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    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Default 12/7/1 PDK Barb/FvS/Fighter Maul Build

    12/7/1 PDK Barb/FvS/Fighter

    This character has always been a THF guy. He's played with Greatswords, GreatAxes, and for a long while, was a quarterstaff build.

    I finally picked up Tremors from Baba (and got Bloodrage Chism as well), so I'm messing around with a Silvanus maul build now.

    I went with Favored Soul instead of Cleric for a couple of reasons. I miss out on on the Cleric Destruction domain which allows you to cast spells while raging. But Cleric enhancements only offers Divine Might which is an insight bonus to STR. Favored Soul lets you get Divine Presence which is a direct bonus to tactical feats and damage. Divine Might is not nearly as useful since we have +9 and +10 insight items to STR at end-game, so the first 30 points of CHA gets you nothing. It's an extra +5 to tactical feats and damage going with Favored Soul (although Divine Might would give you a higher to-hit)

    7 levels of Favored Soul also gets you a bonus 100 hp at cap, which is nice.

    As far as casting while raged, I don't find that super useful with low-level cleric spells.

    I find myself dismissing rage after 1-2 fights anyway to refresh displacement. I can then quickly cast a lesser restoration on myself, and cast any other spells between fights.

    You have to be an iconic to use Silvanus, and PDK is a great fit, since starting with a fighter level works out fine, and you get an extra feat from PDK as well.

    Get two levels of barbarian after that right away to access Blood Tribute. Those temp hp are a huge help in low-level heroic reaper. 3 barbarian levels get you to Supreme Cleave which is nice for AOE attacks as well.

    Getting to FvS 6 fairly fast would be good for the maul bonus, but you could mix the barb/FvS levels up however you want.

    Heroic Leveling:
    • 1. Fighter - Power Attack, Cleave, Stunning Blow
    • 2. Barbarian
    • 3. Barbarian - Combat Expertise
    • 4. FvS
    • 5. FvS
    • 6. Barbarian - Improved Trip
    • 7. FvS
    • 8. FvS
    • 9. Barbarian - IC: Bludgeon
    • 10. FvS
    • 11. FvS
    • 12. Barbarian - Quicken
    • 13. Barbarian
    • 14. FvS
    • 15. Barbarian - THF
    • 16. Barbarian
    • 17. Barbarian
    • 18. Barbarian - ITHF
    • 19. Barbarian
    • 20. Barbarian

    Epic Leveling:
    • 21 - Overwhelming Critical
    • 24 - GTHF
    • 26 - Perfect THF
    • 27 - Blinding Speed
    • 28 - Pierce Silver or Perfect TWF (for 5% doublestrike)
    • 29 - Dire Charge
    • 30 - Astral Plane, Empower Healing (nothing really good to take here)

    All stat level ups into Strength

    • 48 points into Frenzied Berzerker - basically getting everything except 18 core and capstone
    • 10 points into WarSoul for Divine Presence and Smite Weakness (a way to stack Vulnerability)
    • 7 points into PDK to get +3 STR and 20% heal amp
    • 4 points into Kensai to get Haste Boost
    • The rest you can put into Ravager or Occult Slayer (I went with Occult Slayer for Ear Smash)

    Legendary Dreadnought Epic Destiny. (Always a top choice, but with a maul build, Pulverizer is a must)

    Twists I change around. Usually I go with

    • Sense Weakness (Tier 4)
    • Meld Into Darkness (Tier 3)
    • Cocoon (Tier 2)
    • Primal Screen (Tier 1)

    But if I want more group healing power, I go with

    • Sacred Ground (Tier 4)
    • Meld Into Darkness (Tier 3)
    • Consecration (Tier 2)
    • Primal Screen (Tier 1)

    Doublestrike calculations:
    • 9% 3 martial sphere Epic Past Lives
    • 22% Legendary Mantle of Fury Cloak
    • 10% Profane bonus from Bloodrage Chrism (only when wielding THF)
    • 4% Scion of the Astral Plane

    =45% passive

    This is low, need to get this higher. 30% Reaper Doublestrike clickable gets you to a solid 75% for a short duration during a boss fight.

    Melee Power calculations:
    • LD cores - 18 MP
    • Ring of Prowess - 8 MP
    • Epic Power(10) - 30 MP
    • Misc. Equip Mythic - 3 MP
    • Sentient - 8 MP
    • GTHF - 6 MP
    • Crypt Raider Set - 20 MP (Artifact)
    • Adherent Set - 10 MP (Profane)
    • Frenzy - 5 MP

    =108 passive

    +50 for Prowess MP boost when using an Action Boost
    +70 for Blitz
    +10 for Greater Rage when raging
    +5 for Raging Blows when raging
    +3 when using Cracking Attack

    = 246

    End-game Gear

    Crypt Raider Set - +5 Artifact to hit and damage against Evil creatures - +20 Artifact Melee Power and Ranged Power - 20% Artifact Threat reduction

    Crypt Raider Set:
    Armor: Legendary Coat of the Traveler: 202 Fortification - 9 Parrying - PRR 50 - Profane +2 - Green slot (+2 Max Dex from Armor)
    Necklace: Legendary Ward-Inscribed Pendant: Deadly +16 - CON +19, Natural Armor +19 Yellow slot (Deathblock)
    Trinket: Bloodrage Chrism: Healing Amp 83 - 10% Profane Doublestrike - 30 Profane PRR and MRR - DR 30 - Green slot (Feather Fall) - Blue slot (Sapphire of Good Luck +2)

    Adherent of the Mists Set - +20 Profane bonus to PRR (Bloodrage Chrism is higher, so this is wasted) - +20 Positive Healing Amp - +10 Profane Melee Power - +20 Profane Universal Power

    Adherent of the Mists Set:
    Belt: Legendary Vistani Fighter's Sash: Stunning +22 - Vertigo +22 - Vitaly 67 - Deadly 16 - Yellow slot (Draconic Soul Gem + 30 resists)
    Cloak: Legendary Mantle of Fury: CON +19 - Doublestrike 22% - Dodge 19% - +4 Rage bonus to Fortitude - Green slot
    Wrist: Legendary Bracers of the Fallen Hero: STR +19 - Insightful CON +9 - Stunning +22 - Quality PRR 12 -Green slot ( False Life +40 hps)
    Gloves: Legendary Guantlets of Innate Arcanum: CHA +19 - Quality CHA +4 - Wizardy 412 - Evo Focus +8 Yellow slot
    Boots: Legendary Softsole Slippers: Ghostly - Insightful CHA +9 - Anthem - Perform +22 Green slot (30% striding)

    Head:Legendary Executioner's Helm: +17 Seeker - Relentless Fury (5% more DPS) - +4 Quality Combat Mastery - Insightful Deception (more sneak attack damage) - Green slot (+1 exceptional to all stats - Globe of True Imperial Blood)
    Goggles: Epic Precision Lenses:Manslayer - Insightful STR +9 - Melee Alacrity 15% - 3 extra Action Boosts - Blue slot
    Ring: Legendary Ring of Prowess: +8 Melee and Ranged Power - +14 Deadly - +28 Accuracy - Green slot (250 SP)
    Ring: Slaver crafted: Sheltering 45 (for the MRR) - 185 Devotion - Quality STR +4

    Most of this gear is fairly easy to get from Ravenloft. Bloodrage Chrism is a raid item, and so is Tremors, the excellent maul that made me want to roll up this character.

    If you don't have either of these, you could Cannith-craft a Trinket with Healing Amp - Resistance - Insightful Stunning, which is solid, and a Morninglord Maul is a good weapon at end-game as well.

    Dire Charge works well (in the 127 range with an 94 STR in reaper). Stunning blow is 107, and Improved Trip is 110. I am missing Insightful Combat Mastery with this gear layout.

    Ability Stats:

    STR - 91
    • 18 starting STR
    • 7 level ups
    • 8 tome
    • 19 item
    • 9 Insight item
    • 4 Quality item
    • 1 exceptional
    • 1 racial enhancement
    • 2 Legendary Dreadnought
    • 1 reaper core
    • 1 Filigree
    • 2 Guild ship
    • 1 racial past-lives
    • 2 profane from armor
    • 8 rage
    • 2 Frenzy
    • 5 Primal Rage

    In reaper, add 3 more.

    So 94 STR in reaper.

    Can use Yugo pots and ability potions for 4 more. So 98 sustainable.

    CON - 72
    • 16 starting CON
    • 8 tome
    • 19 item
    • 9 Insight item
    • 1 exceptional
    • 1 reaper core
    • 2 Guild ship
    • 2 Profane from armor
    • 3 from Bezerker and Occult Slayer enhancements
    • 6 from Rage
    • 5 from Primal Rage

    In reaper, add 3 more.

    Other Stats:
    • Dire Charge Stun DC - 127 or so, depending on STR
    • PRR - 172 (+10 more when raged, +30 more under Blitz, slightly higher in reaper)
    • MRR - 85 (slightly higher in reaper)
    • Doublestrike - standing 45% (plus 30% Reaper DS boost)
    • Melee Power - 108 passive - 246 with Prowess and Blitz and raged
    • AC - 103
    • Dodge - 10%
    • Incorporeal - 10%
    • Heal Amp - 203%
    • Positive Spell Power - 356
    • Hit points - 2115 standing (before rage and reaper)


    I have hotbar settings for Dismiss Rage, Lessor Restoration (Quickened), Displacement clickable from Heroic Shroud (I have 4 of them, so 8 charges).

    I click all of those, then go to the hotbar settings to switch to a Sentient weapon with the Blood Feast (1000 hp when raging at cap), hit Divine Prescene, Frenzy, and Rage.

    So I start each fight with 3115 hps (more in Reaper) and displaced... I use a Legendary Affirmation weapon from Legendary Shroud, and it doesn't take long for me to proc another 1000 hp. Up to 4115 (more in reaper), and I can hit Blood Tribute for another 400 temp hp.

    I then switch back to Tremors that has Sentient Prowess, and hit Haste Boost and go to town.

    If I get in trouble, I have Meld into Darkness which gives 100% dodge for 15 seconds, and when that wears off I also have Improved Uncanny Dodge for 50% dodge and Action Boost: Thick-skinned (25% less damage)

    This guy is very durable and does a ton of damage.

    After 1 minute or so which is usually 1-2 fights, I dismiss rage, hit lessor restoration, heal up, re-apply displacement, and go through the entire process again.

    Updated End-game Gear (Sharn)

    Part of the Family Set:
    Armor: Legendary Enforcer's Plate: Fort 214% - PRR 54 - Heal Amp 85 - False Life 81 - Green slot (+2 Max Dex from Armor)
    Necklace: Legendary Family Recruit Sigil: True Seeing - Armor Piercing 33 - Deadly 17 - Relentless Fury - Yellow slot (Deathblock)
    Gloves: Legendary Hammerfist: Insightful Doublestrike 11 - Seeker 21 - Insightful Deadly 8 - Cannith Combat Infusion - Blue slot (+8 Protection)

    (Set gives +15 Doublestrike - 25 Artifact Melee Power - 15% Artifact damage vs Helpless - 10% Fort bypass)

    Trinket: Bloodrage Chrism: Healing Amp 83 - 10% Profane Doublestrike - 30 Profane PRR and MRR - DR 30 - Green slot (Feather Fall) - Blue slot (Sapphire of Good Luck +2)

    Belt: Legendary Vistani Fighter's Sash: Stunning +22 - Vertigo +22 - Vitality 67 - Deadly 16 - Yellow slot (Draconic Soul Gem: +30 resists)

    Wrist: Brand of Kalok Shash: STR +22 - Quality Accuracy 8 - Quality Deadly 5 - 53% Fire Absorption - Blue slot (Globe of True Imperial Blood) - Green slot (+8 Resistance) - Yellow slot (250 Spell points)

    Cloak: Legendary Cloak of the City's Champion: Parrying 10 - Insightful CON 10 - Quality PRR 13 - Green slot (+8 Natural Armor)

    Goggles: Legendary Collective Sight: CHA 21 - Insight STR 10 - Quality Resistance 4 - Religious Lore (+7 MRR for this build) - Blue slot

    Ring: Slaver crafted: Sheltering 45 (for the MRR) - 185 Devotion - Quality STR +4
    Ring: Legendary Celestial Sapphire Ring: CON 21 - Dodge 21 - Profane Stats 2 - Improved Deception

    Leaves Boots and Helm - Missing Accuracy, Doublestrike, and Ghostly (big ones) - Resistance for saves - Insight CHA would be nice.

    Head: Legendary Wallwatch Circlet: Accuracy 33 - Reflex Save 17 - Tendon Slice 17 - Blue slot

    New boots from the next update I believe will have Doublestrike and Ghostly, so that cover those two big ones. Using this right now, so missing Doublestrike.

    Boots: Legendary Softsole Slippers: Ghostly - Insightful CHA +9 - Anthem - Perform +22 Green slot (30% striding)

    The above gives me

    PRR 54
    MRR 45
    Profane PRR/MRR 30
    Quality PRR 13
    Fort 214

    STR 22
    Insight STR 10
    Qual STR 4

    CON 21
    Insight CON 10
    Qual CON (missing)

    Profane 2

    Heal Amp 85

    Doublestrike (missing)
    Insight Doublestrike 11
    Profane DS 10

    Deadly 17
    Insight Deadly 8
    Quality Deadly 5

    Accuracy 33
    Insight Accuracy (missing)
    Quality Accuracy 8

    Seeker 21
    Insight Seeker (missing)
    True Seeing

    Deception (missing)
    Insight Deception 8
    Improved Deception

    Devotion 185

    Resistance (missing - 17 Reflex though)
    Parrying 10

    Dodge 21

    False Life 81
    Vitality 67

    Stunning Blow 22
    Insight Stun (missing)
    Trip 22
    Quality CM (missing)

    Armor Piercing 33
    Relentless Fury
    Cannith Combat Infusion
    Fire Absorption 53%
    Last edited by Thrudh; 07-29-2019 at 12:17 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  2. #2
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Saved for later
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  3. #3
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Divine Might is not nearly as useful since we have +9 and +10 insight items to STR at end-game, so the first 30 points of CHA gets you nothing. It's an extra +5 to tactical feats and damage going with Favored Soul (although Divine Might would give you a higher to-hit)
    I used 16 as a base because lets be real... No one is going to go with an 18 or 20 charisma on a melee toon.

    16 Base Charisma
    +8 Tome
    +2 Ship buffs
    +5 Racial completionist
    +2 Completionist
    +20 Swap on item
    +9 Insightful swap on item
    +4 Qaulity swap on item
    +2 Yugo pot
    +2 Remnant potion
    +2 Rare Hell and Back Filigree
    +3 Human action boost
    +1 Exceptional
    +Could also throw in a +8 from power surge since we are talking theoretical numbers :P
    This is a 84 charisma total, for a total of 37 extra strength MOD, or 27 extra strength MOD... if you really want to say you can get a +10 insightful strength.

    There is probably more bonuses that you could get that I am not thinking about... But let us analyze divine might first.

    Divine Might: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma Modifier.
    Divine Presence: You gain an Insight bonus to melee damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Charisma modifier.

    First option giving you your charisma modifier for strength and DC's
    Second option giving you half of your charisma modifier for damage and DC's... Whats wrong here?

    Well... Even if we look at you getting +10 insightful strength on an item, you can still beef up divine might to give you an additional 27 extra strength MOD, which at a minimum is an extra, Well... 26 extra DC.
    Where as the second option with a +10 insightful strength item, would give you only 18.5...

    As you can see... The strength version of divine might is way more powerful, if done right.

  4. #4
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    I used 16 as a base because lets be real... No one is going to go with an 18 or 20 charisma on a melee toon.

    16 Base Charisma
    +8 Tome
    +2 Ship buffs
    +5 Racial completionist
    +2 Completionist
    +20 Swap on item
    +9 Insightful swap on item
    +4 Qaulity swap on item
    +2 Yugo pot
    +2 Remnant potion
    +2 Rare Hell and Back Filigree
    +3 Human action boost
    +1 Exceptional
    +Could also throw in a +8 from power surge since we are talking theoretical numbers :P
    This is a 84 charisma total, for a total of 37 extra strength MOD, or 27 extra strength MOD... if you really want to say you can get a +10 insightful strength.

    There is probably more bonuses that you could get that I am not thinking about... But let us analyze divine might first.

    Divine Might: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma Modifier.
    Divine Presence: You gain an Insight bonus to melee damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Charisma modifier.

    First option giving you your charisma modifier for strength and DC's
    Second option giving you half of your charisma modifier for damage and DC's... Whats wrong here?

    Well... Even if we look at you getting +10 insightful strength on an item, you can still beef up divine might to give you an additional 27 extra strength MOD, which at a minimum is an extra, Well... 26 extra DC.
    Where as the second option with a +10 insightful strength item, would give you only 18.5...

    As you can see... The strength version of divine might is way more powerful, if done right.
    You only get +1 to your damage and your tactics DC for every TWO extra STR. It's the modifier that gives you a damage bonus and a tactics bonus.

    So 30 STR has a +10 bonus to damage and tactics, and 40 STR has a +15 bonus to damage and tactics.

    So getting 30 more STR from CHA equals +15 to tactics and damage, the exact same bonus you get from Divine Presence where you get a direct 1/2 bonus of CHA attribute directly to damage and tactics.

    So Divine Presence gives the same bonus than Divine Might (But Divine Might helps with to-hit, and Divine Presence doesn't). But since we already get some Insight bonus to STR from gear, Divine Presence does more for tactics DC and damage.

    In any case, Favored Souls get Divine Might too, so you can try them both with this build.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 04-20-2019 at 01:21 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  5. #5
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    I'd make an argument that Cleric/Strength Domain is a better choice:

    #1: It reduces you to a three stat build (Strength, Constitution, Charisma). This makes it easier to pile up decent saves while also focusing on your core abilities.

    #2: Divine Might is arguably better than Divine Presence/Will for THF. With Divine Presence/Will, you receive (Charisma - 10)/4 to damage/tactics. With Divine Might, you receive an additional (presuming +10 Insightful Strength on gear):
    Damage = 1.5*(Charisma - 10)/4 - 5
    Tactics = (Charisma - 10)/4 - 5
    Hit = (Charisma - 10)/4 - 5

    That means if you've got 50+ Charisma, Divine Might is giving you better damage performance, only slightly worse tactics and also giving you a better chance to hit (which can translate into 5% - 10% more damage against hard targets). It's also saving you a gear slot (since you no longer need Insightful Strength).

    Note: Others have commented here. Both Divine Might and Divine Presence/Will effectively give you damage/tactics equal to half the stat's bonus. If you've got 30 Charisma, Divine Presence/Will increases your damage/tactics by +5 (half of your Charisma bonus). Divine Might increases your Strength by +10 - which means an increase in you Strength modifier (and thus damage/tactics) of +5. For one-handed weapons and no insightful bonus to Strength, Divine Might and Divine Will/Presence confer exactly the same damage/tactics bonuses. When you add in the benefit of 150% of your stat modifier for THF and subtract out the benefit of non-stacking insightful, you get the numbers above.

    #3: You can't cast spells while Raged. However, you can Turn Undead. While actually sending undead fleeing probably isn't the cards (your level isn't that great and you're unlikely to be piling on turning gear), Radiant Servant lets you re-purpose that monstrous pile of Turn Undead into healing and debuff removal that can be used while Raged. The fact that Strength Domain Clerics rapidly recover Strength damage also means you won't need to restore that.

    #4: You only need 6 levels of Cleric. The only reason you're taking the extra level of Favored Soul is for the hit point boost (which is reasonable given that it's effectively +168 hit points). However, you could have dumped that level into Fighter instead with a Cleric build, giving you an extra feat.

    #5: Strength domain gives you another 2 to 5 Strength. Whenever you burn a Turn attempt (whether or not it's useful), your entire party gets +3 Strength. Given that you're likely to have dozens of attempts in endgame, this is another +5 Strength for most of the time you'll be fighting.

    In terms of gearing, the Crypt Raider set isn't much good. I'd grab the Bloodrage Chrism and then, once Sharn drops, use the Heavy Plate dps melee set.

    Scourge might be a better racial choice. You can get Strength from the cores (although Action Surge can compensate for this). You also get racial Lay on Hands (which wouldn't be all that great in the Cleric version since Wisdom is a dump stat - but still more than enough in low Reaper with the random drive-by stats you get from tomes, etc.), +1 Constitution, Ghost Touch and +5% Doublestrike all relatively low in the tree. You've also got the same sort of Healing Amplification you get from PDK.

    If you have the universal tome, then putting a few points into Falconry for the healing amp might be worthwhile as well.

  6. #6
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Question Combat Expertise?

    How does CE work for you on this build?

    Always thought it incompatible with barb due to not working with rage?

  7. #7
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkwier View Post
    How does CE work for you on this build?

    Always thought it incompatible with barb due to not working with rage?
    Prerequisite for Imp Trip
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  8. #8
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Prerequisite for Imp Trip
    Ah OK thanks for clarification.

  9. #9
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    Divine might is king of trances. go cleric to get your domain and +2 untyped threat range with mauls at level 6. combined with the +2 crit multiplier from barbarian and pulverizer from LD. you also get 4th level cleric spells.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    You only get +1 to your damage and your tactics DC for every TWO extra STR. It's the modifier that gives you a damage bonus and a tactics bonus.

    So 30 STR has a +10 bonus to damage and tactics, and 40 STR has a +15 bonus to damage and tactics.

    So getting 30 more STR from CHA equals +15 to tactics and damage, the exact same bonus you get from Divine Presence where you get a direct 1/2 bonus of CHA attribute directly to damage and tactics.

    So Divine Presence gives the same bonus than Divine Might (But Divine Might helps with to-hit, and Divine Presence doesn't). But since we already get some Insight bonus to STR from gear, Divine Presence does more for tactics DC and damage.

    In any case, Favored Souls get Divine Might too, so you can try them both with this build.
    You are actually calculating this a bit wrong. If you have a 70 cha that means you have 30 modifier. So using divine will with a +10 ins str item will net you 22.5 damage (15 from will and 7.5 from str) and 15 to tactics. Using this same cha for divine might you get 30 strength which equates to the exact same damage (22.5), exact same tactics (15) and +15 to hit. Your only mistake is I believe you thinking it’s 30 strength base stat and not 30 strength added on to your base stat.

    Edit: Nvm, saw you weren’t adding 1.5 str modifier, my bad.
    Last edited by xTethx; 04-20-2019 at 12:02 PM.
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  11. #11
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjarki View Post
    I'd make an argument that Cleric/Strength Domain is a better choice:

    #1: It reduces you to a three stat build (Strength, Constitution, Charisma). This makes it easier to pile up decent saves while also focusing on your core abilities.

    #2: Divine Might is arguably better than Divine Presence/Will for THF. With Divine Presence/Will, you receive (Charisma - 10)/4 to damage/tactics. With Divine Might, you receive an additional (presuming +10 Insightful Strength on gear):
    Damage = 1.5*(Charisma - 10)/4 - 5
    Tactics = (Charisma - 10)/4 - 5
    Hit = (Charisma - 10)/4 - 5

    That means if you've got 50+ Charisma, Divine Might is giving you better damage performance, only slightly worse tactics and also giving you a better chance to hit (which can translate into 5% - 10% more damage against hard targets). It's also saving you a gear slot (since you no longer need Insightful Strength).
    I completely forgot about the damage stat being multiplied by 1.5 with THF.

    You are correct that more STR is worth more because of that. So Divine Might indeed is the way to go.

    And I never even looked at Strength domain before... I always was just looking at Destruction domain since I was going to be a raging barbarian.

    Reflex save using STR instead of Dex sounds really good.

    Thanks for the post. Looks like my next TR, I'll redo this guy as a 12/7/1 barbarian/cleric/fighter. 7 levels of cleric is nice since I can get Freedom of Movement and Cure Critical (instead of Cure Serious that I'm using with FvS)

    #3: You can't cast spells while Raged. However, you can Turn Undead. While actually sending undead fleeing probably isn't the cards (your level isn't that great and you're unlikely to be piling on turning gear), Radiant Servant lets you re-purpose that monstrous pile of Turn Undead into healing and debuff removal that can be used while Raged. The fact that Strength Domain Clerics rapidly recover Strength damage also means you won't need to restore that.

    #4: You only need 6 levels of Cleric. The only reason you're taking the extra level of Favored Soul is for the hit point boost (which is reasonable given that it's effectively +168 hit points). However, you could have dumped that level into Fighter instead with a Cleric build, giving you an extra feat.

    #5: Strength domain gives you another 2 to 5 Strength. Whenever you burn a Turn attempt (whether or not it's useful), your entire party gets +3 Strength. Given that you're likely to have dozens of attempts in endgame, this is another +5 Strength for most of the time you'll be fighting.
    All good points. I'll have to decide if another feat is better than level 4 cleric spells. Self-cast FoM and Death-ward is pretty nice though.

    In terms of gearing, the Crypt Raider set isn't much good. I'd grab the Bloodrage Chrism and then, once Sharn drops, use the Heavy Plate dps melee set.
    Yes, I agree. Even though Silent Avenger is more DPS, it does completely waste two slots (Cloak and Belt) for a STR-based barb, so once I got Bloodrage Chrism, I decided to just go with Crypt Raider and Adherent, which is still pretty solid.

    But when Sharn comes out, I'll drop the Crypt Raider set.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 04-20-2019 at 11:49 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  12. #12
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xTethx View Post
    Edit: Nvm, saw you weren’t adding 1.5 str modifier, my bad.
    Yeah that was a huge oversight on my part...

    That's why I like posting my builds... Great feedback on most build threads here. Really helpful.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Yeah that was a huge oversight on my part...

    That's why I like posting my builds... Great feedback on most build threads here. Really helpful.
    Yea problem is the forums are very hit or miss, in the end it’s all up to the user.
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  14. #14
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Divine Might is better for THF builds. 7 cleric also nets you level 4 spells for CCW. I think it would be the better option. You loose 2 damage/to hit and 100 HPs from FvS which isn't a big deal exactly going with Barbarian.

    Divine (Will/Presence/KTA/ECT.) works better with TWF builds due to the damage portion being invested into the OH as well.

  15. #15
    Community Member AdamPM's Avatar
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    Default Stat distribution at creation?

    Kind of curious how this life went with cleric instead of fvs, and also how your initial stat distribution went. Don't you need something like 13 int for Combat Expertise? Between Str, Con, and Charisma, seems Wis and Int will both end up short without tomes. (Was trying on an alt without any).

    This looks like an interesting choice for a barb life.

  16. #16
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamPM View Post
    Kind of curious how this life went with cleric instead of fvs, and also how your initial stat distribution went. Don't you need something like 13 int for Combat Expertise? Between Str, Con, and Charisma, seems Wis and Int will both end up short without tomes. (Was trying on an alt without any).

    This looks like an interesting choice for a barb life.
    Answers here:

    You do need some tomes for INT, but just a +1 tome is enough. You can use items to get your wisdom high enough to cast 4th level spells.

    I started with

    18 STR
    8 Dex
    16 CON
    12 INT
    10 WIS
    12 CHA
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  17. #17
    Community Member AdamPM's Avatar
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    Jan 2017


    Thank you! Sorry I missed the other thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Answers here:

    You do need some tomes for INT, but just a +1 tome is enough. You can use items to get your wisdom high enough to cast 4th level spells.

    I started with

    18 STR
    8 Dex
    16 CON
    12 INT
    10 WIS
    12 CHA

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