out of the front doors and go to where you first entered the quest you will find 1 stray mob wondering around quite lost. This has happened to me also several times. Each time the last mob you have to kill was out some where in the court yard
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
This is still a problem. It has just happend to me twice in succession. No stray mobs to be found, all the quest goals completed but no XP/completion at the end.
With today's patch, one of the possible ways for this to break should have been fixed. I did identify another way it could have this happen and am working on a fix for it currently. Whenever we do another patch I'll make sure this fix gets put in it!
Sorry to necro this thread, but this just happened to me in The Same Old Song.
All quest objectives completed and ticked, end chest appeared and looted, but no quest completion and no XP.
One thing was that at the start of the quest, the mobs at the entrance aggro'd my dog before I even got in the quest, and before I could summon my hireling. So it seems likely that the quest instance was borked from the start.
I have run this quest countless times on various lives. This is the first time this has happened to me.
Did you walk forward and trigger the first encounter? Usually the group of mobs aren't active until you walk past the first guy.
Tangential to this subject... but can we get that awful singing on a particular volume slider? I just want to mute Encore, but I end up muting the whole game in that quest because that singing just bothers the heck out of me. Its not exactly her voice but the style of music to which its being applied that bugs me.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
YEEESSSS that audio cue is the 1877KARS4KIDS of DDO!!
Her voice, while not itself bad, is not right for cabaret either. It's very...Betty Boop meets Carol Channing, and over enunciates all the consonants and the "e" in "the". The lyrics are a little cringily awkward too. Cole Porter it ain't...
I'd really love if they could re record that whole track. Give the lyrics another pass, new voice artist with more of a sultry alto register, and put the manager guy on piano so she can have a little accompaniment
TLDR: yeah please hook it to DM Audio or Music channel so we can mute it![]()