100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
that would be nice..... but i like things that you cant get other places
maybe something like:
any acid spell puts a dot on affected? 1d6 per char level?
or any acid spell cast gives you temp hp/prr/mrr - pick one
or any acid spell gives - prr to the affected?
or and i dont know if this is possible but acid spells slow down move speed - affects bosses
Would it be possible for the original posts in this thread to be updated with changes before things go live? Unless we're getting a 3rd preview, than it won't matter.
Acid Spellpower/Spell Lore is always nice and helpful. But like the above poster, I'd love to see something unique.
Maybe as a fun adder to the Acid Spellpower/Spell Lore:
Earth Grab: This item stores the implacable strength of the earth deep within. Attacks and offensive spells occasionally force this power to the surface, calling on the earth to erupt from the ground and hold an enemy in place.
Stone Prison / Greater Stone Prison could also be fun and with the theme of earth/acid
If you want to look at something really useful but maybe not straight Power/Lore - consider something like LGS Ooze or Dust as acid spell procs. I have mixed feeling about suggesting this as part of me thinks LGS affects should stay LGS only.
Given the choice - I'd likely want to go with Earth Grab or Stone Prison with Acid Spellpower/Spell Lore.
(Assuming Earth Grab / Stone Prison have a reasonable proc rate and DC that will land)
Thank you for taking the time to engage and explain, it is greatly appreciated.
I also wanted to thank you for including a Dwarven Axe in the Raid Loot. I believe this is the first ever Dwarven Axe Raid Weapon. I know Dwarfs like to keep track of their weapons (raids in Dwarven ruins and no axes to be found) so it is nice to see one finally dropping. I played with Hoarfrost a bit on Lam and it was indeed a lot of fun. The proc rate seemed good and adamantine was a great addition. Dwarf is my favorite race and I love to swing a Dwarven Axe so I greatly appreciate this weapon.
Quote from the OP:
These weapons are found in Quests, and follow our standard Dice Progression for heroics/Legendary - 1.5W at level 15, and 5W (with loaded dice depending on handedness) at level 29.
This is actually inaccurate, and has been a frustration how distorted the original weapon base profiles become after dice load.
1d2+2 is a relative increase of ~133% ( eg: shuriken 1H)
1d6+2 is a relative increase of ~57% ( eg: shortsword 1H)
1d8+2 is a relative increase of ~44% ( eg: longbow 2H)
PLS stop trying to optimize these items for your own specific Build, but start thinking of the overwhole of different Builds for the sets !!!
Wildwood Gauntlets Gloves
Minimum Level: 15/29
- Blurry +20%/+35%
- Dodge +8%/+21%
- Deception +6/+18
- Distant Diversion +25%/+62%
Crown of Bitter Thorns Raid Helmet
Minimum Level: 29
- Seeker +21
- Deadly +17
- Accuracy +34
- Doubleshot +23%
Wildwood Wrists Bracers
Minimum Level: 29
- Insightful Doubleshot +13
- Insightful Accuracy +17
- Insightful Deadly +8
Those could be combined with any Artifact for INT/DEX/WIS depending on the specific ranged builds (Moncher w/ Zen Archery, Falconry, INT Artificer Crossbows, DEX Ranger or whatever builds), if the Artifacts whould look like the following, since its really the Artifacts, where the problems for the overlapp for different ranged builds occured, those where diversed:
Radiant Ring of Taer Valaestas Ring Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
- Wisdom +22
- Quality Accuracy +8
- Quality Deadly +5
- Law Absorption +31%
Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
- Dexterity +22
- Quality Accuracy +8
- Quality Deadly +5
- Sonic Absorption +53%
Key of Rhukaan Draal Ring Minor Artifact
Minimum Level:29
Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
- Intelligence +22
- Quality Accuracy +8
- Quality Deadly +5
- Chaos Absorption +31%
and maybe for the Twisted Willow
[*]Longbow - Twisted Willow - Keen, Elasticity, Poison dmg, Vorpal
TYVM for listening
P. S.: This way the Artifacts do fit better to the Melee set for INT Assasins and DEX based melee builds as well. Before the INT artifact collided with the Set Neclace for Assasins.
Last edited by Elearim; 04-20-2019 at 08:17 AM.
Stacking 1% vulnerability to Acid on Acid spell damage, max 100. Since Acid is a lot of DOTs (and that's kinda what separates it from other elements), and each tick would add another 1% vuln, I think this would encourage players to use DOTs more often, and use more types of DOTs, and not just spam nukes. Plus it kinda fits thematically with Acid breaking you down gradually.
I'd be worried about Earthgrab becoming DC-limited...a chance-for-5%-chance is never a fun mechanic
please reduce all stat bonuses to Ravenloft levels which were already bloated anyway.
Don’t worry, people will still buy the expansion and run the content
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
I noticed that the Druid Set requires a necklace slot as does the Ws bonus minor artifact. This means that a druid caster has to choose between the Druid set and the Ws minor artifact. Is there someway to change this, while still allowing FvS and other Ws classes access to their respective set bonuses and the minor artifact?
Yes pls, make:
Raid-Gear Stats 20
None Raid-Gear Stats 19
Artifacts Stats 22 (with the Limit of one per Toon)
this way they whould be something realy special!
And all set bonuses and other enchantments the equivalent to this power lvl.
By this you whould just increase the possible gear setups instead of just pushing everything higher and higher and make all new gear the “none plus ultra must haves“
Sorcs casters let alone EK have the advantage when it comes to Sharn sets over Wizard.
Sorcs have: Hruit's Influence supports heavy armor but will more than likely be change to medium armor to better suit sorc EK.
Flamecleansed Fury already supports Heavy and medium.
Esoteric Influence doesn't support ANY armor choices for flesh characters only docents for WF/BF
Wizards have: Arcsteel Battlemage it supports medium but has repair amp on it to appease fleshy artificers that took construct essence .
Esoteric Influence doesn't support ANY armor choices for flesh characters as I have previously mentioned.
Case in point if you're going to compromise in giving sorcs more options overall then give wizards the same.
Ops... Marc its right. A Caster Druid can't use the pretty Wisdom caster artifact (Necklace) with the Primal Set (Armor - Necklace - Gloves) :C
And the other Artifact with Wisdom is not usefull for a Caster Druid :C
Last edited by Strambotica; 04-20-2019 at 06:20 PM.
Starcarver: Boring weapon. Adding vulnerability yet again to two successive generations of raid level greataxes is pretty unimaginative, in my opinion. Vulnerability can be the go-to utility of Torn in a shortman setting when an alternate source of vulnerability is missing.
Starcarver should have something that's actually fun. Maybe a meteor swarm-looking proc that deals a lot of AoE damage, or maybe a cometfall looking proc with a similar effect? You're designing a weapon in a fantasy game. Make it do something fun.
Constellation: The curse is laughably weak when I tried it on lama. Again, this weapon does nothing fun.
Last edited by Cetus; 04-20-2019 at 08:09 PM.