What do you think about bringing the DPS kobolds to guild ships as amenities? They are much better than the dummy amenity, and it is nice to have something consistent that will live long enough at cap to judge DPS.
What do you think about bringing the DPS kobolds to guild ships as amenities? They are much better than the dummy amenity, and it is nice to have something consistent that will live long enough at cap to judge DPS.
That sounds like an awesome idea.
Hey, even just removing the AI off a random epic critter and putting them in a reprinted Haverdasher would do.
The good thing about putting it in a random quest would be being able to test your character in Reaper, with the trees enabled and the damage reduction applying.
Which current implementation, the ship or the kobald on Lam?
I can't see why making a solo dungeon accessible from the Marketplace with different rooms that spawn based on char level a boss, a champ and a group of trash. All with bloated HP, that are parked and cannot attack.
have a lever/floor plate that instakills the mobs and respawns them.
would be great for testing DCs & DPS ect ect...
cripes make it a one ticket per day thing to prevent people from over using it.
Scraps, the Immortal Kobold
While Lady Vol was testing her Mark of Death, she granted immortality to this kobold she found trying to steal her shinies. Since then, Scraps has been working for the Stormreach guilds, to help adventurers measure their strength. Scraps makes sure to drink his pain numbing potions 3 times a day.
That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu
Bug report form link
on airship, you can activate the magefire cannon and hit that thing instead, it cannot break, and you can unleash all you got on it
I come from the west. Through countries, peoples, and cities - to this place: STORMREACH.
My duty: Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my newfound friends, their hopes, and dreams. To defend them from their enemies.
If you do can you do something that lets us tinker with the kobold a bit like a selection menu to where we can change to a specific level so it can have PRR/MRR that represents that level? Say like every 5 levels.
And/or a choice to have our damage scaled down just like in reaper.
I believe the point is help calculate dps, so finite HP is necessary unless you spend hours copying n interpreting combat log. As far as I know, the magefire cannon is useless in that regards and the dummy dies in less than a second, hence the need for a dps calc kobold or higher HP dummy. ;-)
Yeah, this doesn't really serve the same purpose as a DPS kobold would... Sure the magefire cannon is cool to see individual hits of particular moments...
-Helpless Damage
-Blitz Damage
-Action boost Damage
Etc. etc.
But it doesn't provide an actual DPS count for the player. I for one have been wanting a way to judge the DPS of a character on the live servers for a while now, having this method, would help both newer players improve their characters, as well as veterans. Just don't give us the ability to look at DPS while in dungeons, or else all hell will break loose.
The ship isn't such a good place for it because it's a public area and many caster spells/abilities don't work there. Even my non DPS caster would get some use out of it and there are DPS caster builds that may find such a thing very useful.
I'd really like to see a quest added with the kobold and I think it could be sold in sufficient quantities to justify adding it. Or it could be included as an add-on to give incentive for buying some upcoming quest pack that is otherwise a bit short on value.
But it should not be added until the kobold is working so that a bunch of people using it at once doesn't cause our server to grind to a halt. I'd really hate to see raids failing because too many people are abusing their captive kobolds.
If we can't get a DPS test quest then I guess a more durable training dummy would be a decent consolation prize. A higher but fixed HP total would make it better than the cannon.
Last edited by blerkington; 04-10-2019 at 05:49 PM.
Yes, that's a fair point and something I hadn't considered.
On balance I'd still rather have something casters can use too, but this is definitely a concern. I guess there's the option of only doing your testing when these have worn off, but that might not suit everyone.
why in DDO everything has server performance issues? like dungeon alert and some kobold?! lotro doesn't. are your server capacity allotted like 80% lotro 20% ddo? like, ever had a stroll in goblin town (public instance) while multiple parties are zerging thru aggroing countless goblins and all is well and DA doesn't ever exist?
yes i know i'm being blunt but this is a serious question. not expecting an asnwer btw.
storage solution suggestion: Collection
omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises
LOTRO has a better better engine they have said on multiple occasion that they would love to bring some stuff from LOTRO over but cant because the guts of of DDO aren't set up right. LOTRO came after DDO they learned a lot from DDO and got LOTRO to a better place at its core ...