There is a readout for it when I equip it, it just does not effect my armor class at all.........
There is a readout for it when I equip it, it just does not effect my armor class at all.........
Agree with Cetus. Please put sov vorpal back on it. Quelling strikes belongs on an off hand weapon or a filligree not a 2HF. 2HF weapons already give up so much i.e. extra enchant slots vs shield and offhand weapon. To put a situational effect of minimal use on one of 4 slots for a 2HF means that the weapon basically now has only 3 effects. If anything it should have Quelling AND sov vorpal.
2HF weapons are currently the red headed stepchild of ddo melee. It makes the situation even worse when we get poor itemisation. Tail of the scorpion is a good 2HF (just not an axe). Reflections of Blackrazor is good. Torn is situationally useful but it's DPS is just too low (Riftmaker out DPS's it).
Please consider the following changes for Hoarfrost for my Dwarven brethren.
Prior Art: Unkor's Cleaver
Hoarfrost, Herald of the Bitter Ice Dwarven War Axe
- Upgrade Effect: Fetters of Unreality
- Legendary Freezing Ice On hit, this has a chance of freezing your enemies in solid ice. Struck enemies must make a DC 100 Fortitude save or be frozen
- Chilling 14d6
- Metalline
- Attack Mod: Strength, Constitution
- Damage Mod: Strength, Constitution
Last edited by Alcides; 05-04-2019 at 10:27 PM.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Does not work with The Hallowed Splinters: Shards of Mechanus 4pc filigree: Your Weapon attacks heal you for 1d6 Repair Damage on hit. This damage scales with Repair Spell Power. No repair effects were observed.
Edit: If it's not meant to work on ranged weapons, then please clarify the text so it specifies "melee weapon" instead of just "weapon".
Last edited by Carpone; 05-05-2019 at 12:04 AM.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
So... does this mean we'll have other options to add to our 'Fist Cosmetics' at some point? (Hopefully in the weapon cosmetic slot, I'd imagine) Don't get me wrong, flaming fists are literally as cool as hell, but there's the obvious other elemental ones (crackling electricity, stoneskin gloves, icy mists, purple force glow, etc) but some other very very cool things too. Spiked gloves. Boxing gloves. Leather biker gloves with the fingertips cut off. Wolverine claws.
Speaking of flaming fists...
The wraps themselves are interesting... the Maelstrom particularly. I was excited about getting Polycurse on wraps, but Maelstrom could be even better.
Last edited by ThreadNecromancer; 05-05-2019 at 02:08 AM.
I just want to agree with others about loss of Vorpal. Right now Starcarver looks like Torn+, with slight addition of 0.5 total dice and 2 of most useless additional enchantments in my opinion (i never saw Quellling Strikes work on bosses from my tests and trash mobs do not live long enough even on R10, at least in my practice, to make Limb Chopper(not to mention Quellling Strikes) in any way desireble or useful). My proposal - get rid of Quelling Strikes, return Sovereign Vorpal back. Ideally, replace Limb Chopper with something useful too, like +1 multipler on rolls 19-20 (Slashing version of Blunt Trauma) or Salt for trash control, because as i said, regular mobs just don't live long enough for 20 to roll.
As for Constellation GS - it is bad.
1. All those xdx on hit/crit damage become useless past R1.
2. Cursed Maelstrom proc rate is way too low (3-4 RANDOM procs\3 min from tests).
3. Improved Destruction - may be.
1 part useful, 1 almost useless and 1 too random and slow to be any of use effects. In the end, at mid-high Reaper it is just Improved Destruction blank weapon, that need to be UPGRADED 2 TIMES to become Improved Destruction + Vulnerability blank weapon, and who gonna do that when you have already farmed out Torn. I have no proposals regardless Constellation, because it need to be reworked completely in my opinion.
Last edited by Kivandel; 05-05-2019 at 05:20 AM.
Something is wrong with the helm of the final watch
some portion of the double shot (set bonus) or insightful doubleshot is not stacking with regular double shot from legendary shadow footsteps
step to reproduce:
1.equip shadow footsteps
2.equip 3 pieces Legendary Wallwatch set (incuding Helm of final watch)
3.See net total gain of only 20% double shot (should be 27 from 3 piece set (Artifact 20%) and 7% insightful from helm)
4. unequip shadow foot step boots - observe no loss in double shot
Edit - you can also test using the Wildwood bracers instead of shadow foot steps.
Last edited by Vorachtin; 05-05-2019 at 08:11 AM.
Triple All
Ghallanda forever.
Can anyone convince me that impetus is even worth trying to get? i know repeaters arnt considered a top weapon at 30 but i dont have the inquisitive so im not changing for now, havent read whole thread but not really saw it mentioned in here.
I usually solo or duo r1-r4 range and have the stormreach guardians from age of rage, with that set bonus. To me it just doesnt look like much of an improvement, not that i want massively OP things but this is a raid weapon compared to a reqular quest one from like 2 years ago.
Devs, I see you are trying to make some variety on weapon effects but please stop making it useless! Can someone tell me is there any reason to buy this expansion and run that new hard raid if I getting same as Torn and Sanctity but with some more USELESS effects?
A bit about rune arms.
RL rune arms:
Blight Inferno (Combustion 202) Tira's Splendor Fire Lore +29%
Suppressive Fire (Combustion 202) Tira's Splendor Immunity to Fear
U38 rune arm:
Quarantine Glaciation +202 (nice)
New sharn rune arms:
Breaking the Bank Combustion 214 Immunity to Fear
The Dumpster Fire Combustion 214 Fire Lore 31%
Seriously. Why again 2 combustions?
And bring back healing amplification on new docents please. There were enough valid crits about it.
//Innokentiy//, //Efrosimya Polikarpovna//, //Prokofiy Potapovich//, //Lukerya Mstislavovna// of Argonnessen
My youtube channel (outdated)
Hope your eyes are not bleeding after reading my english (not really).
My chief critique of the loot from Sharn continues to be a lack of flexibility. If I want to achieve these sets, its mostly an illusion of choice. (I have the same criticism with most of the set bonuses of DDO).
Say I'm building a tank and I want to go for this tank set. Most of my gear selection has been made for me. Im wearing either the heavy armor or the docent depending on race, one of 2 helmets, and a specific necklace. Then I'm going to have to wear the ring with linguistics on it (or the goggles from ravenloft) and the minor artifact with exceptional alluring skills. That's 5 slots effectively predetermined with very little choice involved (3 choices: 1 of 2 helmets, 1 of 2 linguistics, use or dont use set). The numbers are solid and comparable, but lack of options makes for less interesting gear selection.
What would be more interesting would be giving us a 4th slot option for the 3 piece sets and/or widening the availability of less esoteric item effects (like linguistics, profane stats and skill bonus things). The set bonuses are already typed to not stack with other similar sets and there are solid options to move items into the sets (the linguistic ring for the tank set, the orbs for the caster sets) so I think the work to achieve it is relatively simple.
More choices = more fun
I look at my current gear on my tank and look at the sharn suite of items and, because of the above critique, I'm not sure its worth doing much if anything to my gear selection. I spent an hour plotting out gear changes with the sharn suite and the tank set and my conclusion still comes back to a lot of regearing (all but 2 slots) and the numbers going down aren't worth the numbers that go up and the effort involved getting all the new gear.
Shamgar ~ Pjstechie ~ Melchizedek ~ Habakkuk ~ Josheb ~ Magoi ~ Kinnor ~ Eshek ~ Zakchaios ~ Jephthah ~ Bartimaios ~ Ehudh ~ Bezaleluri ~ Nebuchad ~ Lava Divers (Khyber) ~ Epic Education ~ Building Blocks ~ DDOCast ~ contact me
Will Nearly Finished crafting retain existing Mythic and/or Reaper bonuses, or will they be lost?
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
So the one thing that a tank would want is Con and you put it on a necklace, taking it locks you out from tank set if chosen? What are you thinking?
Cracked Core Raid Necklace
Minimum Level: 29
- Insightful Constitution +10
- Quality Constitution +5
- Soundproof
- Alchemical Conservation This item modifies the user's energy expenditure in such a way that many abilities can be used more frequently than normal. You will gain +1 ki on every successful attack, and you will increase the number of Action Boosts, Turn Undead attempts, and Bard Songs you can use per rest by 1 each. These additional uses will only take effect after you rest.
Last edited by Burakii; 05-05-2019 at 12:55 PM.
Probably been said. But the ethereal gaze is bad, especially bad for a raid item. Ethereal is useless, ghostly should be assumed.
Wildwood and Turncoat armors are still bugged to be naked from the waist down.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd