I've been out of the loop a while, turns out I've none left and there's not one on the AH
What's their value now? And is Plat actually looked for anymore??
Anyway, I'm looking for some... A lot... I just need to know a price
I've been out of the loop a while, turns out I've none left and there's not one on the AH
What's their value now? And is Plat actually looked for anymore??
Anyway, I'm looking for some... A lot... I just need to know a price
Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj
Ayaru || Cherrypopz || Chookity || Hjaste || Ifindtraps || Juzforkickz || Kazzii || Konqur || Lar-ynx || Lillypopz
Lollypopz || Mehealzyou || Minipopz || Praya || Riggomarole || Sodapopz || Zhaqq || Bitj
They go for about 400k-500k+ plat each on the Thelanis AH recently.
Shards maybe 30 mds for 100 astral shards if you are lucky and win an auction in the middle of the night. Probably more like 150-200 astral shards to buyout.
The best strategy is to watch the auction houses, especially on the weekends as people sometimes dump them for fast plat when they want to buy something else. They are a long term investment, buy them when they are available and cheap and hold them for later.
If you try to buy them when you need them you will pay too much.
You can try farming them as they drop from collectable nodes... though at a very low rate so another long term venture.
If you are in a guild maybe ask around to see if people will trade them to you - not everyone uses them or knows what they are used for.
Unfortunately plat has no real immediate value so you won't draw much interest by offering that.
I have seen them on G-Land AH for 200,000 plat each minimum, sometimes they want over 1 mil for 3, it's crazy. A year or so ago they were going for a lot less, 100k a piece or maybe 3 for 450k.
So 2 mil might net you between 6-9 if you keep tabs on the AH.
My take on "the grind": https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post6220972
Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
- My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.
In Argo, stacks 12-15 shards with 2kk buyout usual don't stay in AH more than 1 hour.
Last time i bought 75. Wanna more. 8)