I was really looking forward to the +1 to inspire courage, has the ship sailed? I know you said you couldnt get the anthem part to work, but couldnt you just have released the +1 as a regular buff on the belt?
Was hoping to get +2 tp imspire this update, 1 from fili one from belt 8)
Illmer Silverhilt, 36pt (Half) Elf Rogue13/Fighter6/Monk1. The Kighter
Mesmerrita d'Jorasco, 36pt PDK Bard20. Racial Completionist
Subpar, Orien
(not currently) Livestreaming on Twitch.tv/mesmerita - My YouTube - My Spotify
So the battlemage set right now is restricted to Repair Amplification, which makes it pretty geared toward melee artificers and only secondarily EKs, despite being called the Tanky Spell DPS set. I like the set in general, but can this get the Nearly Finished treatment to give the option to that amplification. Living and Undead EKs will love you for it. Really, that same statement can apply to all of these armors. Repair amp is nice, but only warforged or artificers can take advantage of it, and likewise, Healing amp does nothing for the undead. At the very least, change the armor one to healing amp.
In all though, loving these items. Thanks for taking suggestions from the nerd mob and thank you (and the other devs) for your hard work.
And a preemptive thank you for this pale master pass intimated in the comments. Looking forward to seeing more on that. Is Archmage getting the same treatment?
Last edited by reywas; 05-03-2019 at 06:42 PM.
Imagine some made up universe with a made up Deity.
God comes down from the Heavens, and Says: "I am God, Hey, Notgods, any wishes?"
Notgods say: "Wow! Cool! Can you do this?"
God: "No."
Notgods: "Why not, you're God?"
God: "Because before, when I was also God, I did something! And that something..."
Notgods drifting off, eyes glazing over: "Ummm, huh?"
I'm sure you've heard the old (our universe saying) Can God make a boulder so big He can't move it?
You're the Devs/Gods! You can do anything you want. Yes, it's more work. Everything is work, if you think about it. I thought only random generated items had locked scaling. It was my understanding that named loot could be anything the creator wanted it to be. Make a new striding effect. Call it striding just like all the others and add to the confusion pileMake this striding do 100 percent.
Hmmm, thinking of this a little more, I would just take the partial striding off this item entirely. It's "meh". In 2052, when they ask you what you did in the Great Lootening, do you really want to say: "I made 94 percent striding one time because reasons..."
Last edited by Mindos; 05-03-2019 at 06:46 PM.
The dumpster fire is so cool thematically and so copy cat in its effects. On the whole I love thematic stuff but long for cool new effects too.
How about a turbo fan rune arm that sort of does a cyclonic blast spell attack scaled for rune arm dice and clears aoe's?
Or a Air raid siren that does sonic and a debuff, like a shout with deafen or greater shout with its stun?
Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion
Is it possible to have light/medium versions of the esoteric armor? Currently a 5pc Slave Lords + Shadowdragon armor is better than the Esoteric set. If we had the option of Light/Medium with this set than it would make the Esoteric set only slightly worse; but easier to fill in gear wise. Currently the Esoteric set is much worse than Slave Lords.
Last edited by Odysseus2011; 05-03-2019 at 06:56 PM.
Afunkymunky/Drkivorkian, Helter Skelter on Ghallanda
Epic Ring of Spell Storing--https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...+spell+storing
Staggershockers Raid Gloves
Minimum Level: 29
- Stormreaver's Thunderclap This item crackles with power, flickers of lightning emenating from it. On a Melee strike of a Natural 20 that is confirmed as a critical hit, this item will strike your foe with a tremendous burst of lightning. A DC 100 Reflex save will prevent half of this damage.
- Lesser Displacement
- Parrying +10
- Doublestrike+24%
Curious why you took the melee 15 and replace with parrying. There is only one other item in the loot now that offers melee 15.
I thought this fit well with gloves and provides all the melees at 2 options instead of one to get melee alacrity in their build.
This was gloves for a set meant for Arty and EK - both of which can buff themselves with melee alacrity from haste/armor of speed. It was a wasted slot for whom it was meant for.
If more alacrity/speed items are needed, it should be elsewhere, though there are plenty of other game items too.
Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)
Black Velvet Cloak Cloak
Minimum Level: 15/29
- Insightful Negative Amplification +15/+43
- Profane Attributes +1/+2
- Insightful Intelligence +3/+10
- Boon of Undeath/Greater Boon of Undeath
- Taint of Evil
Celestial Ruby Ring Ring
Minimum Level: 15/29
- Nearly Finished (STR, DEX, or INT +8/21)
- Stunning+9/+23
- Accuracy +12/+33
- Insightful Physical Sheltering +9/+26
Celestial Emerald Ring Ring
Minimum Level: 15/29
- Nearly Finished (STR, WIS, or CON +8/21)
- Insightful Incite +10%/+28%
- Insightful Intimidate +8/+11
- Linguistics +10%
For the Black Velvet Cloak would it be possible to change the Insightful Int to Quality Int?
For the Celestial Ruby Ring would be possible to change the Dex upgrade to Con?
Also for Celestial Emerald Ring, something that is centered on Cha skills is not possible to put Cha on it. Anyway to have this changed?
I've been waiting eleven lives for my pure monk, and was excited that it was coinciding with Sharn. So, it is hard for me to understand the non-raid handwraps. Just comparing them with the daggers in the same pack, which can be used with the gloves, we see that the dagger user gets
Cannith Combat Infusion
Ins. Deadly 8 (maybe overlapping with the artifact)
18d6 typed damage
+12 deception
vs. the wraps
2d8 from impact 5, 2d6 from Bonesplitter
2d8 is close to 3d6, so this means that the daggers are 13d6 ahead, not including vorpal/banishing, deception, and CCI. Why do we have to lose the gloves slot for these handwraps?
Last edited by reywas; 05-03-2019 at 09:56 PM.