I love DDO and SSG. I've played DDO for over 9 years and have supported the game with my money. I am happily VIP and have no plans to end that anytime soon.

With that being said...DDO and LOTRO are very old games by MMO standards. While I'm sure there must be some revenue stream (Otherwise SSG would not exist)....it can't be that much....but what do I know.

I hope SSG has some plans for the future to justify staying afloat. There is just only so much you can squeeze from old titles like these. I hope SSG is working on some new game (Be it DDO2, LOTRO2....or GoT1....hmmm....maybe?)

I fear the sugar daddies known as LOTRO and DDO can only last for so long.

No comments required...just some internal ruminating on my part. Carry on.