Hello, friends! This is gonna be a long post, so bear with me. Sharn has a lot of items - I mean a lot - a crafting system, new filigree, and some other cool stuff that'll really blow your mind.
Sharn features a return of the Nearly Finished (House Cannith - not to be confused with Cannith Crafting) crafting system to allow customization to certain items. Some of the ingredients used in the previous incarnation of Nearly Finished will be usable here in Sharn, and some of the ingredients found in Sharn will be usable in original Nearly Finished. We'll go into detail about the Crafting system more in a future post.
Sharn Raids will be Tier 4 - a step higher than tier 3. Sharn Items are found at both levels 15 and 29, and Raid items are found at only level 29.
Quick FAQ:
Why no Trinkets? There are no Trinkets in Sharn so future packs can greatly expand with them, similar to how Ravenloft had no helms and future packs focused on them.
How many items per set? All sets listed are 3 piece sets.
What bonus type are the set bonuses? Artifact, therefore not stacking with Slave Lords and most of RL's set bonuses.
I, uh, happen have several thousand old House Cannith Crafting ingredients already. That's not a question, but I get what you're saying, don't worry. If you've got a ton of old House C stuff, you can make some headway into Sharn's crafting, but you won't be able to finish anything without actually getting into Sharn itself.
Color Cheat Sheets:
Items with stats that are written up (LIKE THIS IN GREEN) mean the player will have a choice between those statistics using the Nearly Finished crafting system.
Items found in one of the Sharn Raids will be appended with a (Raid)
Items that have changed from Preview 2 to Preview 3 are written in this color.
Sharn items themselves are broken into several broad categories each with their own post below.
Loot Known Issues
- Armor Icons are not set.
- Armor appearances have a collection of issues which have been addressed internally.