Hey all,
I remember farming ADQ and Zawabi's several years back and I am pretty sure I used Raid Timer Bypass Hourglasses. But it is not possible anymore since the pre-raid is not a raid instance. The quest giver won't except a bypass.
Is this WAI?
Hey all,
I remember farming ADQ and Zawabi's several years back and I am pretty sure I used Raid Timer Bypass Hourglasses. But it is not possible anymore since the pre-raid is not a raid instance. The quest giver won't except a bypass.
Is this WAI?
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This just came up for me too, wasted the resetter since it did not say "does not work with zawabi's"
The raids bypasses worked years ago with this raid, I used them a long time ago. I have not used a bypass raid for a long time, but I think I recently read a thread in which other player also reported problems with the raid bypasses in this raid.
It must be a new bug (or relatively new, I do not think many people are farming this raid, so maybe it's not so new)
But I confirm that before the bypasses worked with this raid
Found the thread: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...ghlight=zawabi
From december. It seems a bug.
Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)
When you have this bug, you can't get repeat quests shared to you, until you use up the raid reset timer effect. I had to run chrono and burn off the timer resetting that.
Have the devs got any visibility on this bug? Is it being looked at?
Aaaand still broken.
Closing as /necro. There is a specific technical issue in the way this raid is done that makes it not function with the bypass.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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