How do I get my account permanently deleted?
How do I get my account permanently deleted?
You don't. Just walk away.
If you're worried about the temptation to return, just change the password to something completely random (shut your eyes and hit the keyboard, copy/paste for confirmation), and then walk away.
(Oh - and can I haz ur stuffs?)
sure fire way to get it done:
1.bring up politics
2. go off on a racist tirade
3. circumvent the profanity filter
4. mention the other site
5. say cordos mum wears combat boots.
6. repeat steps 1-5 until banned......
this is just a method and it says nothing about whether or not you should do it......
Last edited by Hobgoblin; 05-10-2019 at 05:56 PM.
But what if she did? We don't know if she was a veteran or not.
...actually, I bet the account would get a perma lock if the OP posted his/her account & password publicly. (After removing payment info, of course.)
Again, the wisdom of doing such a thing is left for the OP to decide. I'd go with C-dog's suggestion.
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 05-10-2019 at 09:41 PM.
The real answer is that you don't. The same protection we have that our accounts don't get deleted** after a period of inactivity (probably) also prevents your account from being deleted.
You can request it be voluntarily locked, I believe. You'd have to PM Cordo for a final answer on that.
As for what you yourself can do = basically remove your payment info from the account, then doing what C-dog posted to prevent yourself from ever logging back in. Delete your characters first if you're really really serious about never logging in again.
**-Barring entire company shifts like the Codemasters thing.
It may be a totally crazy idea but write a ticket? Or contact customer support?
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Actually, I'm gonna double-down with replies to this.
Instead of an answer, let me throw a question at ya. I didn't look back through your posts before, but have now. Other than the past month, you didn't seem to be overly out of sorts with the game aside from the standard bug aggravation many of us feel.
Why are you wanting the account deleted? Maybe just a personal time-out might better serve you?
Find a way to dupe all ingredients and XP stones, a quest XP exploit or a way to pass BTC items between toons.
Preferably a way that is hard/impossible to fix.
Post clear/concise, logically realistic method here and over *there*.
That *should* (maybe) get the "nuke the orbit" attention to your account you are looking for.
This is Modern Times.
You don't get deleted from the Internet.
The Internet knows you.
The only thing I could add is that according to a German court decision, firms like face book must allow in Germany the heirs of a dead person access to the account of the dead person.
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
The only 'real' way is to be perma-banned and lose access to said account.
Or destroy your computer and never touch another one.
Beyond that, you could do the next best thing and delete your characters - then change your password to some random faceroll that you could never duplicate (though that does make Confirm New Password difficult - so maybe copy/paste the face roll(?)) and then c/p something else right after so you loose it forever. Take off. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.