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  1. #101
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SevenDeadlySins View Post
    I think what most of you wanting to claim someone else's character name don't seem to understand is there are many reasons why character names should never be purged based on how long someone has not logged into the game
    Not purged, the names are still able to be claimed if unclaimed. What we want is to reduce the instances of name creep that comes with extended games like this where inactive accounts create clutter and clog. It's only ONE solution the other being surnames. Don't try and frame this as a direct attack on your name.

    Quote Originally Posted by SevenDeadlySins View Post
    As a vet I served my country for over 5 years and had little to no chance to log in and play a game I was out protecting my country and the freedoms some of you enjoy because of mine and many others sacrifices while serving our country

    people can have many circumstances for a long absence
    First thank you for your service. Second not everyone that plays this game is American. Third you could have made this point without the loaded language. The blatant attempt at using your military service as leverage over others for an emotional tool is honestly a little disgusting to me, especially coming from a family of veterans. Your point holds just as much merit just on the basis of extended time away without the additional attempted manipulation.

    Quote Originally Posted by SevenDeadlySins View Post
    a stroke learning how to walk, talk, eat, and perform daily tasks again is certainly more important I guess than logging into a game

    the death of a loved one during which time they need assistance to deal with financial , emotional, and family issues to name a few in this case

    the loss of a job and having to seek not only employment but education to change to a new career opportunity
    Alright, but definitely not all of those might keep you from the game for 5 years. And certainly sometimes you might never return to the game either. The issue here is the weight you are putting on the situation. You believe that your personal desire to never lose your chosen name no matter how long you are away from the game never playing and never using the resource you have reserved is the more important value and issue. I disagree. I think that the harm done to the game overall, while small, is still greater without implementing some form of name fix even if it comes to the detriment of others that may be affected. Because the person that steps away for 5+ years without playing is doing nothing for the game during that 5 year period of time and might never return to the game. While a player that is currently playing or might start playing has a direct impact on the game at any given time. AND this is merely a supposed risk, as it's never a guarantee with any reclaimed name that it will ever be used even after expiring. But again, expiring the names is merely a single option.

    Quote Originally Posted by SevenDeadlySins View Post
    anyone can end up in one of many situations where they are unable to log into a game when it happens and you finally log back in to find your character name taken sorry you were a day late and a dollar short

    I think you might change your mind and be more mindful of throwing rocks in your glass house next time
    I am not personally affected by this in this game, but I have played over 20 MMORPGs. I have been affected by a name reclamation more than once. In fact many other MMORPGs have a much less forgiving timeframe than 5 years. Some are 6 months, some are only a single year. I've had a name reclamation happen for my name and lost it more than once in these games. And it was annoying, it was frustrating, but I got over it because I realized that I had been gone for a long time, and I wasn't participating in the game. Regardless of the reasoning behind my absence, it was an absence. I made a choice not to play the game. And I'd rather there be a net benefit for the game as a whole at my own personal loss than to demand that my situation by the most important factor behind any decisions or changes. Because in the end I am not arguing for a benefit to me personally. I have a single main character with the name I want, I don't plan to make any additional characters outside of testing purposes with iconics and veteran status only to delete the character later. It could be a random string for all I care. But I can see the benefit for others and the game as a whole. And so that is why I take the stance I do. And I find it pretty insulting that you don't think that other people could be affected in a similar way and still think differently than you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    The game didn’t exist in 2004 I have one of the earliest dates and I’m Jan 2006
    2009, not 2004. 2004 would have been my first PC and when I started playing WoW. But clearly that was the most important part of my post.

    Quote Originally Posted by gravisrs View Post
    No way purge will ever happen. Security reasons.

    If you lack of imagination with naming, you prolly won't see this problem also.

    I always find these throw away lines confusing. "Security Reasons" as if this should be enough. First, I don't believe that's true at all considering there are at least four other MMOs I have played with name purges. Second I find it funny just how many people want to use backhanded insults like "You're just not imaginative enough" considering I've used Fantasy Name Generators to generate some of the most obtuse names and not only have those been taken, but all variations of spelling as well. So let's not act like there's not at least some small issue in there somewhere. Whether it's worth investing resources and development time into considering the state of many different classes and playstyles is another matter altogether.

  2. #102
    Community Member dogbreath68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    The game didn’t exist in 2004 I have one of the earliest dates and I’m Jan 2006
    On my invitation to the pre-order, my ticket was number 113 as in customer order #113. Ive been here before it was released for sale.

    The founders helm was lame, the founders trinket of natural armor bonus was lame, as was the boots i think from the Target store pre-order bundle was lame. But it was a new game. I still miss Tattered Alice in the Harbor. I've always wondered why they named her Tattered, too many sailors?
    Last edited by dogbreath68; 04-05-2023 at 08:29 AM.
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  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogbreath68 View Post
    On my invitation to the pre-order, my ticket was number 113 as in customer order #113. Ive been here before it was released for sale.

    The founders helm was lame, the founders trinket of natural armor bonus was lame, as was the boots i think from the Target store pre-order bundle was lame. But it was a new game. I still miss Tattered Alice in the Harbor. I've always wondered why they named her Tattered, too many sailors?
    Yeah I toss those founders items right away on every new character and I miss the old harbor

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  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by SevenDeadlySins View Post


  5. #105
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    They could simply edit the name characters to allow for spaces so people could do first and middle, thus adding more options if people want the same first. This should be doable.

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