Thinking about aasimar scourge level 17 cleric, level 2 ranger, level 1 barbarian
Enhancements 41 inquisitor, 31 falconry. This leaves 8 points plus any racials (or 9 if you have the universal AP tome)
Why cleric 17? Because 9th level spells, including implosion.
Wisdom to everything, including a wisdom trance.
Feats it would need
level 1 PB shot, Level 3 completionist, level 6 Precise shot, level 9 Rapid reload, level 12 improve crit ranged level 15 IPS
(rapid shot comes from the 2nd ranger level). At level 18 pick up precision (we backload this one so we can come out the iconic gate with IPS).
Level order, probably do Ranger Ranger Barbarian, then rest cleric. Why? To start out with barbarian speed immediately at level 15.
Domain---Thinking Luck domain is what works best here. Displacement SLA, +2 to all DCs, and no fail on 1 on all saves (which is huge).
Don't need to make crossbows a religious weapon, since have falconry.
DCs on casting will be pretty decent, since will be boosting wisdom hardcore.
Any thoughts?