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  1. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Well, ideally, these aren't a joke, they're just weird and niche. There are both raid and non-raid alternatives, so worst case scenario you aren't actually penalized at all for not using them.
    Despite all the snarky and harsh reviews, I think the idea is awesome.

    Weird and unique items are HANDS DOWN the best thing about DDO's itemization. MMOs are woefully stagnant and boring with ilvls and all that scaling, boring nonsense.

    Those weird two-handed dual wielding one handed sickle things in DDO? Amazing, interesting, curious. Love it. I imagine some of the forum folks want easy choices, they want obvious, hands down upgrades to just slap on and forget. But that's boring.

    I say bring on the niche and weird, please. It's the biggest selling point for DDO, having to actually make choices, having to think about what you wear, where, and why.

  2. #342
    Uber Completionist kain741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taurnish View Post
    I think this needs to be improved as well. Protection from evil could remain for the user but how about a Magic Circle Against Evil clickie? Maybe 1 charge for lvl 15 and 3 charges for lvl 29?
    This would fit with the theme of a paladin/divine often being the protector of others.
    I'm not sure this clickie would really add anything. Recent clickies they've added recently are for harder to get self buffs (mass DW) or UMD buffs(shield). Protection from evil pots can be purchases for plat in tent in marketplace so there's not a lot need based on lack of access. That said the belt could use a little more juice like maybe recharge rate on smites or something.
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  3. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by kain741 View Post
    What is this made of? Will bears be able to wield the tanking set this go around?
    I am sorry in advance, but I am going to be 100% honest here - this armor does not visibly look like it's made of anything else except metal. I do not know how I could realistically swing this.
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  4. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I am sorry in advance, but I am going to be 100% honest here - this armor does not visibly look like it's made of anything else except metal. I do not know how I could realistically swing this.
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  5. #345
    Uber Completionist kain741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I am sorry in advance, but I am going to be 100% honest here - this armor does not visibly look like it's made of anything else except metal. I do not know how I could realistically swing this.
    I expected as much. Moving forward I would say creativity and variety in the tank arena is hampered by these kind of limitation when one of the main 4 tanking trees is made irrelevant before the gear is released. I'm not sure the fix but I've had so many bear build ideas that I had to flush the last 2 years because it couldn't come close to the "standard" tank archetype due to set requirements. It would be nice after the release of the new NP tree that we could get a little new blood flowing for tank options.
    Whynnd | Xantroos | Cyridven | Justys

  6. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I am sorry in advance, but I am going to be 100% honest here - this armor does not visibly look like it's made of anything else except metal. I do not know how I could realistically swing this.
    Bronzewood is a special material that can be shaped and sharpened like steel. It's even Eberron specific I think.

    It still might not fit the look, but keep this material in mind when designing armor please.

  7. #347
    Community Member Arriene's Avatar
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    Okay, so, first things first, I haven't read all the feedback/responses, so some of these points might be repeated, or already shot down. I also haven't had much time to get onto Lam itself, so this is based off what I can see in this thread. That said, in no particular order:

    -Doublestrike. All non-weapon sources of doublestrike are on gloves (or take up the gloves slot) and there aren't any sources of insightful doublestrike. I'd really like to see more endgame options for doublestrike, since at the minute if you're using other gloves (for example, the Staggershockers), you get to choose between Cannith Crafting, Mantle of Fury, or items that give less than 10%. Doubleshot, on the other hand, can choose between goggles, boots, helmets, a belt, a trinket, even a quiver, and now a pair of bracers. More options for insightful doublestrike would also be nice, but there are a few options there, at least.

    -Parrying. Everyone was getting this from Ravenloft armours. If we're going to move to the new sets, losing this is a big hit, so more options to get parrying would be very nice (especially since the 1 parrying item at current is a pair of bracers, which conflicts with the Lore-Fueled Packbanner - the go-to item for insightful doublestrike at current)

    -Raid Weapons. Caster quarterstaff is going to need to be something special to be worth giving up 2 slots for. Twilight was, maybe this will be. Hard to say without numbers. Hallowed Splinters is nice for divine inquisitives, but keep in mind that this is currently our only endgame raid level weapon for an inquisitive. Swashbucklers can't use it, and everyone who can't cast prayer is missing out on one of the effects, which doesn't feel great. On top of that, its bonus effect is only useful against undead. A raid level light crossbow, ideally with Fetters, would provide a good general purpose choice for all inquisitives that doesn't lose half of its effects in most situations. Sure, there's Nightshade Shooter, but it's not raid level, and half its effects are poison based, so good luck against things with immunity. It would be nice to see the scimitar changed to a different weapon type (though I don't really know what), if only because Nightshard is already an extremely good raid level choice there, and this will give them a second one. Likewise, we already have Fate as a raid level throwing dagger. Are throwing daggers really that popular that we need a second one? The Kukri is nice, but I'm not sure how much use it will ever see, given VKF makes daggers much more attractive.

    -Family's Blessing. Would be nice to see the assassinate bonus changed to quality, or replaced with something else, since Ring of the Silver Tongue is already a really nice raid level assassinate item. I'm also not sure how I feel about the insightful armour piercing, since people who use assassinate bonuses usually have very high fortification bypass already.

    -Accuracy. This effect is practically key for a melee. Ranged get easy access through their set, monks have a very nice belt that also gives reinforced fists, then there's a helmet (already a contested slot, and it gives deadly which conflicts with the melee DPS set necklaces) or a ring (again, a contested slot) with stunning, and social skills. Ring of Prowess is probably going to keep this slot unless you really want the stunning.

    -Saves. I'm seeing 1 item that boosts fort saves, 1 for reflex, and 1 for will (which is insight typed). 2 of these are parts of sets, and the third is a caster item. That really isn't many, at all, given how important these effects are.

    -Sets. I like that there's an option of every type for the melee DPS set. Other sets not having similar options is less fun. A medium armour choice in the ranged set for artificers would be nice, as would any armour choices in the Esoteric Influence set, although I suppose that lessens the value of the MRR cap increase.

    -Spellpower. No acid spellpower item, no force spellpower item. There's also a lot of base spell lore. Ravenloft belts already give this, and are probably going to be most casters that are pushing their spellpower.

    With all of that said, there are a lot of good things in the loot too. I'm loving the artwork. I love the fact that we're getting some items with unique effects to play around with, and seeing more things like this would be amazing. I'm not sure how I feel about loot being stronger than Ravenloft/recent updates, but I understand the reasoning for it, and it's not so much stronger that previous items feel obsolete. Keeping my fingers crossed for round 2 of Lam, where hopefully I'll have more time to play with things and get a better feel for it all.

  8. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by kain741 View Post
    It would be nice after the release of the new NP tree that we could get a little new blood flowing for tank options.
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  9. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by GramercyRiff View Post
    What about on ir'Kesslan's Shattered Lens instead of the quality potency?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Good idea, I'll switch it up. Thanks!
    Sorry, I'm not sure how to multi-quote. I'm still pretty new around here, but I want to advocate for more Improved Deception as was done by others. There are very few options in-game to slot it effectively, and its really critical for us rogue soloists. The very good suggestion above was made for the artifact, and there was mention of it being added to the Amethyst Ring earlier in the thread. I really hope that the effect does find its way into at least 1 or 2 'roguey' items.

    Thanks for listening.
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  10. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arriene View Post
    -Parrying. Everyone was getting this from Ravenloft armours.
    I have thrown it on a few new places. I know losing it from the armor slot is rough, so hopefully the new sources help close the gap. Worst case I can keep shuffling stuff around until Parrying fits on the armors themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arriene View Post
    -Raid Weapons.
    These needed the most help out of all of the items in this Xpack. I have thrown a lot more special sauce onto them and I hope you guys like the second look.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arriene View Post
    -Family's Blessing. Would be nice to see the assassinate bonus changed to quality
    Already done but I didn't post about this - I completely agree.
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  11. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0ldschool View Post
    there was mention of it being added to the Amethyst Ring earlier in the thread.
    I believe that made it in.
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  12. #352
    Community Member Akoriv's Avatar
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    Family Recruit Sigil Necklace
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • True Seeing
    • Armor Piercing +12/+33
    • Deadly ???/???
    • Relentless Fury
    Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Assassinate +10
    • Insightful Armor Piercing +17%
    • Deception 18 (+27 dmg)
    • Deadly +17

    You had said that you want the raid neck to fit a specific niche, obviously Assination.

    How about making the other neck cover melee C/C.
    This set is designer for all classes of melee, and most melee will go with either a Stun or Trip to have at least something that does C/C.
    If you put Combat Mastery on the non-raid neck in place of True Seeing.
    Whether you do go with Stun or Trip, this would work for any melee class' method of C/C.

  13. #353
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Wait, do I? Do I really? Because, seriously, I don't. If you guys think they're not worth the tradeoff, I'll make them stronger - that's what I've been saying this whole time. These aren't the final notes - we even still have a whole Preview to go! The whole point of these previews is to solicit feedback.

    If you have concrete, constructive feedback or suggestions, please let me know so I can do additional work to help make them worth the tradeoff!
    We appreciate your input, and we hope that you understand why monk players are responding the way they are.

    Seeing as the wraps would make us give up potential 4 effects and any of the set bonus which include glove slots, they really do need to be pretty special.

    How about something similar to LGS's debuff effects, temp & cumulative hp proc on hit (platnum skin, +5/+15 abblative hp per hit player lands on mob which stacks up to level of item), a molten platnum proc on hit (mimic sticky effect), etc

    Also, you had commented about having it fit thematically with punching people in the face - monks kick as well, so how about a set of boots and also give it a set bonus?

    Edit - also, would there be any way to say take the graphic off the head of a light mace, and have it appear in the hands/fist of a wraps user? Which is linked to equipings wraps.

    Could doing that be a way to show weapon effects for wraps? (Good, law etc?)
    Last edited by voxson5; 04-04-2019 at 03:18 PM.

  14. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akoriv View Post
    If you put Combat Mastery on the non-raid neck in place of True Seeing.
    If I do that I would want to find a place to put True Seeing somewhere else in the pack.
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  15. #355
    Community Member Akoriv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arriene View Post
    -Parrying. Everyone was getting this from Ravenloft armours. If we're going to move to the new sets, losing this is a big hit, so more options to get parrying would be very nice (especially since the 1 parrying item at current is a pair of bracers, which conflicts with the Lore-Fueled Packbanner - the go-to item for insightful doublestrike at current)
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I have thrown it on a few new places. I know losing it from the armor slot is rough, so hopefully the new sources help close the gap. Worst case I can keep shuffling stuff around until Parrying fits on the armors themselves.

    No you did not. It is ONLY on the tank set bracers.

    How about you put it here instead of Threat Reduction

    Hammerfist Gloves
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    • Doublestrike +9/+23
    • Threat Reduction +25/+62
    • Seeker +8/+21
    • Insightful Deadly ???/???

    If you have a real tank, you won't need the threat reduction. The tank will have high Intimidate.
    These are the only gloves in the set and the Threat Reduction on these gloves will make avoidance tanking as a light / cloth melee a royal pain in the ass.

  16. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    If I do that I would want to find a place to put True Seeing somewhere else in the pack.
    Having True Seeing and Ethereal or Ghostly on a single item ring or goggles, maybe, would be a nice option.

  17. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akoriv View Post
    No you did not. It is ONLY on the tank set bracers.
    I don't go back and edit our preview posts, fyi. My internal notes are drastically different from the OP. I tend to leave up the originals so people can draw their own original conclusions. You'll see the new stuff when Preview 2 happens.
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  18. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I don't go back and edit our preview posts, fyi. My internal notes are drastically different from the OP. I tend to leave up the originals so people can draw their own original conclusions. You'll see the new stuff when Preview 2 happens.
    Okay, I'll look at priview 2.
    That does not change the Threat Reduction issue.
    With a real tank it is completely pointless.
    Without a real tank is somewhere between a stumbling block and kick to the nuts.

  19. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akoriv View Post
    Having True Seeing and Ethereal or Ghostly on a single item ring or goggles, maybe, would be a nice option.
    The artifact goggles would be a nice fit aka ir'Kesslan's Shattered Lens. I guess I'm now obsessed with this item lol.

    Pick four from Dex, Improved Deception, Ghostly/Ethereal, True Seeing, Dodge. Pretty cool item. Powerful and tastes good too. Clearly I'm biased toward Improved Deception for the record. I actually lean on cutting Dex but I don't rate physical stats that highly.

  20. #360
    Master Rogue of Argonnessen Equatis's Avatar
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    I would like to see Quality Assassination added in somewhere, currently there is no Quality Assassination items in the game at all and it just seems there should be.

    Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
    Minimum Level: 29
    •Assassinate +10
    •Insightful Armor Piercing +17%
    •Deception 18 (+27 dmg)
    •Deadly +17

    This item is good as is, But Quality Assassination +3 or +4 instead of the Deadly +17 which can be found on other gear ? Even just a Quality Assassinate +2 would be more useful since this does seem an assassin themed item.
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