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  1. #1
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    Default Pure rogue vs rogue + artificer splash for fusilade

    Fusilade seems better for single target DPS. What about pure rogue though, does it have advantages that can offset that?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question2005 View Post
    Fusilade seems better for single target DPS. What about pure rogue though, does it have advantages that can offset that?
    I wondered the same thing in regards to adding Artificer for the machine gun affect on ranging, I can see it helping out in future Artificer pass updates, but with Inquisitor tree you can now get Endless Fusilage at Tier 5. The nice thing is that if you have Artificer EF and can get Inquisitor EF, they will be on timer but it seems that you will have double the amount of using that feat plus added Range Power. Imagine Dual wielding Named Crossbows with two multi uses of EF. Until named Crossbows come out, I think it is an intriguing concept.

  3. #3
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question2005 View Post
    Fusilade seems better for single target DPS. What about pure rogue though, does it have advantages that can offset that?
    IMO yes and no, it's sorta all relative. I like to play all the combinations here and only one level combo (xx/x or x/xx) is slightly less (mix of rouge arty) than the others, I don't recall ATM which one. I do find in general I like pure rouge or pure arty better than the arty/rouge combos.

    Pure Shadar Kai rouge is allot of fun. I use repeating crossbow and enjoy the chain and Timebomb allot. I'm also a fan of Hip Flask. You can use Epic Destinies to offset EF. I still like Furry of the Wild on this set up. Here I've found INT build to be better than DEX build. And use Harper tree as well as the Mechanic Tree. Sometimes in higher levels I ditch the chain and put more Action points into Harper and/or Mechanic.

    I primarily play arty on my main, but don't miss EF on a pure rouge.

  4. #4
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question2005 View Post
    Fusilade seems better for single target DPS. What about pure rogue though, does it have advantages that can offset that?
    Arti splash is better busrt dps. Your time sustaining your burst is limited by action boost charges. More or less the max you can pull off is 20. Thats enough that you dont run out outside raids. Thus ati splash is stronger dps in almost all situations. Max dps is 10 rogue/4arti/6fighter. Search the forms for “the never ending fusilade” for a complete build.

    This is for using greater x-bows. If you want to play around with inquisitive or repeaters ignore the above.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Arti splash is better busrt dps. Your time sustaining your burst is limited by action boost charges. More or less the max you can pull off is 20. Thats enough that you dont run out outside raids. Thus ati splash is stronger dps in almost all situations. Max dps is 10 rogue/4arti/6fighter. Search the forms for “the never ending fusilade” for a complete build.

    This is for using greater x-bows. If you want to play around with inquisitive or repeaters ignore the above.
    So, what is pure rogue better at? IIRC the best crossbow in the game is a great crossbow and at level 13+ you have divine artillery which is also a great crossbow...

  6. #6


    I am not arguing against the awesome never-ending fusilade build as I might try it Soon but: pure non-human rogues seem to fall short a feat (insightful reflexes) whereas non-short ranged toons do not line up IPS well against some mobs. I did 1 fighter/1 barb as a fun maxspeed post-assassin ER toon and am having fun—the run speed is rather addictive but more improtantly keeps her alive. In low epics I actually took the vistani capstone (tier 5 mech) for various tree buffs and 20 RP but will drop it in later content.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default intro to inquisitive

    I think with the addition of inquisitive, there are now more options to using fusilade and having a close to pure or pure rogue could prove quite strong.

    The only thing that might hold players back from inquisitive and the use of light/heavy crossbows is that there are not many in game. And with the addition of some good quality named crossbows could create a new popular FOTM build.

    I made a 10/6/4 during one life of my race to racial completionist. It was good. And I understand the allure. Once sharn is live, and the Inquisitive tree and all bugs are worked out, we may find some new builds worth trying. Pure rogue maybe some 18/2 or 18/1/1. There are some new and fun possibilities that will shine in the upcoming months, removing the tier 4 fusilade enhancement from the equation. That is my guess.

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  8. #8
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question2005 View Post
    So, what is pure rogue better at? IIRC the best crossbow in the game is a great crossbow and at level 13+ you have divine artillery which is also a great crossbow...
    When you run out of fusiilade charges pure rogues increased SA dice and crit profile (lvl 18 core) means it does more damage. I would say the damage break even point is around 15-20 min of non stop dpsing. Thoes situations are so rare that there is almost no functional advantage in going pure rogue with a greater xbow.

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    I think the pure rogues get a bit better in epics. Heroic leveling gives it to the Fusilade users, no doubt there, but the extra crit from the 5th Rogue core is huge, especially on a weapon with such a great base crit range.

    The DPS-fest that is epic hinders Fusilade builds more than it does pure Rogue, but even then, the Fusilade build can often take the trophy, though by a smaller margin.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Reapeater Rogues Unite!

    Bunker when I first started this game I would read your thread weekly for joy of the humor & language!

    Yes, those are my hit points!

    ok sorry for derail
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  11. #11
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question2005 View Post
    So, what is pure rogue better at?
    Higher sneak attacks per hit and (with great xbow) better critical threat range from Expert Builder: 15-20/x4 vs 15-20/x3 from Strike w/No Thought on the rog 10 / ftr 6 / arty 4 split.

    That said, I'm curious to know if anyone will be running, say, rog 16 / arty 4 dual-crossbow builds with 41 Inquisitive / 27 BE / 12 Harper or Mechanic.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Bunker when I first started this game I would read your thread weekly for joy of the humor & language!

    Yes, those are my hit points!

    ok sorry for derail
    Thanks Saekee. I took a long break (over 4 yrs) and when I came back, I was going to put together a new thread. Just never got around to it. The game changed so much that it took a good 6 months to catch up on builds, and creations using repeaters, Gxbows and other crossbows.

    I can honestly say I've done well over 30 variations of fusilade style builds mixing at least 4 artificer and taking turns applying every other class. Some obviously were better than others. Even tried some other player's builds along the way.

    The addition of the Inquisitive tree will be my next adventure. Dual weilding certain crossbows will be interesting with maxing doubleshot. Hopefully there will be a continuing addition of more named crossbows in the next few updates, starting with Sharn.


    P.S. Ha. "and those are my hit points" I think that was some of the funniest times in the game being last man standing with 300hp or less. Sadly we all have to adapt to the new ddo. 2k+ lol
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Higher sneak attacks per hit and (with great xbow) better critical threat range from Expert Builder: 15-20/x4 vs 15-20/x3 from Strike w/No Thought on the rog 10 / ftr 6 / arty 4 split.

    That said, I'm curious to know if anyone will be running, say, rog 16 / arty 4 dual-crossbow builds with 41 Inquisitive / 27 BE / 12 Harper or Mechanic.
    As of right now, I plan on 12 arti/ 8 rogue.

    Regardless of how you go, the DPS is solid with the dual bows in the new tree.

    I plan on the 12 arti for the improved construct essense for self healing. I prefer fleshy over warforged.

    Im currently leveling my first life with a 4 arti / 16 rogue. The DPS is **** good (stellar), but self healing is the problem on this fleshy, considering no destiny work.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Higher sneak attacks per hit and (with great xbow) better critical threat range from Expert Builder: 15-20/x4 vs 15-20/x3 from Strike w/No Thought on the rog 10 / ftr 6 / arty 4 split.

    That said, I'm curious to know if anyone will be running, say, rog 16 / arty 4 dual-crossbow builds with 41 Inquisitive / 27 BE / 12 Harper or Mechanic.
    But from what ive heard, repeaters are simply better than great crossbows unless you are running fusilade?

    One downside of the fusilade build seems to be that you are going int based, but cant take advantage of KTA and have to use a feat for insightful reflexes. Another is that for certain quests, you are going to run out of fusilade charges pretty quickly (e.g. coal chamber).

    Do crossbow builds have any decent CC? I dont see anyone bothering with time bomb at cap, and was not impressed the times I saw people use it in heroics.
    Last edited by Question2005; 04-24-2019 at 05:35 AM.

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