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  1. #41
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The items already have Augment slots :P
    Must have just not put it on the forum post? Oh well, nevermind then *whistles*

  2. #42
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I can change the raid one to something else if you have a concrete suggestion for what should replace it
    I've always been a fan of tendon slice for the slow but that's on the other helm already.

    insightful Distant diversion?
    all saves instead of just reflex?
    adamantine imbue since you can't use the gloves?
    Last edited by Thar; 05-03-2019 at 05:40 PM.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  3. #43
    Community Member Amoneth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KhellendrosUK View Post
    Originally Posted by Cocomajobo
    Black Velvet Cloak Cloak
    Minimum Level: 15/29

    • Insightful Negative Amplification +15/+43
    • Profane Attributes +1/+2
    • Insightful Intelligence +3/+10
    • Boon of Undeath/Greater Boon of Undeath
    • Taint of Evil

    Pretty please could this go back to Quality Int. We can get insightful from loads of other Sharn items but quality is now only available on a belt.
    *Adds a cherry*

  4. #44
    Community Member Arkbusya's Avatar
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    Default One more step to be done :D

    My feedback on this third loot preview :
    So, for the Raid helmet, suggestion could be to change distant diversion +34 to insight distant diversion +10.

    For the "Arcsteel battlemage" set, with the actual bonus, its name should be "Arcsteel Renegade" . Please, think to people who are made of purely flesh and not nearly construct; you could put the repairs bonus (ampli&lore) as a nearly finish state with equivalent healing conterpart to choose in the process; or made the stuff in two version one with repair, the other with healing

    The rune arm... You put alluring on one (Breaking the rank), but didn't go further in this idea, we have a lot of fire rune arm (fire are the most part of them), why not make a sonic rune arm ? Just change the combustion by resonance, and the imbue fire dmg by imbue sonic dmg. This will more feat the last iconic add
    Ghallanda Server - Main toon Arkbusya (arti focused) - Guild "La griffe d emeraude"

  5. #45
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    Can we please get a light/medium version of the Esoteric Armor? Only having access to an outfit is killing that set. atm I'm not sure it's worth picking that set over a Slave Lords 5pc + Shadowdragon armor.
    Afunkymunky/Drkivorkian, Helter Skelter on Ghallanda

    Epic Ring of Spell Storing--

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What would make it less boring? Suggest something rad, yo.
    Old style Mortal Fear. 5% chance to reduce current HP by 5% per hit.

    RXBs utterly suck right now in terms of DPS, at the levels Impetus would be used. This would help compensate for that and create a useful niche in the endgame rolespace for RXB users. And it'd make the weapon useful at both high % HP (Mortal Fear) and low HP (Sov Vorp instakill), that's an interesting pairing together.

    Or if not that, then something that leverages RXB's high sustained ROF. Stacking effects-on-hit are good (like Fetters) as long as they dont have ICDs. Keeping with the theme, maybe a stacking Light DOT that can get crazy high in a long enough

    On hit: -1% Light Resistance and 1d6 light damage per 2 seconds for 6 seconds, stacks to 100.

    A little bit of DPS, and a little debuff synergizing with anyone else with Light damage, which seems to be a component of Sharn weapons.

  7. #47


    The moon/lunar items while not raid items have no unifying or really moon/lunar cohesiveness. Anything you could add? Right now just kinda feel like Barovian/Syrian type weapons but with just slightly different property set. Though shortsword is nice.

    Minor property suggestion:
    Lunar Deception: The moon reflects their weakness. Applies a destruction, improved destruction, shattermantle and improved shattermantle effects. (-8 AC and -9 SR).

    Haven't really had an SR breaker for a while. Though not sure how useful -8AC is vs. cap mobs.
    Casual DDOaholic

  8. #48
    Community Member Teeaaa's Avatar
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    I have one VERY important question...

    *did you guys work out the inconsistencies between this forum item list and effects and actual lam? Or are some items still using different names and others using different effects?

  9. #49
    Community Member clagor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    [*]Constellation, Cursed Blade Greatsword
    • Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
    • Cursed Maelstrom This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
    • Accursed Flame This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 10d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 10d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
    • Improved Destruction
    [*]The Shattered Hilt of Constellation Bastard Sword
    • Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
    • Cursed Maelstrom This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
    • Accursed Flame This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 10d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 10d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
    • Improved Destruction
    [*]Broken Blade of Constellation Shortsword
    • Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
    • Cursed Maelstrom This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
    • Accursed Flame This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 10d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 10d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
    • Improved Destruction
    Why not an additional Longsword as "Fractured Blade of Constellation"?
    There is no Named/Raid Longsword in Sharn, beside Syranian Forged Weaponry!
    Argonessen - Guild: "Married with Children" / Clagor Dan - Elf - Tempest (18 Ranger / 1 Barbarian / 1 Rogue) / Glagor Dan - Drow - Pale Master (18 Wizard / 2 Rogue)

  10. #50
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    General thoughts:

    Things are getting more streamlined and polished. This is constructive criticism, not putting down your effort!

    * nearly finished - i would open up the stats to all 5/6 even if they are sub par. On every item i can think of how i coulse use that in a build if the other attributes where available. Adds potential build diversity.

    * cloak of city’s campion - smites are such a limited resource i would bump up the number given and/or the recharge rate.

    * piston boots - include ranged power for those bow users?

    * conduit of the soul - can you include primal augmentation in this as well, let druid healers have a chance? In addition since augmentation does NOT increase max caster level is not very useful outside of spell pen. I would give it a bigger bonus or allow it to increase max caster level not just caster level.

    * cracked core - only +1 bonus action boost? We already have items providing +3.

    * collective sight - love it!

    * crystalline ward - might want to bump it up to 15% arcane spell failure to make it 0 arcane failure. Also might want that for heroic effects to. Alternatively you could manualy edit the shield to have it have 0 ASF.

    * shields - having flat 9d6 damage bonuses on shields is not very appealing because your hit rate is sooo slow with it. Replace these with something else? Maybe salt? You bash someone they are slowed down?

    * armors - i don't like the design decision to split up physical and magical sheltering.

    * platinum knuckles - transmuted platinum DC’s prevent it from being viable outside of heroic. Disappointing on a lvl 29 weapon. Glove slots give 4 attributes, weapon slots give 4 attributes, this item gives 6 (one of them being crippled by dc). Why should anyone ever use this item as it is? I like the design idea but it needs more of a splash.

    * hurits influence set bonus - no acid bonus?

    * pendent of the azure sky/sea - could you expand these benefits to include everything from that seasons? Druids really dont get enough spells to focus on just fire/ice but can sorta mange if they focus on summer/winter. Maybe you could modify the set bonus to improve everything in summer/winter?

    * arcsteel crown - just will save? What about reflex and fort? I really dont like the design decision separating these. In addition what spells require a will save that a warforge or construct exemplar (which this set is catering to) toon is required to make, can you think of any?

    * sharn wall watcher set - no ranged dps in heavy or medium armor? Is ranged now restricted to light/robe?

    * wall watcher circlet - just reflex

    * helm of the final watcher - the distant diversion also appears on the gloves of this set. Change it so its not redundant?

    * creeping dust conduit - this might appeal to druids as well if it also had primal augmentation.
    * firestorm conduit - same as above, also im guess the heroic versions giving +3 quality dc is a miss type?
    * silver/adamantine i would switch to metallic effect.
    * blunted ammunition i would change to slashing ammunition to be different. Especially for shurikin which have an edge.

    * the ellipse itself - cater quarterstaffs need really special effects or more effects than running two 1 handed caster weapons. This has nothing special and fewer effects. The lores even overlap some. To add more pizzaz i would include an effect which triggers off of spell cast.

    * hoarfrost - not enough effects (adamantine is a slot)
    * the labyrinth - as above

    * untold - greater electric storm provides 7.5 dmg/hit (average with no saves) its a really lackluster ability.
    * the everstorm - screeching on this weapon (when ot crits on 16-20) provides 5d6 damage. Not great when it could have 10d6 /hit sonic.

    * most of the raid weapons are sub par damage wise. The only thing holding them up is the loaded dice and shroud effects. To take it another way.. if you updated legendary greensteal to have loaded dice like raid weapons and accept sentience they would perform better than most of these weapons.

    Other thoughts ——

    * druids and armor types - druids are restricted in many situations from these set bonuses due to metallic armor. No bear tank, no medium/HA melee druids (bear/wolf/elemental). In fact there is only 1 heavy armor a druid can use and 0 medium armors available to them. This is really troubling as so much of this release focuses on armor.
    * it would make so much sense if each armor had a nearly finished aspect and you upgraded that armor to gain the set bonus. Then there would not be this challenge of having 20 near identical items which still somehow exclude various build options.
    * there is a notable lack of resistance in this loot.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    not sure how useful -8AC is vs. cap mobs
    I have a spreadsheet that calculates this. -1 AC to target is very slightly better than +1 Accuracy. AC reduction (under the conditions of my simulation: a well geared completionist Shintao monk) was worth about 85% of 1 Deadly. This benefit applies to everyone attacking the target, and is a considerable raid DPS buff.

  12. #52
    Uber Completionist Capricorpus's Avatar
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    The Cornerstone Champion Raid Belt
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Nearly Finished (QUALITY STR, DEX, or WIS +5)
    • Superior Reinforced Fists This item surrounds your fists with kinetic energy. Your unarmed damage is boosted by one and a half dice.
    • Melee Alacrity +15%
    • Deception +18

    Umber Brim Helmet
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Improved Quelling Strikes
    • Accuracy +12/+33
    • Insightful Deception 3/8
    • Profane Attributes +1/+2
    I greatly preferred both of these items in their preview #2 forms.

    Insightful accuracy is currently only on one non-artifact item in Sharn,and that item is a pair of gloves that nobody who cares about optimizing their character will use unless they opt out of utilizing a Sharn-based gear set. If they decide to opt out of a Sharn gear set, they'll likely continue to use SA + Adherent, at which point they (still) won't be using those gloves. Leaving insightful accuracy on Umber Brim would make a lot more sense.

    On a similar note, I very much preferred accuracy on the belt over deception - it made a lot more sense from a gear slotting perspective. Given the availability of accuracy elsewhere (albeit in lower numbers) it isn't as concerning to me as the change to the helm, but figured I'd throw it out there.

    Fetters of the Forgewraith Handwraps
    • Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
    • Cursed Maelstom This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
    • Accursed Flame This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 10d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 10d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
    • Improved Destruction
    Unless cursed maelstrom is an umbrella effect that includes the possibility of producing a PRR (or a different form of % damage increase) debuff at a reasonably high rate, these wraps in their current form are useless for dps. They have lower dice than Duality without any benefit (beyond possibly being usable for initial stacks of vulnerability).
    Cap, Ascendance, Cannith
    Capricorpus / Capiorcorpus

  13. #53
    Systems Designer
    Lynnabel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    * druids and armor types - druids are restricted in many situations from these set bonuses due to metallic armor. No bear tank, no medium/HA melee druids (bear/wolf/elemental). In fact there is only 1 heavy armor a druid can use and 0 medium armors available to them. This is really troubling as so much of this release focuses on armor.
    Make sure to check the actual release notes - this is no longer an issue at all
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capricorpus View Post
    I very much preferred accuracy on the belt over deception
    Already been changed back, don't worry!

    Quote Originally Posted by Capricorpus View Post
    Unless cursed maelstrom is an umbrella effect that includes the possibility of producing
    The Curse Maelstrom does... a lot. Honestly, too much. I don't want to fully spoil it, but it does exactly what you need, plus a little extra.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  15. #55
    Community Member Amoneth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Make sure to check the actual release notes - this is no longer an issue at all
    It is for those who've got T5 in a different tree so can't take it
    Last edited by KhellendrosUK; 05-03-2019 at 03:21 PM.

  16. #56
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Default You nerfed all "good" monks with the only raid wraps??

    • Fetters of the Forgewraith Handwraps
      • Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
      • Cursed Maelstom This weapon is wracked with a dangerous and volatile curse. Striking an enemy has a chance to place a random, debilitating, and deadly debuff on your foe.
      • Accursed Flame This weapon is wrapped in cursed flames, dealing an additional 10d6 Fire damage on each hit. When striking an enemy that has been Quelled, it also deals 10d6 Evil damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon evil aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon will suffer one negative level.
      • Improved Destruction

    Your only raid handwraps for monks are going to boink all good monks from using them because they cause a level loss? And this after the equipment nerf of gloves slot with the Platinum Knuckles? Good monks only have the crafted wraps left out of sharn unless they want to take a nerf in one area or the other. I'm beginning to really feel that there is a dev or two with some anti-monk feelings!

    What gives?

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    * druids and armor types - druids are restricted in many situations from these set bonuses due to metallic armor. No bear tank, no medium/HA melee druids (bear/wolf/elemental). In fact there is only 1 heavy armor a druid can use and 0 medium armors available to them. This is really troubling as so much of this release focuses on armor.
    This has been addressed. There is now a druid enhancement that allows using metal armors. See

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    it would make so much sense if each armor had a nearly finished aspect and you upgraded that armor to gain the set bonus. Then there would not be this challenge of having 20 near identical items which still somehow exclude various build options.
    Pretty please, Lynnabel? Nearly Finished to select set bonus on the armors would be fantastic.

  18. #58
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Make sure to check the actual release notes - this is no longer an issue at all
    Huh, interesting. I did not see that. Thank you for including something along those lines. Im not sure i like its location in the enhancement trees, but you guys are the game designers!

    I hope some of my other feedback was helpful.

  19. #59
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akoriv View Post
    Celestial Ruby Ring Ring
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Nearly Finished (STR, DEX, or INT +8/21)
    • Stunning+9/+23
    • Accuracy +12/+33
    • Insightful Physical Sheltering +9/+26

    Umber Brim Helmet
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Improved Quelling Strikes
    • Accuracy +12/+33
    • Insightful Deception 3/8
    • Profane Attributes +1/+2
    Silver Dragonscale Helmet Raid Helmet
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Nearly Finished (INSIGHT INT, DEX, or STR +10)
    • Accuracy +34
    • Deadly +17
    • Brilliant Silver Scales This helmet is fashioned from brilliant silver Dragonscale, and is warded against the cold. +83 Enhancement bonus to Resist Cold.

    Since you're putting regular Accuracy on both Helms, how about making the ring Insightful Accuracy?


    I was hoping for accuracy back on the champion belt, but now i see you changed these two into Accuracy items instead of insightful acc. One of these should be returned to insightful, preferably the ring.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paisheng View Post
    Your only raid handwraps for monks are going to boink all good monks from using them because they cause a level loss?
    They're thematically suuuuper evil and that's kind of what we do to evil things players can wear. They rip the soul from you and your enemies. Not very nice stuff. They also light your hands on fire.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

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