Edit:Complaint no longer Valid
Prior to Sharn the best loot for the Undead Eldritch Knight builds would be the legendary cursekeeper, the legendary cursed skull, and Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings
According to the available loot in this preview, The Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings are still THE ONLY item in the entire game that has Greater Boon Of Undeath on it. Meanwhile if you are undead..... too bad for you all armors seem to have either positive healing amplification or repair amplification on them in which means another wasted effect slot for you.
Meanwhile if you want the light resistance, insightful light resistance, insightful nullification, and Greater boon of undeath effects you will pretty much have to equip those three pieces of gear, meanwhile once you finish equipping your character you'll find that you have multiple forms of non-stacking negative healing amplification in which means yet even more wasted effect slots and further more your wrist slot is empty and you are not feeling so satisfied with your neck slot.
Okay, so the new Legendary Dusk Lenses goggles out-do the Pansophic Circlet in terms of providing spell power, however they take over the goggle slot in which was prior to such being occupied by a pair of Legendary Acolyte lenses in which is only one of two named items in the game that has Insightful intelligence so you lose that and there is nothing to replace it assuming you have the Clouded Dreams ring and the new Legendary Shattered Onyx Equipped........
While the head slot item has been removed in favor of the goggle slot for purposes of spellpower, the piece that replaces the head slot that was once used for the Pansophic Circlet naturally goes to the new Legendary Arcsteel Crown. Surely your foot slot is filled by the Legendary Flightfoot Greaves so you have your reflex saves bonus from that and the will save bonus from the new helm you slotted in, but you are missing an item with fortitude saves.
So, at this point one could ditch those three items if these two below were created and equip these two theoretical pieces along side the new cloak and ring without any real losses
Edit:Swapped two attributes between the two item examples below
Neck Slot Needs: Insightful Intelligence +9, Constitution 19 (Enhancement), Fortitude +17, insightful constitution +9
Wrist Slot Needs: Greater Boon Of Undeath, , Light Resistance +78, insightful light resistance +38, Spell Penetration +7