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  1. #41
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    DeltaBravo. i think that the idea of the artifact its that all have +22 pretty stat.

    but maybe could ask that add Insightful Wisdom to the Silver Dragonscale Helmet and/or Silver Dragonscale Capelet.
    Dunno if is the better choice (never had play a melee wisdom based... that was my Heart +20), but think that make sense with that theme.

  2. #42
    Brains and other spare parts! DeltaBravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strambotica View Post
    DeltaBravo. i think that the idea of the artifact its that all have +22 pretty stat.

    but maybe could ask that add Insightful Wisdom to the Silver Dragonscale Helmet and/or Silver Dragonscale Capelet.
    Dunno if is the better choice (never had play a melee wisdom based... that was my Heart +20), but think that make sense with that theme.

    yeah i noticed they all had +22 stat somethig thats why i said alternativ give it +22 con. ( that also opens the item up for other melee builds. The wisdom +22 is wasted on this item. Wisdom based melee toons, will find wisdom somewhere else.
    Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!

  3. #43
    Brains and other spare parts! DeltaBravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Would you guys equip one of these if they gave no other bonuses than the filigree set hosting? So all this stuff added is not necessary. Just dump it as excessive creep and make them have a few augment slots that are unusual like a red one for instance on a gear set. Or even better—make them Cannith craftable and BANG you have redeemed a system slowly deprecating AND created awesome flexibility for character creation
    I would not use it if it did not have the normal item bonus . 3 filigree slots is nice.. but its alot less then what one item in its place can give.

    if you are talking about adding nearly finised and allmost done , and then the augement slots + 3 filiigree slots , iam all with you...

    Cheers Deltabravo
    Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!

  4. #44
    Hero Recared's Avatar
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    Default Band of Diani ir'Wynarn Bracer Minor Artifact

    The change to wisdom made Int arcanes be forced to necklaces for max int.

    Please Lynn could you consider having both versions?

    At least the effects are good as they are, please do not change them, they give versatility for other builds.

    Thank you.

  5. #45
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Necklace is a bad spot for any build because there are 2 awesome necklaces that can be used.

    Neg Absorb should not be on an int item as it is harmful to pale masters. Neg Absorb is more thematic with wisdom anyhow and light absorb is thematic with pm. Suggest switching absorbs along with the stats. Realistically though as a PM I will have to end up with int 21 ring + minor artifact con ring and one of the good necklaces.

    For minor artifact should have been - pick an item and then customize all the slots - even if it took longer to make.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  6. #46
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    At least you have a choice in the necklace, the Favored Soul and Cleric can't use the wisdom artifact for casters, since break the Flamecleansed Fury Set.

    IF no-one wants to fix this. Maybe could... in the future (Next Raid) put an Artifact +22 Constitution with the Casters things that could be compatible with Divine Casters Set?
    (im not repeating the same wisdom, because isn't popular just repeat the same thing over and over in different gear slots, but wisdom would be better for me... but all need Constitution)...

    PD: Sorry for my bad English, and thank you very much for your hard work on Sharn ^^

  7. #47
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Band of Diani ir'Wynarn Bracer Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Wisdom +22
    • Quality Spell Focus Mastery +2
    • Quality Potency +41
    • Light Absorption +31%

    This artifact, (the best for divine casters) breaks the Flame Cleansed Fury set (best and only divine set!) because one of the set items is a also bracer.

    Suggest: making this artifact gloves (best IMO) or a ring. Both of these slots would allow healer types to also use that wonderful Conduit of the Soul Necklace. (the other wis artifact is a ring, and not very divine friendly)

    Healers and divine casters need some love, perrty please!
    Last edited by Mellkor; 05-06-2019 at 06:58 PM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  8. #48
    Community Member Gemini-Dragon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Band of Diani ir'Wynarn Bracer Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Wisdom +22
    • Quality Spell Focus Mastery +2
    • Quality Potency +41
    • Light Absorption +31%

    This artifact, (the best for divine casters) breaks the Flame Cleansed Fury set (best and only divine set!) because one of the set items is a also bracer.

    Suggest: making this artifact gloves (best IMO) or a ring. !
    The problem with changing it to gloves is that it goes back to breaking the Druid set (necklace + armor + gloves). The Artifact was changed from necklace to bracers to prevent breaking that set, so I doubt they'll change it a second time to gloves which goes back to breaking the Druid set. Making it a ring would work, or a pair of boots. There are no wisdom boots in the game at the moment. Really anything that isn't cloak, gloves, bracers or necklace would be an improvement.

  9. #49
    Uber Completionist kain741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    The Zarash'ak Ward Neck Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Intelligence +22
    • Quality Spell Focus Mastery +2
    • Quality Potency +41
    • Negative Absorption +31%
    This makes absolutely no sense. How can you put neg absorb on the intell/wizard casting artifact? You've just made a very difficult job of healing in reaper that much more difficult. Wouldn't this make more sense as a light absorb? Since you swapped the int and wis casting stats, wouldn't it make sense to swap their absorbs too? A divine should absorb the negative energy and a PM the light?
    Last edited by kain741; 05-07-2019 at 04:11 PM.
    Whynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by kain741 View Post
    This makes absolutely no sense. How can you put neg absorb on the intell/wizard casting artifact? You've just made a very difficult job of healing in reaper that much more difficult. Wouldn't this make more sense as a light absorb? Since you swapped the int and wis casting stats, wouldn't it make sense to swap their absorbs too? A divine should absorb the negative energy and a PM the light?
    Just to throw it out there again, as per my own post on the first page (#3), this was swapped out.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  11. #51
    Uber Completionist kain741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Just to throw it out there again, as per my own post on the first page (#3), this was swapped out.
    Thank you..I hadn't see that yet. I read it and was so stunned i responded immediately without stopping
    Thematically though I think it still makes more sense to have light absorb as it did before and the divine caster piece have negative absorb as it did before...but that's just my two cents. Certainly it doesn't break a build as it was before.
    Whynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Thanks for providing feedback! As a quick reminder, your feedback is infinitely more likely to be acted upon if they're posted as concrete, constructive suggestions. "This is bad" is way less easily worked with than "replace X with Y"
    Hi Lyn, can you pls change the Bonus to quality for deadly on these two Items, so not to double with the insightful deadly on the melee and ranged set (presupposing you change the bonus on the ranged Raid Helm back to insightful as asked for in the loot thread ).

    Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Dexterity +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Sonic Absorption +53%

    Key of Rhukaan Draal Necklace Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Intelligence +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Chaos Absorption +31%


  13. #53
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    That change could be good for Tank dps set (that on a already have the insight deadly, im assuming that's why are you asking for that), but not so great for ranged dps set...

    Edit: If you want insightful Accurary and Quality Deadly, there is the Legendary Band of Insightful Commands from Black and Blue, is not big numbers like Sharn things, but is an option

    so. plz don't change this ring and necklace.
    Last edited by Strambotica; 05-07-2019 at 06:44 PM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strambotica View Post

    That change could be good for Tank dps set (that on a already have the insight deadly, im assuming that's why are you asking for that), but not so great for ranged dps set...

    Edit: If you want insightful Accurary and Quality Deadly, there is the Legendary Band of Insightful Commands from Black and Blue, is not big numbers like Sharn things, but is an option
    The Melee Set Gloves look like:
    Hammerfist Gloves
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Doublestrike +9/+23
    • Cannith Combat Infusion Your ranged and melee attacks have a chance to cause this item to inject a Cannith Combat Infusion into your bloodstream. For the next ten seconds, this will grant a +4 Alchemical bonus to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity, as well as a 5% Alchemical bonus to your chance to doublestrike and a +2 Alchemical bonus to Armor Class.
    • Seeker +8/+21
    • Insightful Deadly +2/+8

    so they have insight Deadly already, melee dps based on Dex (like Ninja Spy, Bard, Weapon Finesse feat) or Int (Harper) have ins. Deadly doubled on the artifact and melee set.

    and the ranged set had insightful deadly for a short time

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Insightful Deadly is good enough for me. Changed.
    which was very good, since it fits the wis and str Artifacts, just until

    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    Make it quality deadly so it doesnt clash with the dex minor artifact ring!
    which really was a bad idea, cuz now it clashes with the wis (Monkcher and Falconry) and str (Bow Strength) artifacts for ranged builds instead the artifact change does help out much more builds, than just the dex ranged one.

    And Dex is used for to-hit only and str is for dmg and wis (with falconry) is for hit and dmg.

    As for the Legendary Band of Insightful Commands it isnt an artifact with three filigree slots and three augment slots...... its like comparing a pocket knife to a semi automatic. (you know, like Sean Connery said: brings a knife to a gunfight)
    Last edited by Elearim; 05-07-2019 at 08:36 PM.

  15. #55
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    Therefore i repeat :

    Hi Lyn, can you pls change the Bonus to quality for deadly on these two Items, so not to double with the insightful deadly on the melee and ranged set (presupposing you change the bonus on the ranged Raid Helm back to insightful as asked for in the loot thread ).

    Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Dexterity +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Sonic Absorption +53%

    Key of Rhukaan Draal Necklace Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Intelligence +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Chaos Absorption +31%


  16. #56
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Please Bring Us Trinket Artifacts Next Raid Created After Sharn Raids!

    Sure, these artifacts are powerful, but I'd argue them to be a little flavorless but then again the argument could be rightfully made that they need to be in order to have more broad usage among multiple builds, and so I suggest raid tier Trinket Artifacts in next raid introduced that are flavorful.


    1-Iconic Racial Tree Skill Enhancements
    *******Shadar-Kai gets their chain attack enhanced when this item is equipped so that the effects on their mainhand weapon (Vorpal for example) transfer to the chain attack while the chain attack is active, meaning each time someone is hit by the chain attack they are also treated as if they were hit by your mainhand weapon.
    *******Bladeforged have their Communion of Scribing enhanced by being automatically treated as if effected by quicken metamagic feat while also receiving an additional discount to the casting cost. Additionally, upon casting communion of scribing, nearby enemies are subjected to a slowburst effect.
    *******Deep Gnomes Gnomish weapon training grants usage of intelligence to hit and damage with all gnomish weapons, while their racial phantasmal killer spell has a chance to effect additional enemies (Visage of terror style).
    *******Aasimar Scourge gains the ability to recover one charge of racial healing hands every 7 minutes, additionally all nearby enemies are subjected to a blindness effect upon usage of this skill (Assuming they don't make the save).
    *******Purple Dragon Knights gain Enhanced Cormyrean Knight Training in which grants proficiency to all Cormyrean weapons (shortswords, longswords, bastard swords, and greatswords.) along with bonuses for each based on which is equipped at the time. Bastard swords for example would gain a bonus to weapon effects on glancing blows and glancing blow damage.
    *******Tiefling Scoundrel's Infernal resistance II now additionally grants 50% absorption for each element racial resistance is granted for.
    *******Sun Elf's Rejuvenation of Dawn has a chance to gain back a charge every time an ally dies, additionally if you have Rejuvenation of the dawn trained you gain +50 fortification, +10 armor class, and +10 PRR and MRR for each slain ally in your party, stacks of this effect expire upon resurrecting the ally contributing the bonus.

    2-Weapon attachment clicky on an enhancement/insightful/quality intelligence trinket (Shares cooldown with actual weapon attachment)

    3-A Pale master artifact that serves as a companion piece to the new pale master cloak and orb (Meaning nothing on it that doesn't stack)

    4-A trinket artifact that makes your weapon metaline, alligned, and morphic (All three of these bundled into a single effect, call it Ultra-morph and taunt people by vowing that it will only ever go onto a single item) while additionally granting insightful, enhancement, and quality constitution stat bonuses and requiring some kind of alignment restriction.

    The point is, when I hear artifacts, I think "Tribal", when I process DDO and the word tribal at the same time, I think effects reminiscent of the planes or relating to iconic Heroes or unique racial attributes. Most artifacts are related to tribes or groups of people, hence that "Tribe's mark" is in a sense imprinted on the artifact thus making there something to expect in the form of flavor. While making these bland and more universal you are giving Minor Artifacts a decent start, however I beg of you to make the artifacts released in the future more flavorful, also, please keep these stats as the cap. 22 Intelligence is nice and all, but spoiling people with power creep is ill advised, though I do very much so understand the difficulty level of the new content being a bit more than some are use to, the line has to be drawn somewhere.

  17. #57
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duhboy View Post
    The Key of Rhukaan Draal seems like it would better fit a ring slot than a necklace.
    Yes, ring would work.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Sigil of the Triumverate
    Is this spelling something from lore? I cant find anything on Google with that spelling....the actual word is spelled "Triumvirate"

  19. #59
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elearim View Post
    Therefore i repeat :

    Hi Lyn, can you pls change the Bonus to quality for deadly on these two Items, so not to double with the insightful deadly on the melee and ranged set (presupposing you change the bonus on the ranged Raid Helm back to insightful as asked for in the loot thread ).

    Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Dexterity +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Sonic Absorption +53%

    Key of Rhukaan Draal Necklace Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3

    • Intelligence +22
    • Insightful Accuracy +17
    • Quality Deadly +5
    • Chaos Absorption +31%


    I agree with the ring slot for the key, and such would make sense thematically as rings that doubled as keys were once actually a thing! See link below

  20. #60
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    Uhm... just noticed... planning Gear for Assassinate Intelligence based Rogue.

    And the intelligence articaft "Key of Rhukaan Draal" break the melee dps set.

    Ok. its not that terrible, still could use the Dexterity ring and lose 1 Int. But, could consider one similar artifact on other slot for the next raid or pack.

    Or... seeing the many conflicts that are in some artifact with the sets, maybe an upgrade throught Threads of Fate or the crafting system to convert the item from X slot to Y slot without losing rare bonus (Mythic, Reaper).

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