Hey DDO!
Recently I've started to add another layer to my DDO experience by streaming my gameplay and making informative video's about DDO.
My stream is called The Many Lives of Sthx and it is going to show the perpetual TR-Train that is DDO.
Hopefully I will be able to make some informative video's to help out new and current players to navigate the fast world of DDO. I think new players that are not familiar with DnD and DDO lose their barrings between the complexities of the game and the zerging overpowered veterans. Without a support system from guildies and players they drop the game in frustration. This is a shame as we need new players to come join us on the server to keep DDO fresh and creative. That's why i've started to make some videos to help these players out.
Currently i am focussing on 5 main topics:
- Build reviews - I run several build and am a sucker for the TR-train and multiclass experimentation.
- Quest Walkthoughs (Zerg mode or extensive flowersniffing)
- Guides - Mostly, for new players on how to get you your Shinies, Bags, Inventory, Favor and other usefull stuffs!
- News - Recaps of updates and upgrades.
- Streaming - and ofcourse some straight up hours and hours and hours of streaming, while I ramble on about the encounters, quests and events.
I have currently made 2 channels for my videos.
Twitch - where i do my streaming and recording.
YouTube - where i upload the little informative snippets from my streams on twitch.
There are alrdy some videos up that might prove usefull - I am running an inquisitive build to check out the new tree / Zerging on a sorc to bash out some racial lives / Making videos on stuff i do while leveling which seem obvious to any veteran, but might prove usefull for new(-ish) players.
I would love to hear from the DDO-community what you would like to see or want more information about!
You can think of build reviews, Tours through specific quests or information about game mechanics etc. I don't know everything about DDO, but i sure as hell will find out! Or invite another player to the stream to explain in game.
Thank you all for your time and if you are interested in the stream and want to contribute and/or hangout and meh face and voice doesn't deter you, please follow and support!
Love to hear from you all!
Ps: if this gets any traction and becomes even more fun, i'll subscribe to the DDOstream.First have to figure out some things![]()