The Monster Manuals need some updates. There's plenty of critters still absent from the MMs (I don't know how many Fire Giants and Will O Wisps I've killed at this point). So we need to start adding the missing critters.
Equally important, though, are the rewards. And the truth is that Art and More Lore are terrible rewards. If you want to keep Art and Lore, that's fine, but toss in like, I don't know, an extra 10 DDO Points or something with them.
But I'll admit it: mostly, I want more Companion rewards. I think the following should provide Companions for Account Mastery rewards:
Animals (All)
Constructs (All)
Elementals (All) - This includes the Mephits (unless you're going to properly reclassify Mephits as Outsiders with Elemental subtypes)
Magical Beasts (all) - This would induce me to spend more time in the Underdark fighting for my miniature Purple Worm companion
Oozes (All)
Undead: Skeleton (could be the skeleton of any of the other companion types), Zombie (ditto), Shadow
For the ones that don't provide Companions, you could add a choice of whatever the current Account Mastery reward is or a free piece of companion gear.