Is the in-game appearance for the Legendary Hallowed Trail cloak final? Its incredibly plain and boring. The "hat" items are also not very exciting, although the new helm Standard Issue Faceplate is quite lovely and perfect for a half-elf.
Hallowed Trail Cloak & Standard Issue Faceplate
My character's hair (human female with short hair) cut through the collars of the medium armors (Mark IV & Blessed Vestments). Also the Legendary Wildwood Outfit and Legendary Turncoat appeared identical on my same human female and they identically were missing their lower half - exposing her knickers. I'm not sure how I feel about the Nicholson-esque Coattails suits... except that they aren't very feminine and thus not particularly appealing to myself.
Medium Armor Hair Snafu & Wildwood/Turncoat Indignity
Coattails suit style on Wildcard
The Legendary Enforcer's Coat is interesting and different, reminiscent of a Star Wars style. I like it, but I'm not sold on the color choice. The Legendary Moonguard Buckler cuts into my character's hand/arm badly.
Enforcer's Coat Interest & Moonguard Buckler Discomfort
Legendary Order's Garb and Legendary Watch Captain's Platemail/Blessed Bulwark are very nicely done. And the Legendary Crystalline Ward is perhaps the most beautiful item of the batch. The new orbs have a very fascinating steampunk appearance.
Order's Garb & Watch Captain's Platemail & Crystalline Ward
So much gray. Really. I would seriously like to have a conversation with one of the art devs about armor color selection.
Assuming something better hasn't been chosen for the Hallowed Trail Cloak... this would make a nice Sharn Cloak: