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Thread: Nearly Finished

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Nearly Finished

    I'm curious, how important will Secrets of the Artificers be to make the new/old Sharn crafting viable? Will we be able to get all the collectibles we need from Sharn, or will we need to also go farm Secrets?

    Secrets is on sale this week, so...

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    What leads you to think there might be a mandatory tie-in? Why would they introduce a "new" system that requires old content as well? There'd be riots in the streets.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    What leads you to think there might be a mandatory tie-in? Why would they introduce a "new" system that requires old content as well? There'd be riots in the streets.
    Because they already said the house c nearly finished crafting system is the same as that used in Sharn. They also said all the old ingredients farmed in house c will be useful in the new crafting system. My guess would be not required, but helpful.

  4. #4
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    I thought they specifically said everything you need will drop in Sharn?

    So Secrets would be useful as an alternative to grind (and something level-appropriate to grind when you've leveled past Heroic Sharn) but I cant see where it would be required

  5. #5


    my understanding is not required but can be used/useful
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    What leads you to think there might be a mandatory tie-in? Why would they introduce a "new" system that requires old content as well? There'd be riots in the streets.
    Sorry. I was not trying to imply the older content would be "required." But, knowing how things work around it might be "better" to farm old content to get the bulk of what you need from the old content. Then you only have to worry about the new content for the odds and ends you can't get (or don't already have).

    I'm thrilled we are seeing the revisiting of old crafting systems. Please keep it up! I just haven't bought Secrets since I moved to FtP, so I am trying gauge how much it might help the farming situation.

    Like most, I think it will help but not be necessary. I just was asking the question.

  7. #7
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I thought they specifically said everything you need will drop in Sharn?

    So Secrets would be useful as an alternative to grind (and something level-appropriate to grind when you've leveled past Heroic Sharn) but I cant see where it would be required
    The way I understand this post is you will need both old ingredients and new ingredients from Sharn to finisih the new items.
    Last edited by Dragavon; 04-21-2019 at 07:27 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    The way I understand this post is you will need both old ingredients and new ingredients from Sharn to finisih the new items.
    I am fairly certain that they meant some will be redundant in both crafting systems. I think the wording would have been something more like “some ingredients will be exclusive” rather than what was said.

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