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  1. #21
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systemshaker1941 View Post
    ^ This.

    The game needs a loot pass desperately, and to re-balance the older content to bring it up to par with current XP levels. We definitely do not need a level increase. This is not World of Warcraft.
    Both are good arguments, personally my thing is that I feel the Scion feats are lacking here and there.

  2. #22
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systemshaker1941 View Post
    The correct answer is "it doesn't", and I sincerely hope this thread wasn't prompted by the devs saying they're actually considering it.

    Because I like a challenge, Here's some thoughts:

    *Someplace to actually USE all those ml29/30 items the devs seem to love so much
    **E.G. something to justify the insane grinds

    *Somewhere to add new levels of extreme difficulty(though given how interesting Reaper turned out...)

    *Option to recycle content for a 3rd time around. Legendary Gianthold, anyone?
    The level cap mentioning was years ago, I think around the time of the Epic Orchard Of The Macabre.

  3. #23
    Community Member Potatofasf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yokido View Post
    My level of enjoyment has steadily decreased with each max level increase over 20. 20 is typical for PNP, and at 20 the numbers are easier to manage.

    At level 20 without EDs, I might use a 1 minute clickie that increases my strength by +6 psionic for that atk/dmg boost. At level 30 with EDs? What's a clickie anyway?

    I've been playing between hiatuses as is, and sadly enough, I still spend money on the game.. If they raise the cap again, my level of "out-ness" will surely sky-rocket.

    A game isn't fun if you have to play 16 hours a day 7 days a week to reap the benefits.

    Furthermore... Our servers are stretched thin, and we don't have enough people to reliably run content anymore, and people have become such "picky eaters" that they won't play less popular content at all because the loot is extremely out-classed by the latest and greatest. Fix the under-population problem, and the old and abandoned content problem, and then I will consider accepting a level cap increase.
    This comment, that is the felling!
    Revisit the old content, make all quests epics according to Heroic Level (Korthos Island on Epic lol ), give the past a little enrichment... STOP the increase grinding!
    No Signature...

  4. #24
    Community Member DaviMOC's Avatar
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    Most unpopular opinion I may have but i would like to see a level cap increase as also seems that the time for this is getting closer. At some point we wont have room for more at-cap raids/content and as much as we have reincarnation it dosent quite fits the gap of a absent "endgame" content. Also, we could add levels and rebalance xp again to not look so grindy. Sort of WoW's placebo level cap increase.

    Devs already had to put in to work a tier system for raids to create more room for newer content and older ones. At some point if cap isnt increased we would have gear for each epic level with 9348598295 different variants, some being better and other worse. Making hard to add new content without completely wasting older packs to sell or keep the public interest. Also overlapping already existent content may divide even more the community than we would if cap were increased.

    As much as I understand the rejection for power creep, when it ends an mmo dies. MMos dont live without a constant addition of new things, specially at endgame and level cap increase is unavoidable even if its in a placebo effect such as WoW's xp curves.

    If legendary levels are added most sure some work would come to the only legendary feat we've got so far. Said that I'm more worried about artwork on that. Epic and epic destiny spells disappointed so much on that side. Cant believe hellball is just what it is. When you take another power step it needs to be reflected visually.
    Last edited by DaviMOC; 05-31-2019 at 11:20 AM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    If level cap is ever increased to 34, please consider adding something that improves Scion feats on each rank to each additional level. Scion feats are awesome and each of them could make for an interesting theme to create a skill tree or something based on them, honestly I don't see that happening. I do think improved scion feats could be a thing, in fact I feel such could have some rather interesting things thematically going on with it. I think I recall a discussion at some point where the devs themselves were speculating increasing the cap to level 34, though I could be wrong.
    Hardly any players want this increase of 4 additional levels to the cap.
    Sure you've got your triple completionists and epic completionists on board but the average player, no way.
    Could be something interesting if they did it as a completely different 30 to 34 Super Epic True Reincarnation but with what I've been reading I have my doubts that even this would be sustainable.
    On a side note really enjoying all the expansions I've just picked up on sale. gg

  6. #26
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    I don't know about level 34, but the necromancers are out in force.

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