Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
Problem with a Name reset is who gets first shot at names once they become available.
Some players have been trying to get certain names since the start of the game and only managed to snag them when a new server was created, which then peeved off the person who had the name first.

So.. how do you define rules for who gets first pick/pass on names..

1. treat it as a first come first serve.

2. Auction

3. Reservation

4. New server

.. or other....

Personally I would like to see a Server Merge where players from old servers migrate to a new server (for free), Founders and VIP's get 30 days to migrate toons with no new name creations.

This allows existing names to migrate to the new server and retain their names.
..a period of time before the transfer would be needed to lock down or restrict eligible transfer players/names..

Then open up transfers to non-VIP players for 30 days to transfer to the new servers to retain their names.

Then unlock Name changes for 30 days (paid service)

Followed by unlocking new character creations which on a new server would be clear of all historical names since it is a new server.

Merge all the old remaining servers from the old alt worlds onto a secondary new world with no server transfers available for 30 days..
with all remaining players that have been active within the last year moved from the old servers...

The result would be two new Server Worlds with no historical baggage and only players that have actively logged on in the last year.
Any remaining old players logging onto the game from the pre-existing old dead server would only be left with an option to join one of the two new servers and potentially subject to forced name change.

This would free up old locked down names and cleanse old historical data baggage from the active world servers while merging players into more robust active worlds.
..Would still be some technical issues like transporting guilds, converting guilds ships into transportable tokens, Bank items, TR caches, Shards, etc....