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Thread: epic equipment

  1. #1
    Community Member bls904c2's Avatar
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    Default epic equipment

    any chance next pack the quests are level 17/30 and the loot dropped is level 20/29 for those on ETR's, or even the eventual keep on borderlands having quests at 1-4/30 but have the gear for epic TRing.

    You guys put quests in from WPM to try placing gear early epics but received large negative feed back from those that play reaper at cap.

    one of the things people use to play raids for was for tr gear. they did not play to stay at cap they played to get their gear for tr's and for tokens to tr.

    shroud = greensteel = level 11
    master artificer = alcemical weapons = like thunder forge starts level 12? and goes up 2 levels as it is crafted up to level 20

    special equipment in raids that is must have for some classes at the time
    quiver of alacrity
    litany of the dead
    ioun stones not a raid item but came from a level 18 quest.

    can you please get us equipment in low mid epics.

    ask around lots of people playing with slave lord and ravenloft gear in low epics because it is better then the gear in low epics. soon they will be playing with combination of those 2 with larger amount of sharn equipment at low epics.

    there is a big divide between players in this game.

    by adding a few pieces in the raid that are really good for ETR's would help those who still need PL's and encourage raiding.

    you have the runes that are bound to account so can encourage alt play to keep an alt or 2 at cap and pass the runes to the toon that is on past life train.

    just some food for thought

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2013


    The quests are 15/16 and 32/??. The gear is 15/29.

    I agree with the way things go, that the heroic gearset will probably last into epics, and replace ravenloft/slavers heroic into epics. That seems the best that is possible without a complete overhaul of the existing epic gear to make it competative at that range.

    I don't understand what you are asking the rest of the post. You want to run a L32 dungeon and get L23 quality gear, for example? You think anyone would be happy with that? I know I would not.

    Ideal solution I think would be to make Heroic, low/mid Epic and Legendary vers of each quest and loot item, from now onwards, but that won't happen.

    Edit : I could imagine a trade in system, get the item in a L29 version from the legendary dungeon, take it to the trader who exchanges it for a L22 version with identical but scaled down stats. This way no duplication of content, but can fill gear into the epic range. Means the extra work is "only" an epic set in addition.

    Then implement it for ravenloft onwards gearsets, and epic gearing is solved.
    Last edited by Tist; 04-09-2019 at 01:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    I see where the op comes from.
    Greensteel and a few other items he mentioned dropped in what was endgame back then, this kept player participating in endgame raids instead of them splitting of to farm mid level gear for the next class tr.
    Almost like the devs were smarter at getting people to group up.......
    Unlike their failed reaper experiment.

    That foresight is gone though, $$$ is what drives the copy paste work of the current dev team, catering to big spenders, there is no money in mid epics.
    The dev team needs endgame content to fuel the reaper farmers and their store sales of mana and exp pots
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    With sharn gear, i will be running cannith 15 and sharn combo until about 26-27 where i equip down-upgraded raid stuff, weapons swap at 28 depending on build, then full regear at 30.

    Seems like a decent "no gear worries" setup to me

    Seems like a huge win for future iconic lives too.

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