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  1. #1
    Community Member Puntos_mx's Avatar
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    Post Cannith Crafting Gearsets - WIP

    So, this is mostly so that I don't lose my progress and (hopefully) get some feedback whenever I get lost in the process.....
    The plan is to create a complete CC Gearsets, regardless of named items.
    Problem? Can't have just 1 set, as it would be unequippable at low levels and underpowered later on.
    There's a nice thread that foresees this leveling issue, but I find the split 2/6/10/14/18 as..... too many sets.

    So, the first step I'm going through is finding the best ML steps to craft the sets for.

    Step 1.1: Setting Ability levels

    If the Gear Set will need to raise our base Abilities anyway, let's use this table to determine MLs.
    The MLs where we get Ability increases would be:

    Lvl Enh Ins
    1 1 -
    2 2 -
    4 3 -
    5 4 -
    7 5 -
    10 6 2
    13 7 3
    15 8 3
    18 9 4
    21 10 4
    23 11 5
    26 12 5
    29 13 6
    31 14 6
    34 15 7

    The Insightful progression does give 5-6 Level steps and match the Enhancement MLs, so let's take those.
    We're missing a sub-10 set, though.
    ML1 is too low. And we get an increase 1 level above that.
    ML2 is lowish, but promising. The next increase is 2 levels above, but the jump to 10 would mean 8 Levels without switching gear, and providing a jump from +2 to +6.
    ML 4 is getting a little high. Marketplace-Quests-high. Still, it's 6 Levels away from 10 (a 3-points jump), which keeps the progression laid above. Its greatest problem is.....
    ML 5 may be Deneith/Kundarak-Quest-high, but it's so close to Level 4 and provides a nice +4 Ability boost.....

    In any case, the spread would be one of these:
    Alternative 1: ML 2, 10, 13, 18, 23, 29, 34
    Alternative 2: ML 4, 10, 13, 18, 23, 29, 34
    Alternative 3: ML 5, 10, 13, 18, 23, 29, 34
    Still 7 sets... too many..... We need another filter to select the levels.

    Step 1.2: Yellow Slots?

    Yellow Augments come in levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28
    Yellow Slots are good for effects (Underwater, Blindness proof, etc), as well as Elemental Resistances. We can get more effects if we select the correct Augments, so......
    And for the record, I'm not using any of the named Augments. Too expensive.
    So, if we slot Augments without increasing the CC MLs, the table would now be.....

    Lvl Enh Ins Topaz Resistance Poison/Disease Effects
    1 1 - 1 5 - -
    2 2 - 1 5 - -
    4 3 - 4 10 2 Underwater/Feather
    5 4 - 4 10 2 Underwater/Feather
    7 5 - 4 10 2 Underwater/Feather
    10 6 2 8 15 4 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear
    13 7 3 12 20 6 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    15 8 3 12 20 6 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    18 9 4 16 25 8 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    21 10 4 20 30 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    23 11 5 20 30 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    26 12 5 24 35 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    29 13 6 28 40 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    31 14 6 28 40 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock
    34 15 7 28 40 10 Underwater/Feather/Blind/Fear/Deathblock

    It looks a lot more comprehensive.
    ML4 provides the lowest level where we can slot both Underwater and Elemental Resistances 10.
    ML10 provides a nice jump for Abilities and slots for Blindness and Fear Immunity.
    ML13 provides only Deathblock, +1 Enhancement and +1 Insight Ability increase. Switching only a single item would be neat.
    ML18 grants the next significative Ability upgrade before Epic levels.
    ML23 may be a good early-Epic gear shift. +4 on Abilities is nice, but it's 1 level below ML24 Augments (35-pt Resistances).
    ML29 gives a near-cap set with amazing +13/+6 for Abilities and slots for ML28 Augments (highest available Topazes).

    So, we would be left with 4 sets: MLs 4, 10, 18, 29.
    At Level 13 we swap whatever is holding Deathblock to take advantage of the Yellow Slot, but keep the ML10 set.
    And an optional ML 23 set upgrade. I'd rather keep 4 instead of 5 sets, though.

    This is all I have for the moment. I'll return to read feedback and to start panning out the sets themselves.

  2. #2
    The Emperor Mornyngstar's Avatar
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    Jan 2014


    IMO eliminate the lv 29 and 34 if you have access to Ravenloft or any of the new quests. The bonuses on the items that drop there are superior to anything that can be crafted with the exception of Insightful Wisdom which has limited BTA sources.
    My gear level spread is 1,5,10,15,18,23. I did have lv 29 and 34's but recycled them down to lower level fill in gear instead of just dissolving them.
    My 2 mains are Mornyngstar and Seldissan on Thelanis but I also have toons on all servers with those names. Any toon that has Mornyngstar Clan as their last name is most likely me.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2012


    Some nice and thoughtful work here...
    Just wanted to make sure you are aware of this thread:
    And his crafting planner:

    I'm working on CC gear sets too, and I found that its expensive in terms of matts - but that might be because I/m crafting gear sets for 3 character archetypes:
    A Melee Heavy Armour set (for my THF and S&B fighters) Complete
    A Utility set (for Ranger (TWF and Range) and Bard (SWF)) In Progress
    A Caster set (haven't started on this yet and haven't played any caster toons yet - but plan to for the PLs)

    I went with the following splits

    1 to 3 (just use any hoarded lowbie twink gear supplemented with Korthos set)
    4 to 7 (ML 4 CC Set)
    8 to 12 (Slaver Crafted Gear w/ ML 10 CC supplements to fill holes)
    13 to 19 (ML 13 CC set)
    20 to 25 (Evening Comm Gear supplemented with ML 23 CC to fill holes)
    26 to 29 (ML 26 CC set)
    30 - Mix of Slavers/RL/WPM and soon Sharn gear - admittingly I haven't got a whole endgame gear set completed yet. 'cause I don't spend much time at 30 until I TR

    So Full CC gear @ ML 4/13/26 with CC supplements @ ML 10/23

    Its still a lot of matts and some grindy farming at levels 8 through 10 and at cap

    Like I indicated above my Melee sets are done as well as the farmed gear (except the end game gear) and I will tell you its nice to level and not worry about gear - everything I pull in that toon I feed to my Sentient Jewel and all the lootgen goes to my crafter - without agonizing about its usefulness etc - clears a lot of space in inventory too -lol - of course Now I have to store 6 set (+1 Im wearing) each life - but hell - it's worth it.

    anyway - just wanted to jump in and wish you luck and acknowledge the effort you put into this - you certainly put more thought into it than I did - I just jumped in and started crafting and collecting stuff.


  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013


    Here's my approach. I have quite a few cannith crafted items:
    Level 1---ring of eternal faith & persuasion, master's gift in green socket---I wear this item often till level 10 most lives
    Level 4---True sight evo focus goggles---these are just so damned useful as a quality of life item.
    Level 5---Mostly I rely here on the Chronoscope set, just wear all 5 pieces, but I do have a ring of +4 dex and +4 charisma I use, and a legacy (old system) necklace of deadly +4 (masterful crafting).
    Level 7-9 not much here, although I have a set of prudent +5 true seeing goggles and a +5 astute helm of +2 spell mastery that are awfully useful

    Level 10 I have a complete set of gear here, most pieces are subsumed though by Ravenloft items now though
    Level 13 and 15 a few upgraded pieces of my level 10 set
    Level 18 Lots of upgraded pieces
    Level 20 a few upgraded pieces
    Level 23 quite a few upgraded pieces, including the ring with 2 sockets, holding festive gems of int and wisdom and charisma +11, dexterity +11 and insightful con I think.
    Level 26 I have a couple upgraded pieces, but not much
    Past level 26, Ravenloft and other gear is much better.

    On armor, I really like +constitution, +healing amp and parrying. Sometimes I swap light resist for parrying.
    On rings I really like +charisma +dexterity +insightful con
    On boots I really like +sheltering and either spellsight, insightful spellsight or combat mastery, insightful combat mastery
    On belts I really like strength, insightful strength and doublestrike
    On trinkets, I like at ML 15 a trinket of alacrity 11%, insightful deadly and doublestrike. This is the level that alacrity better than the legacy 10% becomes available (I have an old cannith ml3 trinket of melee alacrity and mobility).
    On goggles for not-casters I like Int, True sight, Insightful int. On goggles for casters, swap the true sight for some sort of spell focus.
    Level 13 is a good breakpoint for a caster trinket with spell focus mastery, spell pen, insightful spell pen. Level 23 is the next good upgrade point for that trinket.

  5. #5
    Community Member Puntos_mx's Avatar
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    Mar 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mornyngstar View Post
    IMO eliminate the lv 29 and 34 if you have access to Ravenloft or any of the new quests. The bonuses on the items that drop there are superior to anything that can be crafted with the exception of Insightful Wisdom which has limited BTA sources.
    My gear level spread is 1,5,10,15,18,23. I did have lv 29 and 34's but recycled them down to lower level fill in gear instead of just dissolving them.
    The first objective of these sets is to equip my Cannith toon, on Cannith server, with Cannith DM. There's a theme on it. And yes, I know it's less efficient and underpowered for LevelCap. Sucks to be me.
    Still, it will indeed be a good idea to ditch MLs 29 and 34. I'll incorporate that suggestion to the final form of that first post.
    OTOH, I don't have Ravenloft. Nor VOT. Nor VON. Nor......
    This set project is meant to prevent tha scavenger hunt for gear sets. At least for 1 toon. And is blind to other kinds of crafting (eg: Greensteel).
    But in practice I'll be glad to swap items if I get a nice thing from random or quest-end loot. That is not covered in the scope of this project, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by MacRighteous View Post
    Some nice and thoughtful work here...
    Just wanted to make sure you are aware of this thread:
    And his crafting planner:
    Hi, thanks!
    That thread souns very nice. I'll work on my next step and then contrast with whatever is there.
    I am partial to byethost14's planner. Specially the Gear Master module I happened to click on yesterday. But the CDL looks like a very nice and useful piece of software.

    Quote Originally Posted by MacRighteous View Post
    I'm working on CC gear sets too, and I found that its expensive in terms of matts - but that might be because I/m crafting gear sets for 3 character archetypes:
    A Melee Heavy Armour set (for my THF and S&B fighters) Complete
    A Utility set (for Ranger (TWF and Range) and Bard (SWF)) In Progress
    A Caster set (haven't started on this yet and haven't played any caster toons yet - but plan to for the PLs)
    Currently I'm aiming more for a generic base set that requires minimal customization from the base equipment, and then complement or enhance with weapons/armor/shields/rings/trinket.
    But that will come in the next steps.... this is just the first step and a very rough sketch of what I intend to whip up in the next few weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by MacRighteous View Post
    I went with the following splits
    So Full CC gear @ ML 4/13/26 with CC supplements @ ML 10/23

    anyway - just wanted to jump in and wish you luck and acknowledge the effort you put into this - you certainly put more thought into it than I did - I just jumped in and started crafting and collecting stuff.

    Thank you!
    Yes. That's what I fear. Having to store sets and sets and then having everything lumped together in the TR space of the bank. Or having 7 sets per toon!
    I mean, it's fun. I won't deny it. If I didn't enjoy tinkering with equipment, I'd be playing something else, but..... ****! That's a lot of bank storage! (or a good mule or two).

    Quote Originally Posted by ValariusK View Post
    Here's my approach. I have quite a few cannith crafted items:
    Level 1---ring of eternal faith & persuasion, master's gift in green socket---I wear this item often till level 10 most lives
    Level 4---True sight evo focus goggles---these are just so damned useful as a quality of life item.
    Level 5---Mostly I rely here on the Chronoscope set, just wear all 5 pieces, but I do have a ring of +4 dex and +4 charisma I use, and a legacy (old system) necklace of deadly +4 (masterful crafting).
    Level 7-9 not much here, although I have a set of prudent +5 true seeing goggles and a +5 astute helm of +2 spell mastery that are awfully useful
    I'm not using named Augments because I'm **** and always manage to miss the events. Mabar? What's that? ...... anyway.
    I've been rocking True Sight on my helmet and loving it. But that's just 1 gear piece.... and I find I need more than that.
    Although I have the Chronoscope Pack, I don't think I have run it even once. I'll need to start getting into PUGs again.

    Quote Originally Posted by ValariusK View Post
    Level 10 I have a complete set of gear here, most pieces are subsumed though by Ravenloft items now though [...]
    Thank you for the suggestions for MLs and Gear pieces. It'll be useful.
    For these sets, I intend to not include Weapons (better people than me have devoted more time on those), Armor (I think that needs to be more personalized to the particular toon and build), Rings (which I intend to also personalize to the particular lives of my main) and Trinket. The idea is to have a solid, all-around foundation so that other, more critical equipment (maybe named?) can build upon. I may be misguided, but it's too early to say if this will be wasted effort.
    Last edited by Puntos_mx; 04-12-2019 at 05:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Puntos_mx's Avatar
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    Default Update 3.1

    So, I checked a bit, and found Rings weren't as universal as I had initially thought, so I added them to my lists.
    Which meant rewriting all my tables that I keep on paper.

    Beyond that, I've started moving up on sets of gear.
    I started with Clerics, since they'd be the "easiest" to pin down. Basically Healbots and Light cannons. Melee Clerics can use the Melee lists further down the line.
    Current specialized set (space left for generic items to complete the set left empty) is:
    • Belt: Empty
    • Boots: Spellsight 12 / Guard 3d8 / INS Spellsight 6
    • Cloak: Wisdom 6 / (Absorption 20 or NAC 6) / INS Wisdom 2
    • Gloves: Radiance 77 / (Resistance 5 or Shield Bash 9) / INS Radiance 38
    • Helm: Wizardry 112 / (Resistance 5 or Accuracy 9) / —
    • Bracers: Empty
    • Goggles: Empty
    • Necklace: Empty
    • Ring 1: (Light/Positive) Lore 11 / Sheltering 14 / INS Sheltering 6
    • Ring 2: Sacred / Eternal Faith / —

    Ring 2 increases Turn ability. A Glove can carry Silver Flame prefix for improved turning, but I couldn't find nice matching Enchantments for it, so I ditched it.
    Ring 2 holds only Nonscalable Enchantments, so crafting one and keeping it forever is enough. It can be exchanged for more useful rings on Undead-less quests.
    Boots (Spellsight), Gloves (Radiance) and Ring 1 (Lore) all increase Light damage output.
    Cloak (Wis) and optional Goggles (Evocation Focus) increase DCs. But those Goggles prevent using the generic Blindness-Immunity/True-Sight Goggles.
    Cloak and Helm increase available SP.

    For Healbots, there's an alternative take on the Gloves:
    • Gloves: Devotion 77 / Heal 12 / INS Devotion 38

    Ring 1 has two prefix options. Light Lore for Light cannons, Heal Lore for Healbots.
    Boots have a Guard Suffix. Flavor options include Spicy Flame, Cool Mint, and others.
    Cloak, Gloves and Helm have two options each for the Suffix. It should be tailored for playstyle.
    • Shield Bash and NAC for S&B toons.
    • Accuracy and NAC for other melee toons.
    • Resistance and Elemental Absorption for ranged/Healbots/Light cannons that stay away from combat.

    Cannith Server: Sergy d'Cannith (2nd life, Ftr 8)

  7. #7
    Community Member Puntos_mx's Avatar
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    Mar 2017

    Default Update 4.0.1 of Constitution and Belts

    Yay for dillidalling and changing approaches midway during development.
    For the third time.
    Anyway, I'm seeing that this thread will need to be discarded in the future, so I can rip this a little bit.

    So, first I went for for Belts for two reasons:
    1) It holds Con enhancements.
    2) It holds Deathblock enhancements.

    Constitution is also present in Bracers (non-Insightful), Necklace (where it competes with Charisma for Bards and Sorcerers), and Rings (which I'm leaving to "customize" the builds).
    Reasons to pick a Con Necklace instead a Belt would be the ammount of useful Enhancements in Belts. Namely, Dodge, Doubleshot/Doublestrike, and some Skills like Balance.
    Still, it's also thematically appropriate that the accessory you wear on the body does increase heartiness.

    Level spreads

    As Deathblock comes in Topazes at Level 12 AND Constitution getting an Insightful upgrade at 13, initial spread would be as follows:
    4, 10, 13, 18, 29
    One too many.
    Dropping Level 10 would create a 9-levels gap, and a jump from +3 to +7/+3 Con bonus.
    Increasing the level of the first item in the set to 5 would provide a base Con +4, and a slightly lesser jump to total +10 8 levels afterwards.

    • Level 5: Constitution +3 / Deathblock
    • Level 13: Constitution +7 / False Life 26 / I Constitution +3 / Topaz of Deathblock
    • Level 18: Constitution +9 / False Life 33 / I Constitution +4 / Topaz of Deathblock
    • Level 29: Constitution +13 / False Life 50 / I Constitution +6 / Topaz of Deathblock

    Now, this is requires Topazes of Deathblock, so..... yeah.


    Level 5: 110 Essences, 15 Runic Parchment, 5 Glass Phial, 15 Amber Vial, 5 Vial of Pure Water
    Upper: 385 Essences, 5 PEDF, 1 MHC, 15 Runic Parchment, 5 Glass Phial, 15 Page Torn from a Research Notebook, 5 Vial of Pure Water, 15 Ancient Text, 5 Hairy Trumpet
    Additional: Topaz of Deathblock (Lev 12) x3

    Competing Named Gear

    There is only 1 Belt that has Deathblock, so I compared all Belts with Constitution. All 33 of them.
    Comparing exclusively the Constitution bonus, only 3 of them provide an equal or better bonus:

    • 10: Plateshard Belt (Constitution 6, Fortitude 5, Incite 19/7, Yellow Slot) ~ Sunrise, Mists of Ravenloft
    • 27: Epic Belt of Thougtful Remembrance (Con 11, Deathblock VII, Resistance 11, Dodge 11, Greater Regeneration, Concentration 20) ~ Fleshmaker's Laboratory, Necropolis 4
    • 29: Legendary Plateshard Belt (Constitution 19, Fortitude 16, Incite 59/27, Yellow Slot) ~ Sunrise, Mists of Ravenloft

    Of these, the crafted item at Level 13 provides a +10 Constitution bonus, at the cost of Fortitude, Incite and the Knight set bonus.
    The Epic Belt provides a lower Con bonus (+11 vs +13 for the Lev 18 and +19 for the Lve 29), but includes Deathblock and extras, so it's a good swap.
    The Legendary item is everything the crafted item wished it was, so it's a clear winner at the same ML requirement.

    PS: Yes, this Belt can be repurposed for more savy/combaty/skillful enchantments if we move Con to the Necklace, but that semi-orphans the Deathblock Enchantment for the first Gearset.
    Last edited by Puntos_mx; 04-23-2019 at 03:24 PM.

    Cannith Server: Sergy d'Cannith (2nd life, Ftr 8)

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