I like the actual animation. However, the way it is executed is intolerable. With any other fighting style there is no pause before the Cleave/GCleave activates, no break in the attack chain. Any pause after the Cleave/GCleave is barely noticeable and can be twitched out of.
However, using Cleave/GCleave with VKF does not flow as smoothly. Currently playing a lvl 10, Aasimar 2ftr/3monk/5rogue (4ftr/6monk/10rogue planned) When Cleave is triggered the attack chain stops, hands get raised in the air then are brought down and the Cleave occurs. Then you wait while your character resets before starting regular attacks, using a monk strike or anything.
The wind-up/pause is even more unbearable trying to use Momentum Swing/Lay Waste in LD on a character using VKF.
Really, the ONLY fighting style I can use with Momentum Swing/Lay Waste in LD is SWF. The animation on ANY other fighting style with activating those abilities is slow and poorly implemented.
This is not the only ability in the game that causes your character to totally derp out and not do anything. There are many I recall getting my panties in a bunch about, but cannot recall what they were. Take bluff for instance though...
After Bluffing an opponent I have to hit Trip or Sunder so I can continue attacking without the animation. The Trip is the standard quick and recoverable animation but Sunder is weird.
I am not sure about Improved Feint. It seems like a key Feat for any Rogue wanting to get SA on a group of mobs but I've not ever used it because I recall it fails if you don't sit there and wait after hitting it.
EVERY special activated attack or ability SHOULD flow smoothly and seamlessly with the regular attack chain without pause or long wind-up and recover animations that lock your character out of doing anything.