And I now has the sad.There has to be a way to make it work. Make it a clicky, that must be equipped like the staff from WPM? Make it a recharges over time clicky? Give it several slots that only take Anthem augments, and make it only work when all the slots are filled?
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
What are the chances in the near-future that you're going to move away from the over-powered, oddly restrictive and amazingly boring to read Set Bonuses for loot? It was bad enough when the Devs moved away from one of the core tenets of the original game (d20 rolls and statistics can be modified, percentages, such as Fortification are fixed), and then there was the short period where there was some interesting ran gen loot but it was all Bind to Character on whatever which was bad, and now it's moved to it all being either a boring mix-and-match of a limited set of features (ran gen lot) or an even more boring list of Adds +x to Y (named loot).
When are we getting force beads, or instant fortresses, rods of lordly might, or robes that you can tear the patches off of to get useful (or at least amusing) random stuff? There's no magic in the magic items any more.
I know it's far too late for Sharn, but for the next few updates, I would love for you all to sit and stop and ponder some new loot (including stuff on the ran gen tables) that's just *neat*. Not stuff that's there so we can squeeze in another +2% doublestrike or +1 ranged power (in fact, I would move Set Bonuses to only Raid loot and the same with new, special crafting systems), and not stuff that you have to grind and ransack for. It would be awesome to see new loot absent Insightful This and Quality That and +Umpteen Dice on a critical.
You almost came close with the (not well-designed) wand of wonder, but it's gone very much away from that since then.
For 2nd Edition, they put out the Encyclopedia Magica, which would be an excellent starting point.
Back during the first Sharn Loot Preview, I had made the request for Quality Assassinate
During that first preview the necklace was like this:
Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
Minimum Level: 29
? Assassinate +10
? Insightful Armor Piercing +17%
? Deception 18 (+27 dmg)
? Deadly +17
I posted: I would like to see Quality Assassination added in somewhere, currently there is no Quality Assassination items in the game at all and it just seems there should be.
During the 2nd preview it was like this:
Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
Minimum Level: 29
? Quality Assassinate+2
? Insightful Armor Piercing +17%
? Deadly +17
? Deception+18
And while you did give me the Quality Assassination I had asked for, and for which I am thankful. That was not quite what I had meant.
I actually wanted to see something more like this:
Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
Minimum Level: 29
? Assassinate +10
? Quality Assassinate+2
? Insightful Armor Piercing +17%
? Deadly +17
Again thank you Lynnabel for adding a Quality Assassinate item to the game. But could you see your way clear to look at it again and see if it is not possible to make it like my above example without unbalancing the game?
If not then I would prefer that Family's Blessing be reverted back to the way it was in the first preview with Assassinate instead of Quality Assassinate and we can try again next time to add Quality Assassinate to the game somewhere.
The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.
Last edited by Strambotica; 04-27-2019 at 09:54 PM. Reason: wasnt constructive... im redacting it properly.
Knowing that is not easy to give items for all type of builds.
1. Fey Warlock point of view
As a CC Fey Warlock have to do a real Tetris... but understand that the majority of Warlock go Fiend for Hurl and Necro DC, and the CC Fey Warlock are a really weird rare specimen (Trying to fit Bard and Sorcerer items all over the place).
· About Resonance:
At the moment Fiend and Great Old One have the pretty belt from RL for Enhanced spellpower, but missing for Resonance and Radiance.
There is some Insightful Corrosion and Combustion items, but no Resonance. (why the way, thank you very much for the new Light Orb… love it).
Adding some Enhanced and Insightful Resonance items will help Bards and Fey Warlock (Maybe in the next pack?).
Haven’t try a Bard CC / Spellsinger in a while (but really want it soon), and think that those Sonic spells are more for extra CC instead of damage, but could help a bit. I really prefer to do some damage, that only sing songs and spam Mass Hold Monster. (Only asking for a bit more damage… not as big as a Sorcerer)
Ok. Repeating the idea from Lynnabel Asked for Raid Weapon Suggestion thread:
Put some pretty name for the weapon here. Rapier or ShortswordMinimun Level 29
- Insightful Resonance
- insightful Resonance Lore
- Sonic Proc like: "With this item equipped, your offensive attacks and spells have a chance of creating a burst of sonic, dealing sonic damage and stun enemies, no save"
- Evocation and Enchantment focus
· About Charisma Items in Sharn:
Insightful Charisma Items Options are Collective Sight and Resplendent Fury Orb.
In this case, think that a Warlock will pick the Orb for the Insightful Charisma and Insight Light Spellpower and Lore. That means that can’t pick the pretty Quarterstaff for some Resonance. (I know… we can’t get everything perfect for our personal builds).
Ins. Charisma options: Goggles and Orb.
Ins. Intelligence options: Goggles, Cloak, Bracers, Orb.
Ins. Wisdom options: Goggles, Bracers, Orb.
Ins. Strength options: Goggles, Cloak, Helmet.
Ins. Dexterity options: Goggles, Cloak, Helmet.
Ins. Constitution options: Goggles.
Please consider add some Insightful Charisma (oh… and Constitution) items in the next pack, to expand the options. Since goggles are perfect for Cleric, FVS, Paladin and Bards, and the Orb is perfect for Cleric, FVS and some Warlocks (those not using the Quarterstaff). Bards could have it hard… choosing only goggles for this Ins. Charisma instead of Ins. Constitution.
2. As an Artificer (Ranged and Intelligence based).
· About Quality Stats. We have 2 belts, one for casters and other for monks.
Please consider add some options for ranged type in the next pack (And don’t forget the Intelligence based ones, like in the filigree… seems there that we don’t exists).
Could be something like:
- (Quality Int Dex Wis)
- Ranged Alacrity
- Armor Piercing
- Blunted Ammunition
(ok ok… maybe it’s too much, but one can dream)
3. As a Favored Soul. All Perfect here.
But! Since the best Artifact for Wisdom based casters are in a Necklace, The Zarash'ak Ward, and that’s bad for Caster Druids. When / If you change from slot please don’t forget Favored Soul and avoid to swap it to bracers or Cloak. Beforehand thank you very much.
PD: Sorry for my bad english.
No named Longsword beside Syranian Forged? :-(
Argonessen - Guild: "Married with Children" / Clagor Dan - Elf - Tempest (18 Ranger / 1 Barbarian / 1 Rogue) / Glagor Dan - Drow - Pale Master (18 Wizard / 2 Rogue)
Never going to use those garbage handwraps, if they're making it exclude gloves. Not worth losing the extra stats. Why they chose to make the only
piece of item exclusive gear, MONK... shows they still have the "nerf monk" mentality, which made them kill heroic monks, to fix ONE epic design goof.
Which they still didn't actually fix.