Is it possible to do Shroud crafting, or Legendary Shroud crafting, with materials which are sitting in your crafting storage bank?
Is it possible to do Shroud crafting, or Legendary Shroud crafting, with materials which are sitting in your crafting storage bank?
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Good to know.
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Let's say: normally yes but like many things, in DDO it doesn't always work.
therefore to be sure you can craft, better have the materials on you in the legendary shroud.
Well, yes and no.
If you have 200 parts in the shared storage bank and 1 part on you - the game often/sometimes/always seem to think you dont have enough - because it checks on you where you only have the 1. As you will often just have run through the raid you will likely have a few parts on you but most in the bank - and that might not work out so well.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Sorry but what is good to know?
Someone says "Yes" and you didn't know, or you want to let people, that follow the devtracker, to know it's possible to get people to buy the crafting storage?
It is extremely buggy. I've stood at the end of shroud multiple times with frustrations and it didn't work. Iirc I tried to lock ingredients in my bag and it simply showed "you don't have any". As someone said above, might work by destroying the materials, didn't try that yet. But that's not how it should work.
Now I just store all my LGS crafting materials in 1 bag and hope I don't forget to bring it with me when I want to craft something.
Sometimes DDO representatives scared me... really...
It's can not work with single case - if you put any crafting mats into crafting storage and go to raid immediately without relog. For all other cases it's work perfectly.
Irrelevant. For LGS you don't need 200 etc parts, so 1 part with you count good just because all LGS crafting need only one each mats. This bug applicable only to CC.
As say before, irrelevant, you don't need destroy any.
Last edited by Ulfo; 05-13-2019 at 07:47 AM.