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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Undead Eldritch Knights Get A Short End Of The Stick Treatment In Sharn Loot

    Edit:Complaint no longer Valid

    Prior to Sharn the best loot for the Undead Eldritch Knight builds would be the legendary cursekeeper, the legendary cursed skull, and Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings

    According to the available loot in this preview, The Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings are still THE ONLY item in the entire game that has Greater Boon Of Undeath on it. Meanwhile if you are undead..... too bad for you all armors seem to have either positive healing amplification or repair amplification on them in which means another wasted effect slot for you.

    Meanwhile if you want the light resistance, insightful light resistance, insightful nullification, and Greater boon of undeath effects you will pretty much have to equip those three pieces of gear, meanwhile once you finish equipping your character you'll find that you have multiple forms of non-stacking negative healing amplification in which means yet even more wasted effect slots and further more your wrist slot is empty and you are not feeling so satisfied with your neck slot.

    Okay, so the new Legendary Dusk Lenses goggles out-do the Pansophic Circlet in terms of providing spell power, however they take over the goggle slot in which was prior to such being occupied by a pair of Legendary Acolyte lenses in which is only one of two named items in the game that has Insightful intelligence so you lose that and there is nothing to replace it assuming you have the Clouded Dreams ring and the new Legendary Shattered Onyx Equipped........

    While the head slot item has been removed in favor of the goggle slot for purposes of spellpower, the piece that replaces the head slot that was once used for the Pansophic Circlet naturally goes to the new Legendary Arcsteel Crown. Surely your foot slot is filled by the Legendary Flightfoot Greaves so you have your reflex saves bonus from that and the will save bonus from the new helm you slotted in, but you are missing an item with fortitude saves.

    So, at this point one could ditch those three items if these two below were created and equip these two theoretical pieces along side the new cloak and ring without any real losses

    Edit:Swapped two attributes between the two item examples below

    Neck Slot Needs: Insightful Intelligence +9, Constitution 19 (Enhancement), Fortitude +17, insightful constitution +9
    Wrist Slot Needs: Greater Boon Of Undeath, , Light Resistance +78, insightful light resistance +38, Spell Penetration +7
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 04-25-2019 at 11:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Domince's Avatar
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    They didn't make gear for my SWF monk paladin fvs using war soul either!

  3. #3
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    My heavy armor inquisitive gets nada!

  4. #4
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTrolol View Post
    They didn't make gear for my SWF monk paladin fvs using war soul either!
    They shouldn't make gear tailored to multiclassing........ Dipping a bit into Pale master tree for self-healing when a fleshy going Eldritch knight is to be expected and is a common tactic while it does not require multiclassing. Also, I have my doubts that you built that kind of character, it sounds way too messy to work..........

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    They shouldn't make gear tailored to multiclassing........ Dipping a bit into Pale master tree for self-healing when a fleshy going Eldritch knight is to be expected and is a common tactic while it does not require multiclassing. Also, I have my doubts that you built that kind of character, it sounds way too messy to work..........
    It's still two different themes. Negative Energy gear is an incredibly narrow subset of gear, as it applies to a single tree in a single class. Expecting that this narrow set of gear to always be compatible with any arbitrary theme you decide to tack onto it is a bit unrealistic.

  6. #6
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    I do not think a playstyle that is (sorry) fluff based and not effective should gain anything relevant due how hard its being hit by the heal penality and damage penality from reaper.
    If they change and adress pm healing in legendary sure, but as it is now they are just a dead burden to any group, even more so if melee ek.

    It would be a waste of time for the Devolopers imho if they spent it on making those 2 items, which they could had used to improve the current ones to offer a multitude of working builds a better time and more fun.
    Ek pale is exactly like picking the 2 worst things and combining them to be even worse
    Last edited by Kebtid; 04-03-2019 at 09:23 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  7. #7
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjarki View Post
    It's still two different themes. Negative Energy gear is an incredibly narrow subset of gear, as it applies to a single tree in a single class. Expecting that this narrow set of gear to always be compatible with any arbitrary theme you decide to tack onto it is a bit unrealistic.
    Contrary, both of those pieces I described would also be useful to a regular full on pale master while one of them would be useful to artificers and Wizards in general, not to mention some rogue multi-classing builds as well therefore I already debunked your claim before you made it by tailoring the wording of what I perceived to be needed a certain way.

    Edit: Now that I swapped around two of those attributes, this is true even for full on rogues now
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 04-03-2019 at 12:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
    I do not think a playstyle that is (sorry) fluff based and not effective should gain anything relevant due how hard its being hit by the heal penality and damage penality from reaper.
    If they change and adress pm healing in legendary sure, but as it is now they are just a dead burden to any group, even more so if melee ek.

    It would be a waste of time for the Devolopers imho if they spent it on making those 2 items, which they could had used to improve the current ones to offer a multitude of working builds a better time and more fun.
    Ek pale is exactly like picking the 2 worst things and combining them to be even worse
    There is only one greater boon of undeath item in the entire game in which is the the legendary festering mummy wrappings and the pale master tree itself is still due an update. The viability of the undead pale master build is there and has been since the eldritch knight update, you do not know what you are talking about. Also the devs themselves said they weren't going to create items solely for use in reaper, they also said reaper was going to be revamped to handle some balance issues, thus you have no valid point I am seeing there. Greater boon of undeath procs every time you are hit in combat and the text from the wiki says this:

    "Undead take solace in the hate of others. Every time a character wearing a Boon of Undeath item is struck in combat, an Inflict Moderate Wounds spell will be cast on the character."

    Yes, an inflict moderate wounds, not an inflict light wounds like every other boon of undeath item in the game.

    I did a video a while ago for undead eldritch knights and if you build them right they can do low reapers fairly well, and even survive with less deaths than other players sometimes, sometimes even being the one with the very least deaths or none at all. As for DPS, this build is often 3rd place in kills in reaper but often 1st place in kills outside of reaper. This build's greatest weakness is spell point consumption in which not surprisingly is less of a problem in reaper. This isn't a first life build, this is a build to do on your second life after you've farmed the loot for it so you can switch the the endgame equips as soon as possible. Because the viability of this build can not be so dependent on set bonuses, to build for this you need pay very close attention to the combat log as to make sure little to nothing you equip has non-stacking effects on them as a decent gearset with little to no non stacking effects can be as big of a difference as having a couple of set bonuses on your gear. Ravenloft gear really is tailored to be auto-nerfed through how people are bound to equip from ravenloft loot, it draws you in with the set bonuses and the relative ease of acquisition but upon further investigation you will find that the number of non-stacking effects are more often than not greater in number than the number of effects on the set bonuses that you have going on, and then there's the attributes on the gear that you simply aren't using for your build to compound the issue, in short people are often too blinded by set bonuses to see the power they could have through building to avoid non-stacking equipment effects.

    The items I described above only include one pale master specific item, not two. Light resistance is a thing everyone can find useful at points in the game as is constitution meanwhile intelligence.... well depends how you build but intelligence to hit and damage from the harper tree is a bit popular as is actually having a good number of points to spend on skills as you level up.

    You clearly aren't test running on lamannia for Eldritch Knight gear sets, so really everything you are saying is pointless............. Eldritch knights are a thing, some people enjoy it, get over it.

  10. #10
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    Yes people enjoy them, but those items are meant for full opted characters that will be considered end gear items, a pm ek even with full gear will be incapable to contribute in content where this gear is being targeted at.

    I wasnt arguing about fun, but about the fact that in high skulls a ek melee is a waste of party slots, the scaling from imbue makes the damage on hit 0, the cleave is terrible, the hp scaling is bad, the defenses are minimal, the damage output is just not there.
    Add in the fact that you mix it with a undead form which makes it even worse, now you have a character that is incapable to be healed unless you have some super friendly clerics in party, incapable to deal damage and is incapable to instakill and cc due to picking melee feats or mixing another class to suplement lack of defenses.
    I just dont see the need to make lv 29 raid and end game items being targeted to supplement something that has no place in the game where that gear is needed.
    Does not help either that we have no destiny that is targeted on hybrids.
    If you go dreadnought your spell damage and dcs are terible, if you go magister or draconic your melee damage is even worse then bad.

    Sorry, i am voicing my opinion and i am sure most people that are checking those items in context of using them in endgame share my opinion

    So in conclusion, they should be at the short end of the stick treatment wise with their current state in the game
    Last edited by Kebtid; 04-03-2019 at 01:10 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  11. #11
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    I play a 18-2 Lich Monk. 36 pts in Pale Master, 26 in Harper, 13 in EK. So not a full EK'ed build out.........but I look twice at Wizards that are not in a pale master form if anything other than warforged.

    I don't know the percentages, but end game DC casting for holds and instakill with some EK DPS will be the draw for many/most Wizards that play regularly. Even truncated self healing demands Wraith or Lich form.

    This "nitch" merging of some level of PM and some level of EK makes up the lion share of the player base that is not warforged.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  12. #12
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    Anymore these forums become a whine fest for people that feel like “their” build is being nerfed. It gets real old.

    What is your goal in character building? Are you a min/max kind of guy? In which case I can assure you there are plenty of builds, even other than monk, that will meet this. Are you a play style guy? I can guarantee you there are still plenty of ways to build an EK that can self heal just fine. Or are looking for a good mix of both? Experiment with different builds and find out what works for you. I can assure you an open mind lends for endless possibilities.

    I used to only play certain play styles until i decided to experiment with different builds. Some meta and some just flavor. I am glad the evolution of the game has provoked me to adapt and try different builds. As a matter of fact, I feel like the only reason I have played more than a decade is because of this. For example I recently played Inquisitor on a mechanic rogue and was super impressed with the viability and it ended up being a very fun life as well. Arty has been one of my favored classes just because the versatility of doing caster/ranged/tank/DPS/trapper. I could see if you like EK play style of mixing some bard levels in to improve self healing. Or just simply going BF or WF.

    Just my two cents.

  13. #13
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    greater boon is a trap, in proper diffs u don't want to get hit

    same way vampirism on gear is a trap

    and in case u run elite, there's no need for gear upgrade, with previous one you're more than sufficient
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  14. #14
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
    Yes people enjoy them, but those items are meant for full opted characters that will be considered end gear items, a pm ek even with full gear will be incapable to contribute in content where this gear is being targeted at.

    I wasnt arguing about fun, but about the fact that in high skulls a ek melee is a waste of party slots, the scaling from imbue makes the damage on hit 0, the cleave is terrible, the hp scaling is bad, the defenses are minimal, the damage output is just not there.
    Add in the fact that you mix it with a undead form which makes it even worse, now you have a character that is incapable to be healed unless you have some super friendly clerics in party, incapable to deal damage and is incapable to instakill and cc due to picking melee feats or mixing another class to suplement lack of defenses.
    I just dont see the need to make lv 29 raid and end game items being targeted to supplement something that has no place in the game where that gear is needed.
    Does not help either that we have no destiny that is targeted on hybrids.
    If you go dreadnought your spell damage and dcs are terible, if you go magister or draconic your melee damage is even worse then bad.

    Sorry, i am voicing my opinion and i am sure most people that are checking those items in context of using them in endgame share my opinion

    So in conclusion, they should be at the short end of the stick treatment wise with their current state in the game

    And like I pointed out earlier using different words, you are speaking on the assumption that the Developers care about reaper as much as you do. The developers have said multiple times over that they are not going to build gear specifically and exclusively around usefulness in reaper mode. The developers have also stated that reaper does need re-balanced and logic will tell you they aren't about to remove the Eldritch Knight Tree or the Pale Master tree and therefore there is no logic stopping them from creating quality items for the Pale masters that can also be useful in self-healing Eldritch Knight builds, especially when you consider the differences between this game and its P&P source material.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    And like I pointed out earlier using different words, you are speaking on the assumption that the Developers care about reaper as much as you do. The developers have said multiple times over that they are not going to build gear specifically and exclusively around usefulness in reaper mode. The developers have also stated that reaper does need re-balanced and logic will tell you they aren't about to remove the Eldritch Knight Tree or the Pale Master tree and therefore there is no logic stopping them from creating quality items for the Pale masters that can also be useful in self-healing Eldritch Knight builds, especially when you consider the differences between this game and its P&P source material.
    This game with its levels, stat items, dice change, and evolution is at the spot right now where a lv 29 item from a expansion that is a good income source should try to appeal players, it will not appeal players by adding 2 items, that could be anything else for 1 build that is ineffective, that maybe 2 or 3 palyers in the community play.
    If you play that build, you arent capable of doing the content those items are made for.
    I cant explain to you, its not me personally attacking you, but i dont see any value in making those items for a build that noone (beside maybe you) plays
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  16. #16
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
    This game with its levels, stat items, dice change, and evolution is at the spot right now where a lv 29 item from a expansion that is a good income source should try to appeal players, it will not appeal players by adding 2 items, that could be anything else for 1 build that is ineffective, that maybe 2 or 3 palyers in the community play.
    If you play that build, you arent capable of doing the content those items are made for.
    I cant explain to you, its not me personally attacking you, but i dont see any value in making those items for a build that noone (beside maybe you) plays
    Adding an item or two for Pale Masters won't hurt anything and will help a build that is viable even in end game Reaper. Not sure why you're so vehemently against the idea. You don't see value in making them and that's fine, but other people can still enjoy something even if you don't want to play it.

    It would also be nice if they fixed Master of Death feat so thst the max level increase worked correctly.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    Adding an item or two for Pale Masters won't hurt anything and will help a build that is viable even in end game Reaper. Not sure why you're so vehemently against the idea. You don't see value in making them and that's fine, but other people can still enjoy something even if you don't want to play it.

    It would also be nice if they fixed Master of Death feat so thst the max level increase worked correctly.
    Its not that im against it, its more that the update does not introduce a solution to pm selfhealing in reaper, i am not against a item that will help pales to benefit from heals, i mean if they added some kind item that allowed positive energy to heal you with 25% of its potency, that would be 100 times better then to create 2 specific items for melee pale masters.

    I can offer advice for a palemaster selfheal idea, but i am strongly against using devs time to create items made for ek melee pmasters, those builds just dont work.
    As i explained, that playstyle lacks a direction, proper trees, proper scaling from the clas it would use as base, proper destiny, it just does not work as it is in this game.
    And most important, given what level range and where the item would drop, it offers absolutely no reason for such builds to partake in that content.

    For palemastere, sure, i would love pmasters to come back as masters of death again and to dominate kill counts, i am not against that, but a ek pm, no, just no, the game system needs to vastly be changed for those builds to be in any kind of good spot.
    As it is, they are ok elite and below builds, and you dont really need that gear to make them work there (maybe low skulls before you get a huge hit to eng burst selfheal)

    This thread to me is the same as if i asked developers to create a item for my dart throwing fsoul bard artificier halfling..
    Last edited by Kebtid; 04-03-2019 at 11:08 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  18. #18
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    You guys joke, by this is basically 90% of the loot thread except for more popular builds. “Hold my hand and give me the perfect items for my build because I don’t like to make choices or think analytically.”

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
    Add in the fact that you mix it with a undead form which makes it even worse, now you have a character that is incapable to be healed unless you have some super friendly clerics in party,
    im sorry to have to point this out but the quote above is a lie. anyone that can cast a heal scroll can also
    cast a harm scroll and these can be obtained from the mysterious remnant person.

    now if only people could be persuaded to carry a 100 harm scrolls around each life then this wouldnt be a
    problem. they dont even cost that much but alas people are just too lazy.

    your friend sil

  20. #20
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
    I can offer advice for a palemaster selfheal idea, but i am strongly against using devs time to create items made for ek melee pmasters, those builds just dont work.
    As i explained, that playstyle lacks a direction, proper trees, proper scaling from the clas it would use as base, proper destiny, it just does not work as it is in this game.
    That's factually incorrect, but I don't think anyone is going to be able to convince you of that since you think that "Kebtid can't do it = it can't be done." I can't survive in R3+ on a Pale Master either, but I've seen other people do it and the build definitely works. You need a bajillion Negative spell power, but you can definitely get a bajillion negative spell power.
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